sine qua non是一个拉丁语术语,相关的中文表达是“無之則不然”,指不可或缺的前提和条件。(参考《元照英美法词典》)。
causa sine qua non 不可缺少的原因;必要原因
conditio sine qua non 不可缺少的条件
Sine qua non (/ˌsaɪni kweɪ ˈnɒn, ˌsɪni kwɑː ˈnoʊn/, Latin: [ˈsɪnɛ kʷaː ˈnoːn]) or condicio sine qua non (plural: condiciones sine quibus non) is an indispensable and essential action, condition, or ingredient. It was originally a Latin legal term for "[a condition] without which it could not be", "but for...", or "without which [there is] nothing." Also, "sine qua non causation" is the formal terminology for "but-for causation."
The key asset of any international organization is its staff; therefore, strengthening the language skills of staff is a sine qua non condition for reinforcing the multilingual identity of any organization.
Several trade-related policy interventions were identified in the paper cited above, which include creating an enabling environment in CDDCs and LDCs as the sine qua non for all the other inputs and services to work so that these countries are able to avoid market failure, attract foreign and local investment, improve supply-side capacity and competitiveness, and access international markets.
上述文件中提出了一些贸易政策干预措施,包括在依赖初级商品的发展中 经济体和最不发达国家创造有利环境,而这是所有其他投入和服务起作用的 必要 条件,是为了让这些国家能够避免市场失灵,吸引外国和本地投资,提高供方能力及竞争力,并进入国际市场。
转载自:旗渡译问网站 作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海资讯定制)
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