





we're now standing on the precipice of a global revolutionof politics, economics, and governmentwelcome to the blockchainpower corrupts and money is powerthe power to control the money is one that is nowin the hands of those who pretend we can't function without themso how can we do something about it? (huh?)working hard to get a raise, lifting that wage upinflation takes it like a hidden taxationmanipulated interest rates to give the banksa way to create money with the loans that they're giving out dailythat means our money is debtgotta pay it back more than a hundred percentit's no wonder then why the middle class is going underwhen the one's above them gotta cover and come to collectand many have no access to banking,making payments, or saving, so more fees are takenand everyday the gatekeepers are trying to stop changewe can not wait, welcome to the block chainwelcome to the blockchainthings are about to changeopen up the gatessystems get replacedbitcoindecentralize the trustsecurity, transparencythe network's run by usbitcoinbitcoin is a decentralized ledgerand the currency is its first enterprise eversecured by the worldwide incentivized networkcan't be stolen or controlled by any sized effortyou can send it anywhere and instantlyno one can intervene, no third party in betweenthere's no counterfeitingalgorithms control the outer limits of how many coins can get releasedprogrammable money, no government can seize itpayments can be customized by sender and receivercontracts can be written cementing your agreementswith terms that can't be bent once you consent then it completes itautonomous businesses are possiblewhere profit is distributed amongst those adopting itparadigm shift we must adjust to the endingwith the blockchain, bitcoin is just the beginningwelcome to the blockchainthings are about to changeopen up the gatessystems get replacedbitcoindecentralize the trustsecurity, transparencythe network's run by usbitcoinnow that we got controlwe're not gonna let it gomy people all around the globewe gotta keep building, building, buildingnow that we got controlwe're not gonna let it gomy people all around the globewe gotta keep building, building, buildingwelcome to the blockchainthings are about to changeopen up the gatessystems get replacedbitcoindecentralize the trustsecurity, transparencythe network's run by usbitcoin


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