






On November 12, 2018, Canadian well-known medical technology company led a team of scientists to visit Shenzhen E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) to inspect AI+ medical innovation projects and negotiate strategic cooperation in major scientific and technological innovation projects. Academician Yao Yudong, Chief AI research scientist of E-Techco Group, Mr. Wang Hairong, Vice President and MD, Dr. Gao Weiming, Chief Engineer and General Manager of Investment Department, Mr. Ren Wendong, Deputy General Manager of Investment Department, Mr. Fu Wenzheng, Senior Sales Manager of the Solution Department accompanied the whole team to inspect and listened carefully to the on-site guidance of the delegation.

The delegation visited E-Techco Group's cultural profile, honor wall and technology center. Through on-the-spot inspection, listening to reports, talking with our staff, they had a detailed understanding of our company's intellectual property strength, scientific and technological innovation qualifications, as well as our latest research results in the field of smart healthcare. They also highly praised the results of the innovation and research and development of E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck).

At the seminar, the two sides exchanged their technical expertise in the medical field based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and conducted in-depth discussions on future cooperation. Dr. Gao Weiming, Chief Engineer and General Manager of E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) Investment Department introduced our company's development history, technological innovation, and investment plan in the field of “Wise medical +Wise Healthcare + Wise Pension + AI” to the Scientist delegation. He reported on E-Techco's business development in the fields of AI medical care, smart retirement, chronic disease intervention, tumor screening, and medical big data mining in detail. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on future investment planning, project expansion and integration of industry chain resources in the health industry.

The delegation fully affirmed E-Techco's achievements in the field of wise healthcare for years of scientific and technological innovation. They appreciated the business development and innovative exploration of E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck) in chronic disease management, medical care and artificial intelligence. At the same time, The delegation also put forward constructive and valuable opinions on the planning and investment of E-Techco Group in the medical artificial intelligence market, the mining and innovation of medical big data and precision medicine.

Dr. Gao Weiming, Chief Engineer and General Manager of Investment Departmentexpressed his gratitude to the guidance and support of the Canadian AI Medical Imaging Scientists Delegation. The two sides have a very broad investment planning and resource integration in building a comprehensive health management industry chain in the field of health. Cooperation space. We hope that the two sides can strengthen in-depth cooperation in "Wise Medical + Wise Health + Wise Pension + AI", and contribute continuously to improve the health care level of the whole world!

  • 发表于:
  • 原文链接https://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20181112A1LDCG00?refer=cp_1026
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