










为了追求一种方法,用研究人员的话说,“[使其成为一个系统学习运动技能的可行性”而无需模拟训练],他们选择了一种称为“最大熵RL”的强化学习框架(RL)。最大熵RL优化学习策略以最大化预期回报和预期熵,或者正在处理的数据中的随机性度量。在RL中,AI代理通过从策略中采样动作并接收奖励,不断寻找最佳的行动路径 ——也就是说,状态和行动的轨迹。最大熵RL激励政策更广泛地探索; 参数 (比如说温度)确定熵对奖励的相对重要性,从而确定其随机性。




他们开发了一个管道,包括(1)计算机工作站,更新神经网络,从Minitaur下载数据,并上传最新政策; (2)机器人上的Nvidia Jetson TX2执行上述策略,收集数据,并通过以太网将数据上传到工作站。经过两个小时的160,000步后,一个奖励前进速度和惩罚“大角加速度”和俯仰角的算法,他们成功地训练Minitaur在平坦的地形上行走,在木块等障碍物上行走,以及上坡和台阶。



This AI teaches robots how to walk

Artificially intelligent (AI) systems have imbued robots with the ability tograsp and manipulate objectswithhumanlike dexterity, and now, researchers say they’ve developed an algorithm through which machines might learn to walk on their own. In a preprint paper published on Arxiv.org (“Learning to Walk via Deep Reinforcement Learning“), scientists from the University of California, Berkeley and Google Brain, one of Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) research divisions, describe an AI system that “taught” a quadrupedal robot to traverse terrain both familiar and unfamiliar.

“Deep reinforcement learning can be used to automate the acquisition of controllers for a range of robotic tasks, enabling end-to-end learning of policies that map sensory inputs to low-level actions,” the paper’s authors explain. “If we can learn locomotion gaits from scratch directly in the real world, we can in principle acquire controllers that are ideally adapted to each robot and even to individual terrains, potentially achieving better agility, energy efficiency, and robustness.”

The design challenge was twofold. Reinforcement learning — an AI training technique that uses rewards or punishments to drive agents toward goals — requires lots of data, in some cases tens of thousands of samples, to achieve good results. And fine-tuning a robotic system’s hyperparameters — i.e., the parameters that determine its structure — usually necessitates multiple training runs, which can damage legged robots over time.

“Deep reinforcement learning has been used extensively to learn locomotion policies in simulation, and even transfer them to real-world robots, but this inevitably incurs some loss of performance due to discrepancies in the simulation, and requires extensive manual modeling,” the paper’s authors point out. “Using such algorithms … in the real world has proven challenging.”

In pursuit of a method that would, in the researchers’ words, “[make it] feasible for a system to learn locomotion skills” without simulated training, they tapped a framework of reinforcement learning (RL) known as “maximum entropy RL.” Maximum entropy RL optimizes learning policies to maximize both the expected return and expected entropy, or the measure of randomness in the data being processed. In RL, AI agents continuously search for an optimal path of actions — that is to say, a trajectory of states and actions — by sampling actions from policies and receiving rewards. Maximum entropy RL incentivizes policies to explore more widely; a parameter — say, temperature — determines the relative importance of entropy against the reward, and therefore its randomness.

It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows — at least not at first. Because the trade-off between entropy and the reward is directly affected by the scale of the reward function, which in turn affects the learning rate, the scaling factor normally has to be tuned per environment. The researchers’ solution was to automate the temperature and reward scale adjustment, in part by alternating between two phases: a data collection phase and an optimization phase.

The results spoke for themselves. In experiments in OpenAI’s Gym, an open source simulated environment for training and testing AI agents, the authors’ model achieved “practically identical” or better performance compared to the baseline across four continuous locomotion tasks (HalfCheetah, Ant, Walker, and Minitaur).

And in a second, real-world test, the researchers applied their model to a four-legged Minitaur, a robot with eight actuators, motor encoders that measure motor angles, and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) that measures orientation and angular velocity.

They developed a pipeline consisting of (1) a computer workstation that updated the neural networks, downloaded data from the Minitaur, and uploaded the latest policy; and (2) an Nvidia Jetson TX2 onboard the robot that executed said policy, collected data, and uploaded the data to the workstation via Ethernet. After 160,000 steps over two hours with an algorithm that rewarded forward velocity and penalized “large angular accelerations” and pitch angles, they successfully trained the Minitaur to walk on flat terrain, over obstacles like wooden blocks, and up slopes and steps — none of which were present at training time.

“To our knowledge, this experiment is the first example of a deep reinforcement learning algorithm learning underactuated quadrupedal locomotion directly in the real world without any simulation or pretraining,” the researchers wrote.







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