
一周要闻 苹果股价飙升 波音首次年度亏损


The world this week




The problems mounted at Boeing, as it more than doubled the cost it expects to incur from the grounding of the 737 max airliner, to $18.6bn. The aerospace company reported a net loss of $636m for 2019, its first annual loss in 22 years. The amount of debt it holds is ratcheting up. And it is cutting production of the Dreamliner. To cap it all, Boeing took a $410m charge in the fourth quarter because its Starliner unmanned spacecraft failed to dock with the International Space Station on its maiden voyage.

波音公司面临的问题越来越多,因为该公司预计,停飞波音737 max客机的成本将增加一倍以上,达到186亿美元。该航空公司报告称,2019年净亏损6.36亿美元,这是22年来首次出现年度亏损。它持有的债务数额正在逐步增加。该公司还削减了the Dreamliner机型的产量。最糟糕的是,波音在第四季度收取了4.1亿美元的费用,原因是其“Starliner”无人驾驶宇宙飞船在首航时未能与国际空间站对接。

By contrast, Apple reported record quarterly sales and profit figures. Revenue was up by 9% in the last three months of 2019 compared with the same quarter a year earlier, to $91.8bn. That generated a net profit of $22.2bn. Sales of the iPhone rebounded after several quarters of moribund growth; Apple is expected to release its first 5g phones later this year. The company’s share price jumped, pushing its market capitalisation above $1.4trn.


Along with many other companies, Apple warned about the potential impact of the coronavirus on its business. It has mitigation plans to counter the loss of production from its suppliers in Wuhan, the centre of the virus, but is uncertain about its supply from elsewhere in China. Foxconn, which assembles most of Apple’s iPhones in China, saw its share price plunge.


Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, said that the spreading coronavirus would probably cause “some disruption” to the global economy, but that it was unclear how far that would extend. The Fed left its benchmark interest rate unchanged at a range of between 1.5% and 1.75%.

美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)表示,不断蔓延的冠状病毒疫情可能会对全球经济造成“一些破坏”,但目前尚不清楚这种影响会持续到何种程度。美联储将基准利率维持在1.5%至1.75%的区间不变。

The Japanese government sent a strong signal that it remains committed to its programme of quantitative-easing and negative interest rates by nominating Adachi Seiji to the policy board of the Bank of Japan. Mr Adachi is an ardent reflationist, who wants to ease monetary policy even further in order to achieve the central bank’s 2% inflation target. But as in other countries, the financial industry is becoming louder in pointing out the drawbacks to its business of long-term negative rates.

日本政府提名Adachi Seiji为日本央行(Bank of Japan)政策委员会成员,此举释放出一个强烈的信号,表明日本政府仍致力于其量化宽松和负利率计划。Adachi是一位狂热的通货再膨胀论者,他希望进一步放松货币政策,以实现央行设定的2%通胀目标。但与其他的国家一样,金融业越来越大声地指出长期负利率对其业务的不利之处。

McDonald’s said that like-for-like sales rose by 5.9% last year, the biggest such jump in a decade. The fast-food chain has revamped its menu and outlets, and has benefited from being included on a growing number of food-delivery apps.



1. pointing out 指出

Both responded, pointing out some of the problems associated with aid.


2. in a decade 十年之内

Such parties have well over doubled their MPs around western Europe in a decade.


3. global economy 全球经济

France would embrace the new global economy rather than fretting about it.


4. a growing number of 增长的

Now, a growing number of students are abandoning the tradition - for reasons big and small.


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