






苹果公司刚发布新品Iphone SE,从出人意料的方向,扣人心弦。但依旧保持极简设计风格的一贯性。

Apple has just released its new Iphone SE and it's going to surprising and exciting customers from unknow direction. But still maintain the consistency of minimalist design style.

而在1976 年,苹果电脑公司推出的首款产品 Apple I ,售价仅666美元。木制的外壳如今看来像极了手工打字机,这台机器仅生产了两百台。即使有革命型的创新,如果沿袭其复古的风格外观,也许就没有今天影响我们整个时代苹果公司。

In 1976, Apple's first product, the Apple I, only saled $666 each. The wooden casings look a lot like manual typewriters, and only 200 pieces were made. Even revolutionary innovations, with their retro look, might not have influenced our entire era.

Apple I

在相思木里的Apple I

Apple I in acacia mangium

一次无巧不成书的偶遇成就了苹果电脑的第二代。1982年,通过“白雪公主”的项目得到了乔布斯的赏识。设计了Apple II,创造了苹果式的设计语言,让苹果产品在视觉上产生了高度的识别性。他就是鲜为人道的苹果早期产品的缔造者-艾斯林格·哈特穆特。据《乔布斯传》的描述,乔布斯亲自飞到艾斯林格所在的德国黑森林地区与他会面;而艾斯林格“开着奔驰以超过 100 英里的时速狂奔的勇猛精神”也促成双方握手达成一致的协议,那次握手开启了工业设计史上最为决定性的一次合作。

A fortuitous encounter led to apple's second generation. In 1982, by caughtJobs'eye with the "Snow White" project.Designed the Apple II, creating an apple-style design language that made Apple products visually highly recognizable.Esslinger Hartmut, the creator of the early apple products that were rarely humane. According to 《Steve Jobs》, Jobs flew to the black forest of Germany to meet him. Esslinger's "fierce spirit of running a Mercedes at more than 100 miles an hour" prompt both of them handshake that led to one of the most decisive collaborations in the history of industrial design.

合作期间,艾斯林格为苹果创造了一套让人为之疯迷,名为Snow White Design Language的设计语言,白雪公主设计语言的基本风格就是简洁。而搭载着他设计基因的Apple llc 发布之后,首周就卖出了 5000 多台。也造就了AppleII系列的普及,奠定了最先出现且最成功的个人电脑的历史地位。

Esslinger created a set called Snow White Design Language, the basic style of Snow White Design Language is simple which made people fascinated. Apple IIC, which carries his design genes, sold more than 5,000 units in the first week after its launch. It also pormoted the popularity of the AppleII series, which established itself as the first and most successful personal computer in history.

Apple IIC

行文至此,大家也许能明白为什么苹果的铁杆用户是设计师呢?因为设计师的心,设计师最懂!“教会乔布斯计算机”的人是斯蒂夫·盖瑞·沃兹尼亚克,而 “教会乔布斯设计”的人,是当今世界最负盛名和最成功的工业设计师之一的哈特穆特·艾斯格林。

At this point, you might understand why apple's hardcore users are designers. Because designer know better than others! The man who "taught jobs to computer" was Steve Wozniak, and the man who "taught jobs to design" was hartmut Esslinger, who is one of the most famous and successful industrial designers in the world today.

我们把时间线拉回1969年,那还是一个就读于德国施韦比施格明德设计学院的德国少年。并创建了艾斯林格设计事务所——青蛙的前身。在一间租来房屋的车库里,迸发的创想System 3000的样品,出现在1971年的柏林消费电子展上,接踵而至的工作让青蛙公司开始腾飞。为什么采用一只绿色青蛙作为标志?艾斯林格骄傲地解释:不仅因为发源地德国南部山林地区有很多青蛙,而且还因为这个单词隐藏了国家的名字(the (F)edal (R)epublic (O)f (G)ermany)。青蛙的寓意激励着艾斯林格雄心勃勃地宣称,他们是“德国全球设计品牌的新面孔”。

Let's take the timeline back to 1969, when a German teenager was studying at the schwepp-gemming institute of design in Germany. He founded Eesslinger Design, the predecessor of Frog Design. A prototype of the System 3000 came out of the garage which is belonges to a rented house, show up at the 1971 consumer electronics show in Berlin. Why named frog? Esslinger explained proudly that not only were there many frogs in the mountains of southern Germany,but also it's short name of the country (the (F) edal (R) epublic (O) F (G) ermany. The symbolism of the Frog excites esslinger's ambitious claim that they are "the new face of German global design brand".


Forg logo


It is clear that esslinger's ambition in life was to surpass his idol dieter Ames, of whom let me repeat, in ten words, the greatest design ideas of the last century. The video on dieter Ames is being compiled and will be detailed in the next article.


Fortunately, we still live in the same world as the great Esslinger, andwith video media as the carrier, he did not hide his attitude, widely spread on the Internet. I subtitled and share it with you below.



Trust youself


Form follows emotion


Make models


Think outside the screen


Go above beyond


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