

polygraph /ˈpɒliɡrɑːf; ˈpɒliɡræf/  n. 测谎器

We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day, and we spent much of our history coming up with ways to detect them, from medieval torture devices to polygraphs, blood-pressure and breathing monitors,voice-stress analyzers, eye trackers, infrared brain scanners. 我们每天能听见100到200个谎言,又花了很长时间来辨别它们。从中世纪的刑具到测谎仪,血压、呼吸频率、语音应力分析仪、眼动仪、红外大脑扫描仪。

be admissible/ədˈmɪsəbl/in court 被法庭接受

work under certain circumstances 在某些情况下能够起作用

But although such tools have worked under certain circumstances, most can be fooledwith enough preparation, and none are considered reliable enough to even be admissible in court. 这些工具在某些情况下能够起作用,但准备充分还是能骗过其中大多数,并且它们都没有可靠到能被法庭接受。

spurs physiological /ˌfɪziəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ changes 引发生理变化

But, what if the problemis not with the techniques, but the underlying assumption that lying spurs physiological changes?


on a psychological level 从心理学角度

paint a better picture of ourselves 营造更好的自己

connect our fantasies to the person we wish we were  让我们成为自己幻想中的样子

On a psychological level, we lie partly to paint a better picture of ourselves, connecting our fantasies to the person we wish we were rather than the person we are. 从心理学角度,说谎部分是因为想营造更好的自己,让我们成为自己幻想中的样子,而不是本来的模样。

occurs beyond our awareness 不被我们察觉

Our conscious mind only controls about 5% of our cognitive function, including communication, while the other 95% occurs beyond our awareness, and according to the literature on reality monitoring, stories based on imagined experiences are qualitatively different from those based on real experiences.意识只能控制5%的认知功能,包括交流,剩下的95%都不被我们察觉。根据对文学创作时大脑的现实监控,基于想象的故事同基于真实经历的故事有很大不同。

takes work 很费劲

This suggests that creating a false story about a personal topic takes work and results in a different pattern of language use.这表明编一个和本人相关的故事很费劲,并使用了不同的语言模式。

deception 欺骗

A technology known as linguistic text analysis has helped to identify four such common patterns in the subconscious language of deception. 语言文本分析让我们识别出潜意识欺骗中四种常见的模式。

reference themselves less 很少提及自己

First, liars reference themselves less,when making deceptive statements. 一 说谎者在撒谎时很少提及自己,更多是描写或谈论他人。

use the third person使用第三人称

distance and disassociate themselves from their lie 使自己远离所编的谎话

They write or talk more about others,often using the third person to distance and disassociate themselves from their lie, which sounds more false 。经常使用第三人称,使自己远离所编的谎话,这听起来更像假的了。

feel guilty about lying 对谎言感到羞愧

Second, liars tend to be more negative, because on a subconscious level,they feel guilty about lying. For example, a liar might say something like,"Sorry, my stupid phone battery died.I hate that thing."二 说谎者总会否定,因为潜意识里,他们对谎言感到羞愧。比如,说谎者可能会说:“抱歉,我手机没电了,烦死了。”

build a complex lie 编一个复杂的谎

Third, liars typically explain events in simple terms since our brains struggle to build a complex lie. Judgment and evaluation are complex things for our brains to compute. 三 说谎者会在描述时非常简略。因为我们的大脑正纠结着编一个复杂的谎。判断和评估对大脑来说是复杂运算。

use longer and more convoluted /ˈkɒnvəluːtɪd/ sentence structure用长且复杂的句式

insert unnecessary words and irrelevant but factual sounding details加入不必要的词语,不相关但冠冕堂皇的细节

pad the lie补充谎言

And finally, even though liars keep descriptions simple, they tend to use longer and more convoluted sentence structure, inserting unnecessary words and irrelevant but factual sounding details in order to pad the lie. 最后 虽然说谎者试图简略描绘,但他们常用长且复杂的句式,加入不必要的词语,不相关但冠冕堂皇的细节来补充谎言。


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