


《Cloud Computing Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction》

《Big Breaches: Cybersecurity Lessons for Everyone》

《Beginning Mathematica and Wolfram for Data Science》

《Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies: Proceedings of Third ICCNCT 2020》

《 Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino: Using Python and OpenCV, 2nd Edition》

《 Beginning HCL Programming: Using Hashicorp Language for Automation and Configuration》

《 Beginning R 4: From Beginner to Pro》

《 Beginning Machine Learning in the Browser》

《 5G Mobile Core Network: Design, Deployment, Automation, and Testing Strategies》

《 Beginning Microsoft 365 Collaboration Apps: Working in the Microsoft Cloud, 2nd Edition》

《 Azure Data Factory by Example: Practical Implementation for Data Engineers》

《 Beginning Entity Framework Core 5: From Novice to Professional》

《 Advanced Gatsby Projects: Create Two Advanced Sites Using Technologies that Compliment Gatsby》

《 Automated Unit Testing with ABAP: A Practical Approach》

《 Android Software Internals Quick Reference》

《 Ontologies with Python: Programming OWL 2.0 Ontologies with Python and Owlready2》

《 Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies: Proceedings of Third ICCNCT 2020》

《The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain》

《 Quantum Computation: How Quantum Computer works》

《 Python Programming》

《 Python – Learn a New Skill Today: Lab 2: Business Expenses》

《 Princeton Review GED Test Prep, 2022: Practice Tests + Review & Techniques + Online Features》

《 Practical Argument: A Text and Anthology, 4th Edition》

《 Modern Cryptography for Cybersecurity Professionals》

《 Linux for Beginners: How to Install the Linux OS》

《 Electronics: Principles and Applications, 9th Edition》

《 Linux for Beginners: 37 Linux Commands you Must Know》

《 Let’s Get Coding》

《 Computer languages: Applications of languages》

《 Systems Analysis and Design, 10th Global Edition》

《Visual Basic .NET MADE EASY: A Beginner’s Guide to Easily Learn Visual Basic.NET》

《 The Palgrave Handbook of FinTech and Blockchain》

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