"Daniel only knows how to press buttons" / "Stop pressing buttons!"
然后下次电脑上发生了什么小问题,全是"You broke it!";你把电脑弄坏了!
(真浪费钱,可能只是分辨率变了,这种小事;无语。。。)如果IE的桌面icon不见了,他们就疯了:“You deleted the internet!!!";你把整个互联网删了!
最烦的是父母后来反复劝弟弟妹妹不要玩电脑,导致其他孩子一点都不熟悉计算机,更别说编程。今天,用计算机程序进行自动交易(以及所有工作内容),父母是不可能明白的。比如上个礼拜回约克回过圣诞的这个对话:Dad: “Hey so what is your new company doing?”
Me: "Bets and Trades on sports. We do quite a lot of trading.....etc....."
Dad: "...etc...OK, Why don't you let Samuel or Benjamin do an internship in London?"
Me: "Probably won't be helpful as they don't know any programming"
Dad: "But they are quite good at maths too, maybe you can teach them?"
Me: "I don't mind teaching them, but programming is kind of an important basic skill these days, and you never let them learn anything useful like that, it would be a huge waste of time" 我:我不介意教他们,但是编程是当代世界一门不可缺少的基本能力。你从来不让他们熟悉这种有用的东西。只会浪费双方的时间。
Dad: "Well, you can let them do some repetitive task. Makes it easier for you, and they can try to learn from there?" 爸爸:你可以让他们做些什么重复性的小任务。减少你们的压力,然后他们可以从此开始学? Me: "You know Dad, if there was something repetitive, we wouldn't need humans to do it; those are the exactly the kind of things we'd use programming for!" 我:爸爸,你知道吗?就算有一件能够重复的事情,这就不需要人类来干。正是我们最需要写程序来负责的那种事。
Dad: "..."
Dad: "Surely there are some repetitive things that the computers can't do?”
Dad:"Like someone to press the buttons"
Me: "No, its all automatic. Maybe they can help with the research, but that also needs programming, not just maths."
Dad: "I'm sure they are smart enough to do it"
Me: "Yes but you spent N years encouraging them to learn skills which aren't useful. I mean, exactly what kind of job are they going to be able to do 20 years from now? You should have thought about this 10 years ago, its too late now."
Dad: "They are good at different things...(etc...)"
Me: "But everything they know how to do, and what they want to do, is a 'repetitive skill', the whole way they think about problems is about 'repeating' something. e.g. X, e.g. Y. Its hard for them to change. Of course its going to be much more difficult for them in future. If you'd been more supportive of me, it would have helped a lot as well, instead of shouting at me every time I used the computer (and so on...) "
Dad: "But life is not just about computers."
Me: "Of course, but..."
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