
最近更新时间:2024-03-12 01:51:36


1. 接口描述

接口请求域名: tcss.tencentcloudapi.com 。



推荐使用 API Explorer
API Explorer 提供了在线调用、签名验证、SDK 代码生成和快速检索接口等能力。您可查看每次调用的请求内容和返回结果以及自动生成 SDK 调用示例。

2. 输入参数

以下请求参数列表仅列出了接口请求参数和部分公共参数,完整公共参数列表见 公共请求参数

参数名称 必选 类型 描述
Action String 公共参数,本接口取值:DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusList。
Version String 公共参数,本接口取值:2020-11-01。
Region String 公共参数,此参数为可选参数。
Limit Integer 需要返回的数量,默认为10,最大值为100
Offset Integer 偏移量,默认为0。
Filters.N Array of AssetFilters 过滤条件。
  • Level- String - 是否必填:否 - 漏洞级别筛选,
  • Name - String - 是否必填:否 - 漏洞名称
  • ImageInfo ImageInfo 镜像信息
    Id Integer 镜像标识Id

    3. 输出参数

    参数名称 类型 描述
    List Array of ImageVirus 镜像漏洞列表
    注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。
    TotalCount Integer 总数量
    注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。
    RequestId String 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。

    4. 示例

    示例1 镜像仓库查询木马病毒列表


    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Host: tcss.tencentcloudapi.com
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-TC-Action: DescribeAssetImageRegistryVirusList
        "Filters": [
                "ExactMatch": false,
                "Name": "RiskLevel",
                "Values": [
        "Id": 6947411,
        "Limit": 10,
        "Offset": 0


        "Response": {
            "RequestId": "ae035bd6-6e5a-4f3e-b3ce-1f9cf6917066",
            "List": [
                    "Path": "var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "passwords.dat",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "etc/.pwd.lock",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": ".pwd.lock",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Unincorp",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "Unincorp",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "var/lib/systemd/deb-systemd-helper-enabled/timers.target.wants/apt-daily.timer",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "apt-daily.timer",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Lock",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "Lock",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "var/log/btmp",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "btmp",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "var/lib/dpkg/statoverride",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "statoverride",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "var/lib/dpkg/lock",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "lock",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "var/log/wtmp",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "wtmp",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
                    "Path": "run/utmp",
                    "RiskLevel": "4",
                    "Category": "",
                    "VirusName": "stargate.lock",
                    "Tags": [],
                    "Desc": "",
                    "Solution": "",
                    "FileType": "",
                    "FileName": "utmp",
                    "FileMd5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                    "FileSize": 0,
                    "FirstScanTime": "2021-01-30 03:31:56 +0000 UTC",
                    "LatestScanTime": "2021-01-30 05:14:07 +0000 UTC"
            "TotalCount": 17

    5. 开发者资源

    腾讯云 API 平台

    腾讯云 API 平台 是综合 API 文档、错误码、API Explorer 及 SDK 等资源的统一查询平台,方便您从同一入口查询及使用腾讯云提供的所有 API 服务。

    API Inspector

    用户可通过 API Inspector 查看控制台每一步操作关联的 API 调用情况,并自动生成各语言版本的 API 代码,也可前往 API Explorer 进行在线调试。


    云 API 3.0 提供了配套的开发工具集(SDK),支持多种编程语言,能更方便的调用 API。


    6. 错误码

    以下仅列出了接口业务逻辑相关的错误码,其他错误码详见 公共错误码

    错误码 描述
    InternalError 内部错误。
    ResourceNotFound 资源不存在。