C# SDK 使用

最近更新时间:2024-10-11 15:01:21



本文以调用 C# SDK 为例介绍通过开源 SDK 实现消息收发的操作过程,帮助您更好地理解消息收发的完整过程。
以 C# 客户端为例说明,其他语言客户端请参见对应语言的 SDK 文档。


安装 DotNet 环境


步骤1:安装 RocketMQ5 sdk 依赖库

在 C# 项目中引入相关依赖,使用如下命令:
dotnet add package RocketMQ.Client --version 5.1.0


using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Org.Apache.Rocketmq;
namespace examples
internal static class ProducerNormalMessageDemo
static readonly ILoggerFactory factory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole());
static ILogger logger = factory.CreateLogger("Program_Producer");
internal static async Task QuickStart()
// Enable the switch if you use .NET Core 3.1 and want to disable TLS/SSL.
AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
const string accessKey = "yourAccessKey";
const string secretKey = "yourSecretKey";
// Credential provider is optional for client configuration.
var credentialsProvider = new StaticSessionCredentialsProvider(accessKey, secretKey);
const string endpoints = "腾讯云官网接入地址:8080";
var clientConfig = new ClientConfig.Builder()
const string topic = "topicName";
// In most case, you don't need to create too many producers, single pattern is recommended.
// Producer here will be closed automatically.
var producer = await new Producer.Builder()
// Set the topic name(s), which is optional but recommended.
// It makes producer could prefetch the topic route before message publishing.
// Define your message body.
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("foobar");
const string tag = "yourMessageTagA";
var message = new Message.Builder()
// You could set multiple keys for the single message actually.
var sendReceipt = await producer.Send(message);
logger.LogInformation($"Send message successfully, messageId={sendReceipt.MessageId}");
// Close the producer if you don't need it anymore.
await producer.DisposeAsync();


腾讯云消息队列 TDMQ RocketMQ 版 5.x 系列支持两种消费模式,分别为 Push Consumer 和 Simple Consumer。
社区版 C# SDK 目前仅支持 Simple Consumer。
以下代码示例以 Simple Consumer 为例:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Org.Apache.Rocketmq;
namespace examples
internal static class SimpleConsumerExample
static readonly ILoggerFactory factory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole());
static ILogger logger = factory.CreateLogger("Program_Consumer");
internal static async Task QuickStart()
// Enable the switch if you use .NET Core 3.1 and want to disable TLS/SSL.
AppContext.SetSwitch("System.Net.Http.SocketsHttpHandler.Http2UnencryptedSupport", true);
const string accessKey = "yourAccessKey";
const string secretKey = "yourSecretKey";
// Credential provider is optional for client configuration.
var credentialsProvider = new StaticSessionCredentialsProvider(accessKey, secretKey);
const string endpoints = "foobar.com:8080";
var clientConfig = new ClientConfig.Builder()
// Add your subscriptions.
const string consumerGroup = "yourConsumerGroup";
const string topic = "yourTopic";
var subscription = new Dictionary<string, FilterExpression>
{ { topic, new FilterExpression("*") } };
// In most case, you don't need to create too many consumers, single pattern is recommended.
var simpleConsumer = await new SimpleConsumer.Builder()
while (true)
var messageViews = await simpleConsumer.Receive(16, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
foreach (var message in messageViews)
$"Received a message, topic={message.Topic}, message-id={message.MessageId}, body-size={message.Body.Length}");
await simpleConsumer.Ack(message);
logger.LogInformation($"Message is acknowledged successfully, message-id={message.MessageId}");
// await simpleConsumer.ChangeInvisibleDuration(message, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
// Logger.LogInformation($"Changing message invisible duration successfully, message=id={message.MessageId}");
// Close the simple consumer if you don't need it anymore.
// await simpleConsumer.DisposeAsync();


发送完成消息后会得到一个消息 ID (messageID),开发者可以在消息查询页面查询刚刚发送的消息,如下图所示;并且可以查看特定消息的详情和轨迹等信息,详情请参见 消息查询