社区首页 >专栏 >荣誉|中国人工智能学会副理事长、中国香港科技大学杨强教授当选 AAAI Councilor

荣誉|中国人工智能学会副理事长、中国香港科技大学杨强教授当选 AAAI Councilor

发布2018-03-20 17:13:09
发布2018-03-20 17:13:09

热烈祝贺中国人工智能学会海外副理事长、中国香港科技大学杨强教授当选 AAAI Councilor! 这是全球华人学者第一次,在长期由美欧主导的国际人工智能学会的历史性突破。 值得说明的是,杨强教授特别为学会提供了此次参选的相关资料,完整的再现了此次参选的过程,从中我们可以真切的感受到到华人在人工智能(A.I.)领域的国际影响力正在与日俱增。




  1. AAAI Executive Council 的职责:

The Executive Council shall consist of the officers, as identified in Article X; twelve (12) councilors elected by the membership; and six (6) chairs of the Nominating, Conference, Symposium, Publications, Fellows, and Finance committees。


- 奖项

- AAAI会议安排

- AAAI Symposium 安排

- 出版物相关事宜

- AAAI Fellow 选举

- 财务


2. AAAI Executive Council 的选举过程

The Nominating Committee shall nominate one person or more persons for the position of President-Elect and at least as many persons for positions on the Executive Council as there are vacancies on the Council. These nominations shall be included in the notice of the annual meeting given to all members. Ballots shall be circulated to the membership at least forty-five (45) days before the Annual Meeting. Electronic ballots (for instance, web-based voting systems) may be used as the sole mechanism for the election of Councilors and Officers. Each Regular member may vote for the President-Elect and for as many members of the Executive Council as there are vacancies to be filled. Ballots must be received by the Nominating Committee no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Those four nominees for Executive Council receiving the highest number of votes, including write-in votes, shall be declared elected for three-year terms.


AAAI 的信件:

Dear Qiang,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been elected to a three-year term as Councilor of the AAAI. The other new Councilors are

Blai Bonet


Michela Milano

You can see the current Executive Council membership at http://www.aaai.org/Organization/officers.php.

The AAAI Executive Council is the volunteer leadership of AAAI, and we invest our best efforts to advance the field of AI and the AAAI association. I am very excited that you will be joining the Council, and I very much look forward to working with you.

The AAAI Executive Council meets three times per year: Once in person at the AAAI conference, once in the summer, and once in November (the last two usually by teleconference). You are expected to attend all meetings of the Council. This year, the summer meeting is scheduled in person on July 13 at IJCAI-16 in New York.

Your term will officially commence during the July meeting. You will be able to vote on issues once you have been installed. The AAAI Executive Council is organized in different Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees to handle the multiple areas of impact of AAAI. We will introduce the current Committees to you at the meeting, and you will then have a choice to commit to work in at least two Committees.

Congratulations for your election and thank you very much for your volunteer work!

Carol Hamilton will follow up with addition information


Tom Dietterich

President, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence


Qiang Yang is the chair professor and department head at Computer Science and Engineering Department, Chinese Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Chinese Hong Kong. He is also the director of WeChat-HKUST Joint Lab on Artificial Intelligence (WHAT Lab), director of the Big Data Institute at HKUST, Vice Chair of Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, Trustee of IJCAI as well as the founding editor in chief of ACM TIST and Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Big Data. Qiang Yang was also the founding head of Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab. He had taught at University of Waterloo and Simon Fraser University prior to joining HKUST in 2001. He published three books, Intelligence Planning – A decomposition and Abstraction Based Approach, Constraint-based Design Recovery for Software Reengineering : Theory and Experiments and Crafting Your Research Future: A Guide to Successful Master’s and PH.D. Degrees in Science & Engineering. His expertise spans artificial intelligence transfer learning, planning and case-based reasoning. Qiang Yang earned his PHD in computer science from the University of Maryland in 1989. He is a fellow of AAAI, IEEE and AAAS.


One of the critical issues facing the AI community is to effectively communicate the science of AI to the public when many misunderstood AI as science fiction. With the increasing success of AI in machine learning, robotics and many other fields, there is an increasing need to address the ‘educational’ issue of AI for different crowds, ranging from various industries, investment communities, students who are future AI researchers as well as the general public. It is important to manage a well-placed balance on the expectation of what AI can and cannot do. It is also important to guide AI research towards higher relevance to people’s lives. Another important issue to involve researchers, practitioners and students from different cultural and demographic background in serving the AI community, to truly understand their needs and address the current imbalance in community organization. I look forward to a more healthy and truly global representation of the AI community in our activities.

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