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国际万维网会议WWW 2018论文列表以及会议日程,一睹为快

发布2018-04-13 14:36:08
发布2018-04-13 14:36:08

2018 年 4 月 23 日至 27 日,第 27 届国际万维网会议(26th International World Wide Web Conference) 在法国里昂举行。为此,专知整理了会议接受论文,包括


Wednesday April25th

Luciano Floridi

The good web –some challenges and strategies to realise it

Thursday April 26th

Ruhi Sarikaya

ConversationalAI for Interacting with Digital and Physical World

Friday April 27th

Lorrie FaithCranor

Web Privacyand Security: The User Experience


Thursday April26th

AI and the future of the Web and the Internet

§ Sir Tim Berners-Lee (MIT, W3C)

§ Vinton Cerf (Google)

§ Antoine Bordes (Facebook, FAIR Paris)

§ Ruhi Sarikaya (Amazon)

§ Cédric Villani (Institut Henri Poincaré &Université de Lyon)

§ Prof. Dame Wendy Hall (SouthamptonUniversity) – Chair

Friday April 27th

Privacy and Security, remaining challenges forthe Web

§ Lorrie Faith Cranor (CarnegieMellon University)

§ Eric Leandri (co-founder and CEO of Qwant)

§ Mary Ellen Zurko (MITLincoln Laboratory) – Chair

Research tracks (in alphabetical order):

  • Crowdsourcing and Human Computation for the Web

§ The Size Conundrum: Why Online KnowledgeMarkets Can Fail at Scale Authors: HimelDev, ChaseGeigle, Qingtao Hu, Jiahui Zheng and Hari Sundaram

§ Crowd-based Multi-Predicate Screening ofPapers in Literature Reviews Authors: Evgeny Krivosheev, Fabio Casati and Boualem Benatallah

§ Web-Based VR Experiments Powered by the Crowd Authors: Xiao Ma, Megan Cackett, Leslie Park, EricChien and Mor Naaman

§ Creating Crowdsourced Research Talks at Scale Authors: RajanVaish, Shirish Goyal, AminSaberi and Sharad Goel

§ CHIMP: Crowdsourcing Human Inputs for MobilePhones Authors: Mario Almeida, Muhammad Bilal, MatteoVarvello, Alessandro Finamore, Ilias Leontiadis, Yan Grunenberger andJeremy Blackburn

§ Leveraging Crowdsourcing Data For Deep ActiveLearning – An Application: Learning Intents in Alexa Authors: Jie Yang, Thomas Drake, AndreasDamianou and Yoelle Maarek

§ Attack under Disguise: An Intelligent DataPoisoning Attack Mechanism in Crowdsourcing Authors: Chenglin Miao, Qi Li, Lu Su, Mengdi Huai,Wenjun Jiang and Jing Gao

  • Health on the Web

§ Did You Really Just Have a Heart Attack?Towards Robust Detection of Personal Health Mentions in Social Media Authors: Payam Karisani and Eugene Agichtein

§ Multi-Task Pharmacovigilance Mining fromSocial Media Posts Authors: Shaika Chowdhury, Chenwei Zhang and PhilipS. Yu

§ Multi-Task Learning Improves Disease Modelsfrom Web Search Authors: Bin Zou, Vasileios Lampos and Ingemar Cox

§ A Fast Deep Learning Model for TextualRelevance in Biomedical Information Retrieval Authors: Sunil Mohan, Nicolas Fiorini, Sun Kim andZhiyong Lu

§ Modeling Individual Cyclic Variation in HumanBehavior Authors: Emma Pierson, TimAlthoff and Jure Leskovec

§ Multi-instance Domain Adaptation for VaccineAdverse Event Detection Authors: Junxiang Wang and Liang Zhao

§ Modeling Interdependent and PeriodicReal-World Action Sequences Authors: Takeshi Kurashima, TimAlthoff and Jure Leskovec Presentation moved to track Health on the Web

  • Intelligent and Autonomous Systems on the Web

§ Unsupervised Anomaly Detection viaVariational Auto-Encoder for Seasonal KPIs in Web Applications Authors: Haowen Xu, Wenxiao Chen, Nengwen Zhao,Zeyan Li, Jiahao Bu, Zhihan Li, Ying Liu, Youjian Zhao, Dan Pei, Yang Feng, JieChen, Zhaogang Wang and Honglin Qiao

§ Sharing Deep Neural Network Models withInterpretation Authors: HuijunWu, Chen Wang, JieYin, Kai Luand Liming Zhu

§ DRN: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Frameworkfor News Recommendation Authors: Guanjie Zheng, Fuzheng Zhang, Zihan Zheng,Yang Xiang, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Xing Xie and ZhenhuiJessie Li

§ ROSC: Robust Spectral Clustering onMulti-scale Data Authors: Xiang Li, Ben Kao, Siqiang Luo andMartin Ester

  • Security and Privacy on the Web

§ Exposing Search and Advertisement AbuseTactics and Infrastructure of Technical Support Scammers Authors: Bharat Srinivasan, Athanasios Kountouras,Najmeh Miramirkhani, Monjur Alam, Nick Nikiforakis, Manos Antonakakis andMustaque Ahamad

§ AdBudgetKiller: Online Advertising BudgetDraining Attack Authors: I Luk Kim, Weihang Wang, Yonghwi Kwon,Yunhui Zheng, Yousra Aafer, Weijie Meng and Xiangyu Zhang

§ Betrayed by Your Dashboard: DiscoveringMalicious Campaigns via Web Analytics Authors: OleksiiStarov, YuchenZhou, XiaoZhang, Najmeh Miramirkhani and Nick Nikiforakis

§ An Automated Approach to Auditing Disclosureof Third-Party Data Collection in Website Privacy Policies Authors: Timothy Libert

§ Hiding in the crowd: an analysis of theeffectiveness of browser fingerprinting at large scale Authors: Alejandro Gómez-Boix, Pierre Laperdrix andBenoit Baudry

§ Uncovering HTTP Header Inconsistencies andthe Impact on Desktop/Mobile Websites Authors: Abner Mendoza, Phakpoom Chinprutthiwong andGuofei Gu

§ Your Secrets Are Safe: How Browsers’Explanations Impact Misconceptions About Private Browsing Mode Authors: Yuxi Wu, Panya Gupta, Miranda Wei, YaseminAcar, Sascha Fahl and Blase Ur

§ ProxyTorrent: Untangling the Free HTTP(S)Proxy Ecosystem Authors: Diego Perino, Matteo Varvello andClaudio Soriente

§ SafeKeeper: Protecting Web Passwords usingTrusted Execution Environments Authors: Klaudia Krawiecka, Arseny Kurnikov, AndrewPaverd, MohammadMannan and N. Asokan

§ I’m Listening to your Location! InferringUser Location with Acoustic Side Channel Authors: Youngbae Jeon, Minchul Kim, Hyunsoo Kim,Hyoungshick Kim, Jun Ho Huh and Ji Won Yoon

§ Mind Your Credit: Assessing the Health of theRipple Credit Network Authors: PedroMoreno-Sanchez, Navin Modi, Raghuvir Songhela, Aniket Kate and Sonia Fahmy

§ Platform Criminalism – The ‘Last-Mile’Geography of the Darknet Market Supply Chain Authors: MartinDittus, JossWright and Mark Graham

§ Tagvisor: A Privacy Advisor for SharingHashtags Authors: Yang Zhang, Mathias Humbert, TahleenRahman, Cheng-Te Li, Jun Pang and Michael Backes

§ Incognito: A Method for Obfuscating Web Data Authors: Rahat Masood, Dinusha Vatsalan, MuhammadIkram and Mohamed Ali Kaafar

§ Panning for gold.com: Understanding thedynamics of domain dropcatching Authors: Najmeh Miramirkhani, Timothy Barron, Michael Ferdman and Nick Nikiforakis

§ Large-Scale Analysis of Style Injection byRelative Path Overwrite Authors: Sajjad Arshad, Seyed Ali Mirheidari, TobiasLauinger, Bruno Crispo, Engin Kirda and William Robertson

  • Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms for the Web

§ Mapping the Invocation Structure of OnlinePolitical Interaction Authors: Manish Raghavan, Ashton Anderson andJon Kleinberg

§ Modeling Success and Engagement for the AppEconomy Authors: Haim Mendelson and Ken Moon

§ Minimizing Latency in Online Ride andDelivery Services Authors: Abhimanyu Das, Sreenivas Gollapudi, AnthonyKim, Debmalya Panigrahi and Chaitanya Swamy

§ Minimizing Polarization and Disagreement inSocial Networks Authors: CameronMusco, ChristopherMusco and Charalampos Tsourakakis

§ Fast Exact CoSimRank Search on Evolving andStatic Graphs Authors: Weiren Yu and Fan Wang

§ Listing $k$-cliques in Sparse Real-WorldGraphs Authors: MaximilienDanisch, Oana DenisaBalalau and Mauro Sozio

§ TIMES: Temporal Information MaximallyExtracted from Structures Authors: Abram Magner, JithinSreedharan, Ananth Grama and Wojciech Szpankowski

§ Interactive Top-k Tree Pattern Retrieval inHeterogeneous Information Networks Authors: Xiaofeng Yang, Deepak Ajwani, WolfgangGatterbauer, Patrick K. Nicholson, Mirek Riedewald and Alessandra Sala

§ Dual Graph Convolutional Networks forGraph-Based Semi-Supervised Classification Authors: Chenyi Zhuang and Qiang Ma

§ Social Rank Regulated Large-scale NetworkEmbedding Authors: Yupeng Gu, Yizhou Sun, Yanen Li and Yang Yang

§ Low rank spectral network alignment Authors: Huda Nassar, Nate Veldt, Shahin Mohammadi,Ananth Grama and DavidF. Gleich

§ Spectral Algorithms for Temporal Graph Cuts Authors: Arlei Silva, AmbujSingh and Ananthram Swami

§ Fast and Accurate Random Walk with Restart onDynamic Graphs with Guarantees Authors: Minji Yoon, Woojeong Jin and U Kang

§ Fully Dynamic k-Center Clustering Authors: T.-H. Hubert Chan, Arnaud Guerquinand Mauro Sozio

§ VERSE: Versatile Graph Embeddings fromSimilarity Measures Authors: Anton Tsitsulin, Davide Mottin, Panagiotis Karras and Emmanuel Müller

§ Co-Regularized Deep Multi-Network Embedding Authors: JingchaoNi, Shiyu Chang, Xiao Liu, WeiCheng, Haifeng Chen, Dongkuan Xu and Xiang Zhang

§ Demarcating Endogenous and Exogenous OpinionDiffusion Process on Social Networks Authors: Abir De, Sourangshu Bhattacharya and Niloy Ganguly

§ Collective Classification of Spam Campaignerson Twitter: A Hierarchical Meta-Path Based Approach Authors: SrishtiGupta, Abhinav Khattar, Arpit Gogia, Ponnurangam Kumaraguruand Tanmoy Chakraborty

§ Mining tours and paths in activity networks Authors: Sofia Maria Nikolakaki, CharalamposMavroforakis, Alina Ene and Evimaria Terzi

§ When Online Dating Meets Nash Social Welfare:Achieving Efficiency and Fairness Authors: Yongzheng Jia, Xue Liu, Maria Renhui Zhangand Wei Xu

§ Measuring and Improving the Core Resilienceof Networks Authors: Ricky Laishram, Ahmet Erdem Sar?yüce, TinaEliassi-Rad, AliPinar and Sucheta Soundarajan

§ Preferential Attachment as a UniqueEquilibrium Authors: Chen Avin, Avi Cohen, Pierre Fraigniaud,Zvi Lotker and David Peleg

§ SIDE: Representation Learning in SignedDirected Networks Authors: Junghwan Kim, Haekyu Park, Ji-Eun Lee andU Kang

§ Provable and practical approximations for thedegree distribution using sublinear graph samples Authors: Talya Eden, Shweta Jain, AliPinar, Dana Ron and C. Seshadhri

§ Deep Collective Classification inHeterogeneous Information Networks Authors: Yizhou Zhang, Yun Xiong, Xiangnan Kong andYangyong Zhu

§ On Exploring Semantic Meanings of Links forEmbedding Social Networks Authors: LinchuanXu, XiaokaiWei, JiannongCao and PhilipS Yu

§ A Correlation Clustering Framework forCommunity Detection Authors: Nate Veldt, DavidF. Gleich and Anthony Wirth

§ SIR-Hawkes: Linking Epidemic Models andHawkes Processes for Information Diffusion in a Finite Population Authors: Marian-AndreiRizoiu, Swapnil Mishra, Quyu Kong, Mark Carman and Lexing Xie

  • User Modeling, Interaction and Experience on the Web

§ Prediction of Sparse User-Item ConsumptionRates with Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression Authors: Moshe Lichman and Padhraic Smyth

§ Coevolutionary Recommendation Model: MutualLearning between Rating and Reviews Authors: Yichao Lu, Ruihai Dong and Barry Smyth

§ Aspect-Aware Latent Factor Model: RatingPrediction with Ratings and Reviews Authors: Zhiyong Cheng, Ying Ding, Lei Zhu andMohan Kankanhalli

§ When Sheep Shop: Measuring Herding Effects inProduct Ratings with Natural Experiments Authors: Gael Lederrey and Robert West

§ Anxiety and Information Seeking: EvidenceFrom Large-Scale Mouse Tracking Authors: Brit Youngmann and Elad Yom-Tov

§ On the Causal Effect of Badges Authors: Tomasz Kusmierczyk and ManuelGomez Rodriguez

§ The Effect of Ad Blocking on User Engagementwith the Web Authors: Ben Miroglio, David Zeber, Jofish Kaye andRebecca Weiss

§ Learning causal effects from many randomizedexperiments using regularized instrumental variables Authors: Alexander Peysakhovich and Dean Eckles

§ Camel: Content-Aware and Meta-path AugmentedMetric Learning for Author Identification Authors: Chuxu Zhang, Chao Huang, Lu Yu, XiangliangZhang and Nitesh Chawla

§ Bayesian Models for Product SizeRecommendations Authors: Vivek Sembium, Rajeev Rastogi, Lavanya SitaTekumalla and Atul Saroop

§ Robust Factorization Machines for UserResponse Prediction Authors: Surabhi Punjabi and Priyanka Bhatt

§ Aesthetic-based Clothing Recommendation Authors: Wenhui Yu, Huidi Zhang, Xiangnan He, XuChen, Li Xiong and Zheng Qin

§ How to Impute Missing Ratings? Claims,Solution, and Its Application to Collaborative Filtering Authors: Youngnam Lee, Sang-Wook Kim, Sunju Park andXing Xie

§ AdaError: An Adaptive Learning Rate Methodfor Matrix Approximation-based Collaborative Filtering Authors: Dongsheng Li, Chao Chen, Qin Lv, Hansu Gu,Tun Lu, Li Shang, Ning Gu and Stephen Chu

§ Latent Relational Metric Learning viaMemory-based Attention for Collaborative Ranking Authors: Yi Tay, Anh Tuan Luu and SiuCheung Hui

§ Variational Autoencoders for CollaborativeFiltering Authors: Dawen Liang, Rahul Krishnan, MatthewHoffman and Tony Jebara

  • Web Content Analysis, Semantics and Knowledge

§ Large-Scale Hierarchical Text Classificationwith Recursively Regularized Deep Graph-CNN Authors: Hao Peng, Jianxin Li, Yu He, Yaopeng Liu,Mengjiao Bao, Lihong Wang, Yangqiu Song and Qiang Yang

§ Weakly-supervised Relation Extraction byPattern-enhanced Embedding Learning Authors: Meng Qu, XiangRen, Yu Zhangand Jiawei Han

§ Scalable Instance Reconstruction in KnowledgeBases via Relatedness Affiliated Embedding Authors: RichongZhang, Junpeng Li, Jiajie Mei and Yongyi Mao

§ Improving Word Embedding Compositionalityusing Lexicographic Definitions Authors: Thijs Scheepers, EvangelosKanoulas and Efstratios Gavves

§ CESI: Canonicalizing Open Knowledge Basesusing Embeddings and Side Information Authors: Shikhar Vashishth, Prince Jain and Partha Talukdar

§ Estimating Rule Quality for Knowledge BaseCompletion with the Relationship between Coverage Assumption Authors: Kaja Zupanc and Jesse Davis

§ Are All People Married? DeterminingObligatory Attributes in Knowledge Bases Authors: Jonathan Lajus and FabianM. Suchanek

§ Never-Ending Learning for Open-DomainQuestion Answering over Knowledge Bases Authors: Abdalghani Abujabal, Rishiraj Saha Roy,Mohamed Yahya and Gerhard Weikum

§ Short-Text Topic Modeling via Non-negativeMatrix Factorization Enriched with Local Word-Context Correlations Authors: Tian Shi, Kyeongpil Kang, Jaegul Choo andChandan K. Reddy

§ Estimating the Cardinality of ConjunctiveQueries over RDF Data Using Graph Summarisation Authors: Giorgio Stefanoni, Boris Motik and Egor V. Kostylev

§ HighLife: Higher-arity Fact Harvesting Authors: Patrick Ernst, AmySiu andGerhard Weikum

§ Browserless Web Data Extraction: Challengesand Opportunities Authors: Ruslan Fayzrakhmanov, EmanuelSallinger, Ben Spencer, Tim Furche and Georg Gottlob

§ A Coherent Unsupervised Model for ToponymResolution Authors: Ehsan Kamalloo and Davood Rafiei

§ Towards Annotating Relational Data on the Webwith Language Models Authors: Matteo Cannaviccio, Denilson Barbosa andPaolo Merialdo

§ Inferring Missing Categorical Information inNoisy and Sparse Web Markup Authors: Nicolas Tempelmeier, ElenaDemidova and Stefan Dietze

§ Facet Annotation Using Reference KnowledgeBases Authors: Riccardo Porrini, Matteo Palmonariand Isabel Cruz

§ Why Reinvent the Wheel – Let’s Build QuestionAnswering Systems Together Authors: Kuldeep Singh, Arun Sethupat Radhakrishna,Andreas Both, Saeedeh Shekarpour, Ioanna Lytra, Ricardo Usbeck, Akhilesh Vyas,Akmal Khikmatullaev, Dharmen Punjani, Christoph Lange, Maria-Esther Vidal, JensLehmann and Sören Auer

§ Sentiment Analysis by Capsules Authors: YequanWang, AixinSun, JialongHan, Ying Liu and Xiaoyan Zhu

§ Content Attention Model for Aspect BasedSentiment Analysis Authors: Qiao Liu, Haibin Zhang, Yifu Zeng, ZiqiHuang and Zufeng Wu

§ User-guided Hierarchical Attention Networkfor Multi-modal Social Image Popularity Prediction Authors: WeiZhang, Wen Wang, Jun Wang and Hongyuan Zha

§ Modelling Dynamics in Semantic Web KnowledgeGraphs with Formal Concept Analysis Authors: Larry Gonzalez and Aidan Hogan

§ Dynamic Embeddings for Language Evolution Authors: Maja Rudolph and David Blei

§ Semantics and Complexity of GraphQL Authors: Olaf Hartig and Jorge Pérez

§ Matching Natural Language Sentences withHierarchical Sentence Factorization Authors: Bang Liu, Ting Zhang, Fred X. Han, Di Niu,Kunfeng Lai and Yu Xu

§ Find the Conversation Killers: a PredictiveStudy of Thread-ending Posts Authors: Yunhao Jiao, ChengLi, Fei Wuand Qiaozhu Mei

§ Detecting Absurd Conversations fromIntelligent Assistant Logs by Exploiting User Feedback Utterances Authors: Chikara Hashimoto and Manabu Sassano Presentation moved from track Intelligent and Autonomous systems on the Web

§ Socioeconomic dependencies of linguisticpatterns in Twitter: a multivariate analysis Authors: Jacob Levy Abitbol, Márton Karsai, Jean-Philippe Magué, Jean-Pierre Chevrot and Eric Fleury

§ Time Expression Recognition Using aTime-related Tagging Scheme Authors: Xiaoshi Zhong and Erik Cambria

§ Finding Needles in an Encyclopedic Haystack:Detecting Classes Among Wikipedia Articles Authors: Marius Pasca

§ Leveraging Social Media Signals for RecordLinkage Authors: Andrew Schneider, Arjun Mukherjee andEduard Dragut

§ MemeSequencer: Sparse Matching for EmbeddingImage Macros Authors: Abhimanyu Dubey, Esteban Moro, Manuel Cebrian andIyad Rahwan

§ An Attention Factor Graph Model for TweetEntity Linking Authors: Chenwei Ran, Wei Shen andJianyong Wang

  • Web Economics, Monetisation, and Online Markets

§ Dynamic Mechanism Design in the Field Authors: VahabMirrokni, RenatoPaes Leme, Rita Ren and Song Zuo

§ Incentive-Compatible Diffusion Authors: Oren Dean, Yakov Babichenko and Moshe Tennenholtz

§ Incentive-Aware Learning for Large Markets Authors: AlessandroEpasto, Mohammad Mahdian, VahabMirrokni and Song Zuo

§ Simple vs Optimal Contests with Convex Costs Authors: Amy Greenwald, Takehiro Oyakawa andVasilis Syrgkanis

§ Testing Incentive Compatibility in Display AdAuctions Authors: Sebastien Lahaie, Andres Munoz Medina,Balasubramanian Sivan and Sergei Vassilvitskii

§ Bid-Limited Targeting Authors: Patrick Hummel and Uri Nadav

§ Optimizing Ad Refresh In Mobile AppAdvertising Authors: Florin Constantin, Christopher Harris,Samuel Ieong, Aranyak Mehta and Xi Tan

§ Field-weighted Factorization Machines forClick-through Rate Prediction in Display Advertising Authors: Junwei Pan, Jian Xu, Alfonso Lobos,Wenliang Zhao, Shengjun Pan, Yu Sun and Quan Lu

§ Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum: TowardsHealthier Blockchain Technology Authors: Weili Chen, Zibin Zheng, Jiahui Cui, EdithNgai, Peilin Zheng and Yuren Zhou

§ A Short-term Intervention for Long-termFairness in the Labor Market Authors: Lily Hu and Yiling Chen

§ Reinforcement Mechanism Design for e-commerce Authors: Qingpeng Cai, Aris Filos-Ratsikas,Pingzhong Tang and Yiwei Zhang

§ Financing the Web of Data with Delayed-AnswerAuctions Authors: Tobias Grubenmann, Abraham Bernstein,Dmitry Moor and Sven Seuken Presentation moved from track Web Content Analysis, Semantics and Knowledge

  • Web Search and Mining

§ StaQC: A Systematically Mined Question-CodeDataset from Stack Overflow Authors: Ziyu Yao, Daniel Weld, Wei-Peng Chen and Huan Sun

§ Conversational Query Understanding UsingSequence to Sequence Modeling Authors: Gary Ren, Xiaochuan Ni, Manish Malik andQifa Ke

§ Hierarchical Variational Memory Network forDialogue Generation Authors: Hongshen Chen, Zhaochun Ren, Jiliang Tang,Yihong Eric Zhao and Dawei Yin

§ Query Suggestion With Feedback Memory Network Authors: Bin Wu, ChenyanXiong, Maosong Sun and Zhiyuan Liu

§ Leveraging Fine-Grained Wikipedia Categoriesfor Entity Search Authors: Denghao Ma, Yueguo Chen, Kevin Chang andXiaoyong Du

§ Subgraph-augmented Path Embedding forSemantic User Search on Heterogeneous Social Network Authors: Zemin Liu, VincentW. Zheng, Zhou Zhao, Hongxia Yang, Kevin Chang, Minghui Wu andJing Ying

§ Ad Hoc Table Retrieval using SemanticSimilarity Authors: Shuo Zhang and Krisztian Balog

§ Joint User- and Event- Driven Stable SocialEvent Organization Authors: Xin Wang, Wenwu Zhu, Chun Chen andMartin Ester

§ Online Compact Convexified FactorizationMachine Authors: Xiao Lin, Wenpeng Zhang, Min Zhang, PeilinZhao, Wenwu Zhu, Jian Pei and Junzhou Huang

§ Scalable Supervised Discrete Hashing forLarge-Scale Search Authors: Xin Luo, Ye Wu and Xin-Shun Xu

§ Learning from Multi-View Multi-Way Data viaStructural Factorization Machines Authors: Chun-Ta Lu, Lifang He, Hao Ding, Bokai Caoand Philip S. Yu

§ Learning on Partial-Order Hypergraphs Authors: Fuli Feng, Xiangnan He, YiqunLiu, LiqiangNie and Tat-Seng Chua

§ Detecting Crowdturfing “Add to Favorites”Activities in Online Shopping Authors: Ning Su, YiqunLiu, Zhao Li,Yuli Liu, Min Zhang and Shaoping Ma

§ Neural Attentional Rating Regression withReview-level Explanations Authors: Chong Chen, Min Zhang, YiqunLiu andShaoping Ma

§ A Sparse Topic Model for ExtractingAspect-Specific Summaries from Online Reviews Authors: Vineeth Rakesh, Weicong Ding, Aman Ahuja,Nikhil Rao, Yifan Sun and Chandan K. Reddy

§ Strategies for geographical scoping andimproving a gazetteer Authors: Sanket Kumar Singh and Davood Rafiei

§ TEM: Tree-enhanced Embedding Model forExplainable Recommendation Authors: Xiang Wang, Xiangnan He, Fuli Feng, LiqiangNie and Tat-Seng Chua

§ Manifold Learning for Rank Aggregation Authors: Shangsong Liang, Ilya Markov, Zhaochun Renand Maarten de Rijke

§ Privacy and Efficiency Tradeoffs forMultiword Top K Search with Linear Additive Rank Scoring Authors: Daniel Agun, Jinjin Shao, Shiyu Ji, StefanoTessaro and Tao Yang

§ Parabel: Partitioned Label Trees for ExtremeClassification with Application to Dynamic Search Advertising Authors: Yashoteja Prabhu, Anil Kag, ShrutendraHarsola, Rahul Agrawal and Manik Varma Presentation moved from track Web Content Analysis, Semantics and Knowledge

§ Finding Subcube Heavy Hitters in Data Streams Authors: Branislav Kveton, Muthu Muthukrishnan, HoaVu and Yikun Xian

§ Search Process as Transitions Between NeuralStates Authors: YasharMoshfeghi and Frank Pollick

§ Understanding and Predicting Delay inReciprocal Relations Authors: Jundong Li, Jiliang Tang, Yilin Wang, YaliWan, Yi Chang and Huan Liu

§ “Satisfaction with Failure” or “UnsatisfiedSuccess”: Investigating the Relationship between Search Success and UserSatisfaction Authors: Mengyang Liu, YiqunLiu, JiaxinMao, Cheng Luo, Min Zhang and Shaoping Ma

  • Web and Society

§ VizByWiki: Mining Data Visualizations fromthe Web to Enrich News Articles Authors: AllenYilun Lin, Joshua Ford, Eytan Adar and Brent Hecht

§ Geographical Feature Extraction for Entitiesin Location-based Social Networks Authors: Daizong Ding, Mi Zhang, Xudong Pan, DuocaiWu and Pearl Pu

§ On Ridesharing Competition and Accessibility:Evidence from Uber, Lyft, and Taxi Authors: Shan Jiang, LeChen, Christo Wilson and Alan Mislove

§ Auditing the Personalization and Compositionof Politically-Related Search Engine Results Pages Authors: Ronald Robertson, David Lazer and Christo Wilson

§ “You are no Jack Kennedy”: On Media Selectionof Highlights from Presidential Debates Authors: Chenhao Tan, Hao Peng and Noah Smith

§ What We Read, What We Search: Media Attentionand Public Attention among 193 Countries Authors: Haewoon Kwak, Jisun An, Joni Salminen, Soon-Gyo Jungand Bernard Jansen

§ Political Discourse on Social Media: EchoChambers, Gatekeepers, and the Price of Bipartisanship Authors: KiranGarimella, Gianmarco DeFrancisci Morales, AristidesGionis and Michael Mathioudakis

§ Me, My Echo Chamber, and I: Introspection onSocial Media Polarization Authors: Nabeel Gillani, Ann Yuan, Martin Saveski,Soroush Vosoughi and Deb Roy

§ Algorithmic Glass Ceiling: The effect ofsocial recommender systems on diversity Authors: Ana Stoica, Christopher Riederer and Augustin Chaintreau

§ (Don’t) Mention the War: A Comparison ofWikipedia and Britannica Articles on National Histories Authors: Anna Samoilenko, FlorianLemmerich, Maria Zens, Mohsen Jadidi, Mathieu Génois andMarkus Strohmaier

§ Human Perceptions of Fairness in AlgorithmicDecision Making: A Case Study of Criminal Risk Prediction Authors: NinaGrgic-Hlaca, Elissa M. Redmiles, Krishna P. Gummadi andAdrian Weller

§ Adaptive Sensitive Reweighting to MitigateBias in Fairness-aware Classification Authors: Emmanouil Krasanakis, EleftheriosSpyromitros-Xioufis, Symeon Papadopoulos and Yiannis Kompatsiaris

§ To Stay or to Leave: Churn Prediction forUrban Migrants in the Initial Period Authors: Yang Yang, Zongtao Liu, Chenhao Tan, Fei Wu, Yueting Zhuang and Yafeng Li

§ Computationally Inferred GenealogicalNetworks Uncover Long-Term Trends in Assortative Mating Authors: Eric Malmi, AristidesGionis and Arno Solin

§ A Structured Approach to UnderstandingRecovery and Relapse in AA Authors: Yue Zhang, Arti Ramesh, Jennifer Golbeck,Dhanya Sridhar and Lise Getoor Presentation moved from track Web Content Analysis, Semantics and Knowledge

§ Community Interaction and Conflict on the Web Authors: Srijan Kumar, William L. Hamilton, JureLeskovec and Dan Jurafsky

  • Web of Things, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

§ Facebook (A)Live? Are live social broadcastsreally broadcasts? Authors: Aravindh Raman, Gareth Tyson and Nishanth Sastry

§ DeepMove: Predicting Human Mobility withAttentional Recurrent Networks Authors: Jie Feng, YongLi, ChaoZhang, Funing Sun, Fanchao Meng, Ang Guo and Depeng Jin

§ I’ll Be Back: On the Multiple Lives of Usersof a Mobile Activity Tracking Application Authors: Zhiyuan Lin, TimAlthoff and Jure Leskovec

§ Through a Gender Lens: Learning UsagePatterns of Emojis from Large-Scale Android Users Authors: Zhenpeng Chen, Xuan Lu, Wei Ai, HuoranLi, Qiaozhu Mei and Xuanzhe Liu Presentation moved to track Web of Things, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

§ The Cost of Digital Advertisement: ComparingUser and Advertiser Views Authors: PanagiotisPapadopoulos, Nicolas Kourtellis and EvangelosP. Markatos

§ Aladdin: Automating Release of Deep-Link APIson Android Authors: Yun Ma, Ziniu Hu, Yunxin Liu, Tao Xie and Xuanzhe Liu

§ Mile High WiFi: A First Look At In-FlightInternet Connectivity Authors: John Rula, Fabian Bustamante, James Newman,Arash Molavi Khaki and David Choffnes

§ Arrays of (locality-sensitive) CountEstimators (ACE): Anomaly Detection on the Edge Authors: Chen Luo and Anshumali Shrivastava

  • Demos track
  • Posters
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops

Alternate paper tracks (inalphabetical order):

  • Cognitive Computing track
  • Industry track
  • International project track
  • Journal paper track
  • Journalism, Misinformationand Fact Checking
  • The BIG Web (formerly BigData Innovators Gathering)
  • Web programming

Othertracks (in alphabetical order):

  • Challenges track
  • Developers’ track
  • Digital Summ’ R
  • Minute of madness
  • PHD symposium
  • Panels track
  • W3C track
  • Web History

Otherevents (in alphabetical order):

  • Exhibition & living space
  • Hackateen
  • Job Fair



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