Loss 计算的是网络输出的 target 值与真实label之间的误差,最小化以优化网络.
Loss 值由 forward-pass 计算得到,并在 backward-pass 计算关于 loss 的梯度值.
Caffe 主要提供了以下 Loss 层:
用于一对多(one-of-many) 的分类任务,计算多项 logistic 损失值. 通过 softmax 来传递实值预测值,以得到关于各类的概率分布.
该网络层可以分解为 SoftmaxLayer + MultinomialLogisticLoss 层的组合,不过其梯度计算更加数值稳定.
测试时,该网络层可以由 SoftmaxLayer 层代替.
计算关于预测值的 softmax loss 误差值梯度.
不计算关于 label 输入[bottom[1]]的 梯度.
template<typename Dtype >
void caffe::SoftmaxWithLossLayer< Dtype >::Backward_cpu (
const vector< Blob< Dtype > *> & top,
const vector< bool > & propagate_down,
const vector< Blob< Dtype > *> & bottom
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
bottom: "fc8"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
ignore_label:0 # 指定 label 值,在计算 loss 时忽略该值.
normalize: true # 如果为 true,则基于当前 labels 数量(不包含忽略的 label) 进行归一化; 否则,只是加和.
计算关于输入的 Euclidean 误差梯度.
template<typename Dtype >
void caffe::EuclideanLossLayer< Dtype >::Backward_cpu (
const vector< Blob< Dtype > *> & top,
const vector< bool > & propagate_down,
const vector< Blob< Dtype > *> & bottom
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "EuclideanLoss"
bottom: "pred"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
loss_weight: 1
多项 logistic 损失函数层,用于一对多的分类任务,其直接采用预测的概率分布作为网络层输入.
当预测值不是概率分布时,应该采用 SoftmaxWithLossLayer,其在计算多项 logistic loss 前,采用 SoftmaxLayer 将预测值映射到概率分布.
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "MultinomialLogisticLoss"
bottom: "fc8"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
normalize: true
FULL = 0
message LossParameter {
optional int32 ignore_label = 1;
enum NormalizationMode {
FULL = 0;
VALID = 1;
NONE = 3;
optional NormalizationMode normalization = 3 [default = VALID];
optional bool normalize = 2;
InfogainLossLayer 是 MultinomalLogisticLossLayer 的一种泛化形式.
其采用“信息增益”(information gain, infogain) 矩阵来指定所有的 label pairs 的“值”(value).
当 infogain 矩阵是单位矩阵时,则与 MultinomalLogisticLossLayer 等价.
message InfogainLossParameter {
// Specify the infogain matrix source.
optional string source = 1;
optional int32 axis = 2 [default = 1]; // axis of prob
layer {
bottom: "score"
bottom: "label"
top: "infoGainLoss"
name: "infoGainLoss"
type: "InfogainLoss"
infogain_loss_param {
source: "/.../infogainH.binaryproto"
axis: 1 # compute loss and probability along axis
用于一对多 的分类任务.
其有时也被叫做 Max-Margin Loss. SVM 的目标函数也层用过.
message HingeLossParameter {
enum Norm {
L1 = 1;
L2 = 2;
// Specify the Norm to use L1 or L2
optional Norm norm = 1 [default = L1];
# L1 Norm
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "HingeLoss"
bottom: "pred"
bottom: "label"
# L2 Norm
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "HingeLoss"
bottom: "pred"
bottom: "label"
top: "loss"
hinge_loss_param {
norm: L2
Caffe Siamese Network 采用了 ContrastiveLoss 函数,能够有效的处理 paired data.
如 Caffe - mnist_siamese.ipynb.
ContrastiveLoss 计算公式:
message ContrastiveLossParameter {
// margin for dissimilar pair
optional float margin = 1 [default = 1.0];
// The first implementation of this cost did not exactly match the cost of
// Hadsell et al 2006 -- using (margin - d^2) instead of (margin - d)^2.
// legacy_version = false (the default) uses (margin - d)^2 as proposed in the
// Hadsell paper. New models should probably use this version.
// legacy_version = true uses (margin - d^2). This is kept to support /
// reproduce existing models and results
optional bool legacy_version = 2 [default = false];
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "ContrastiveLoss"
bottom: "feat"
bottom: "feat_p"
bottom: "sim"
top: "loss"
contrastive_loss_param {
margin: 1
From mnist_siamese_train_test.prototxt
计算 一对多 分类任务的分类精度.
没有 backward 计算.
message AccuracyParameter {
// top_k 精度
optional uint32 top_k = 1 [default = 1];
// The "label" axis of the prediction blob, whose argmax corresponds to the
// predicted label -- may be negative to index from the end (e.g., -1 for the
// last axis). For example, if axis == 1 and the predictions are
// (N x C x H x W), the label blob is expected to contain N*H*W ground truth
// labels with integer values in {0, 1, ..., C-1}.
optional int32 axis = 2 [default = 1];
// 精度计算,忽略 ignore_label
optional int32 ignore_label = 3;
AccuracyLayer 提供了 AccuracyParameter accuracy_param 参数选项:
[1] - 交叉熵代价函数(损失函数)及其求导推导
[2] - caffe层解读系列——hinge_loss
[3] - 损失函数改进方法总览
[4] - 视觉分类任务中处理不平衡问题的loss比较
[5] - Caffe Loss层 - HingelossLayer