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Github项目推荐 | 最优控制、强化学习和运动规划等主题参考文献集锦

发布2019-05-08 16:11:19
发布2019-05-08 16:11:19

References on Optimal Control, Reinforcement Learning and Motion Planning

by Edouard Leurent






  • (book) Dynamic Programming, Bellman R. (1957).
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  • (book) Markov Decision Processes - Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming, Puterman M. (1995).


  • ExpectiMinimax Optimal strategy in games with chance nodes, Melkó E., Nagy B. (2007).
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  • MCTS Efficient Selectivity and Backup Operators in Monte-Carlo Tree Search, Rémi Coulom, SequeL (2006).
  • UCT Bandit based Monte-Carlo Planning, Kocsis L., Szepesvári C. (2006).
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  • OPD Optimistic Planning for Deterministic Systems, Hren J., Munos R. (2008).
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  • MIQP Optimal trajectory planning for autonomous driving integrating logical constraints: An MIQP perspective, Qian X., Altché F., Bender P., Stiller C. de La Fortelle A. (2016).



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Multi-Armed Bandit

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  • Ape-X DQfD Observe and Look Further: Achieving Consistent Performance on Atari, Pohlen T. et al. (2018). Video



  • REINFORCE Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for Connectionist Reinforcement Learning, Williams R. (1992).
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  • VIN Value Iteration Networks, Tamar A. et al (2016). video️
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  • MPPI Information Theoretic MPC for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning, Williams G. et al. (2017). video️
  • Learning Real-World Robot Policies by Dreaming, Piergiovanni A. et al. (2018).
  • PlaNet Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels, Hafner et al. (2018). video️
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