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发布2019-09-19 14:12:51
发布2019-09-19 14:12:51

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Composing multiple nodes in a single process


ROS 1 - Nodes vs. Nodelets ROS 1 -节点与Nodelets

In ROS 1 you can write your code either as a ROS node or as a ROS nodelet. ROS 1 nodes are compiled into executables. ROS 1 nodelets on the other hand are compiled into a shared library which is then loaded at runtime by a container process.

在ROS 1,无论是作为一个ROS节点或作为ROS nodelet都可以通过代码实现。ROS 1节点被编译成可执行文件。另一方面,ROS 1 nodelets被编译成共享库,然后由容器进程在运行时加载。

ROS 2 - Unified API ROS 2 - 统一API

In ROS 2 the recommended way of writing your code is similar to a nodelet - we call it a Component. This makes is easy to add common concepts to existing code, like a life cycle. The biggest drawback of different APIs is avoided in ROS 2 since both approaches use the same API in ROS 2.

在ROS 2中,编写代码的推荐方法类似于nodelet - 我们称之为Component。这样可以很容易地将常见概念添加到现有代码中,例如生命周期。ROS 2中避免了不同API的最大缺点,因为这两种方法在ROS 2中使用相同的API。

Note 注意

It is still possible to use the node-like style of “writing your own main” but for the common case it is not recommended.


By making the process layout a deploy-time decision the user can choose between:


  • running multiple nodes in separate processes with the benefits of process/fault isolation as well as easier debugging of individual nodes and


  • running multiple nodes in a single process with the lower overhead and optionally more efficient communication (see Intra Process Communication).


Additionally ros2 launch can be used to automate these actions through specialized launch actions.

此外,ros2 launch还可用于通过专门的启动操作自动执行这些操作。

Writing a Component 编写组件

Since a component is only built into a shared library it doesn’t have a main function (see Talker source code). A component is commonly a subclass of rclcpp::Node. Since it is not in control of the thread it shouldn’t perform any long running or blocking tasks in its constructor. Instead it can use timers to get periodic notification. Additionally it can create publishers, subscribers, servers, and clients.


An important aspect of making such a class a component is that the class registers itself using macros from the package rclcpp_components (see the last line in the source code). This makes the component discoverable when its library is being loaded into a running process - it acts as kind of an entry point.

将这样的类作为组件的一个重要方面是类使用rclcpp_components包中的宏来注册自己(参考源代码中的最后一行)。这使得组件在将其库加载到正在运行的进程时可被发现 - 它充当入口点。

Additionally, once a component is created, it must be registered with the index to be discoverable by the tooling.


add_library(talker_component SHARED


rclcpp_components_register_nodes(talker_component "composition::Talker")

# To register multiple components in the same shared library, use multiple calls# rclcpp_components_register_nodes(talker_component "composition::Talker2")

Note 注意

In order for the component_container to be able to find desired components, it must be executed or launched from a shell that has sourced the corresponding workspace.


Using Components 使用组件

The composition package contains a couple of different approaches on how to use components. The three most common ones are:


  • Start a (generic container process) and call the ROS service load_node offered by the container. The ROS service will then load the component specified by the passed package name and library name and start executing it within the running process. Instead of calling the ROS service programmatically you can also use a command line tool to invoke the ROS service with the passed command line arguments

启动(通用容器进程)并调用容器提供的ROS服务load_node。然后,ROS服务将加载由传递的包名和库名 指定的组件,并在运行的进程中开始执行它。您不必以编程方式调用ROS服务,也可以使用命令行工具使用 传递的命令行参数调用ROS服务

  • Create a custom executable containing multiple nodes which are known at compile time. This approach requires that each component has a header file (which is not strictly needed for the first case).

创建包含在编译时已知的多个节点的自定义可执行文件。这种方法要求每个组件都有一个头文件(第一种情况 并不严格需要)。

  • Create a launch file and use ros2 launch to create a container process with multiple components loaded.

创建启动文件并用ros2 launch创建加载了多个组件的容器进程。

Run the demos 运行演示

The demos use executables from rclcpp_components, ros2component, and composition packages, and can be run with the following commands.


Discover available components 发现可用的组件

To see what components are registered and available in the workspace, execute the following in a shell:


$ ros2 component types






Run-time composition using ROS services (1.) with a publisher and subscriber


In the first shell, start the component container:


ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container

Verify that the container is running via ros2 command line tools:


$ ros2 component list


In the second shell (see talker source code). The command will return the unique ID of the loaded component as well as the node name.


$ ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Talker

Loaded component 1 into '/ComponentManager' container node as '/talker'

Now the first shell should show a message that the component was loaded as well as repeated message for publishing a message.


Another command in the second shell (see listener source code):


$ ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Listener

Loaded component 2 into '/ComponentManager' container node as '/listener'

The ros2 command line utility can now be used to inspect the state of the container:


$ ros2 component list


1 /talker

2 /listener

Now the first shell should show repeated output for each received message.


Run-time composition using ROS services (1.) with a server and client


The example with a server and a client is very similar. 服务器和客户端的示例非常相似。

In the first shell: 在第一个shell中:

ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container

In the second shell (see server and client source code): 在第二个shell中(请参考服务器客户端源代码):

ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Server

ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Client

In this case the client sends a request to the server, the server processes the request and replies with a response, and the client prints the received response.


Compile-time composition using ROS services (2.)


This demos shows that the same shared libraries can be reused to compile a single executable running multiple components. The executable contains all four components from above: talker and listener as well as server and client.


In the shell call (see source code):


ros2 run composition manual_composition

This should show repeated messages from both pairs, the talker and the listener as well as the server and the client.


Note 注意

Manually-composed components will not be reflected in the ros2 component list command line tool output. 手动编写的组件不会反映在ros2 component list命令行工具输出中。

Run-time composition using dlopen 使用dlopen运行时组合

This demo presents an alternative to 1. by creating a generic container process and explicitly passing the libraries to load without using ROS interfaces. The process will open each library and create one instance of each “rclcpp::Node” class in the library source code).

此演示提供了1的替代方法,通过创建通用容器进程并显式传递库而不使用ROS接口。该过程将打开每个库并在库源代码中创建每个“rclcpp :: Node”类的一个实例。

Linux In the shell call: Linux在shell中调用:

ros2 run composition dlopen_composition `ros2 pkg prefix composition`/lib/libtalker_component.so `ros2 pkg prefix composition`/lib/liblistener_component.so

OSX In the shell call:


ros2 run composition dlopen_composition `ros2 pkg prefix composition`/lib/libtalker_component.dylib `ros2 pkg prefix composition`/lib/liblistener_component.dylib

Windows In cmd.exe call


ros2 pkg prefix composition

to get the path to where composition is installed. Then call


ros2 run composition dlopen_composition <path_to_composition_install>\bin\talker_component.dll <path_to_composition_install>\bin\listener_component.dll

Now the shell should show repeated output for each sent and received message.


Note 注意

dlopen-composed components will not be reflected in the ros2 component list command line tool output.

dlopen组成的组件不会反映在命令行ros2 component list工具输出中。

Composition using launch actions


While the command line tools are useful for debugging and diagnosing component configurations, it is frequently more convenient to start a set of components at the same time. To automate this action, we can use the functionality in ros2 launch.

虽然命令行工具对于调试和诊断组件配置很有用,但同时启动一组组件通常更方便。要自动执行此操作,可以使用ros2 launch功能。

ros2 launch composition composition_demo.launch.py

Advanced Topics 高级主题

Now that we have seen the basic operation of components, we can discuss a few more advanced topics.


Unloading components 卸载组件

In the first shell, start the component container: 在第一个shell中,启动组件容器:

ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container

Verify that the container is running via ros2 command line tools: 通过ros2命令行工具验证容器是否正在运行:

$ ros2 component list


In the second shell (see talker source code). The command will return the unique ID of the loaded component as well as the node name.


$ ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Talker

Loaded component 1 into '/ComponentManager' container node as '/talker'

$ ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Listener

Loaded component 2 into '/ComponentManager' container node as '/listener'

Use the unique ID to unload the node from the component container.


$ ros2 component unload /ComponentManager 1 2

Unloaded component 1 from '/ComponentManager' container

Unloaded component 2 from '/ComponentManager' container

In the first shell, verify that the repeated messages from talker and listener have stopped.


Remapping container name and namespace


The component manager name and namespace can be remapped via standard command line arguments:


ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container __node:=MyContainer __ns:=/ns

In a second shell, components can be loaded by using the updated container name:


ros2 component load /ns/MyContainer composition composition::Listener

Note 注意

Namespace remappings of the container do not affect loaded components.


Remap component names and namespaces


Component names and namespaces may be adjusted via arguments to the load command.


In the first shell, start the component container:


ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container

Some examples of how to remap names and namespaces:


# Remap node name

ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Talker --node-name talker2

# Remap namespace

ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Talker --node-namespace /ns

# Remap both

ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Talker --node-name talker3 --node-namespace /ns2

The corresponding entries appear in ros2 component list:

ros2 component list相应的条目显示在:

$ ros2 component list


1 /talker2

2 /ns/talker

3 /ns2/talker3

Note 注意

Namespace remappings of the container do not affect loaded components.


本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2019年09月12日,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • Composing multiple nodes in a single process
  • 在单个进程中组合多个节点
    • ROS 1 - Nodes vs. Nodelets ROS 1 -节点与Nodelets
      • ROS 2 - Unified API ROS 2 - 统一API
        • Writing a Component 编写组件
          • Using Components 使用组件
            • Run the demos 运行演示
              • Discover available components 发现可用的组件
              • Run-time composition using ROS services (1.) with a publisher and subscriber
              • 使用ROS服务(1.)与发布器和订阅器的运行时组合
              • Run-time composition using ROS services (1.) with a server and client
              • 使用ROS服务(1.)与服务器和客户端的运行时组合
              • Compile-time composition using ROS services (2.)
              • 使用ROS服务编译时组成(2.)
              • Run-time composition using dlopen 使用dlopen运行时组合
              • Composition using launch actions
              • 使用launch启动行动的组合
            • Advanced Topics 高级主题
              • Unloading components 卸载组件
              • Remapping container name and namespace
              • 重新映射容器名称和命名空间
              • Remap component names and namespaces
              • 重新映射组件名称和命名空间
          腾讯云容器服务(Tencent Kubernetes Engine, TKE)基于原生 kubernetes 提供以容器为核心的、高度可扩展的高性能容器管理服务,覆盖 Serverless、边缘计算、分布式云等多种业务部署场景,业内首创单个集群兼容多种计算节点的容器资源管理模式。同时产品作为云原生 Finops 领先布道者,主导开源项目Crane,全面助力客户实现资源优化、成本控制。
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