社区首页 >专栏 >加拿大生物信息学研讨会资源宝藏


发布2020-03-05 09:42:35
发布2020-03-05 09:42:35



  • 官方主页链接: https://bioinformatics.ca/workshops/2018-epigenomic-data-analysis/
  • github 链接: https://github.com/bioinformatics-ca
  • twitter 主页: https://twitter.com/bioinfodotca
  • 各种主页: https://bioinformaticsdotca.github.io/
  • youtube 链接: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKbkfKk65PZyRCzUwXOJung

最重要:有视频、有讲义 PDF以及PPT 、有实战,并且都是讲的特别详细。** **放在最前面的话,我觉得讲义看2019的就行了。如果加上视频比较好理解,那就看2018`。**

容我打开 2019 资料网站:https://bioinformaticsdotca.github.io/ 点进去界面是这样的:




High-throughput Biology: From Sequence to Networks

这部分主要讲从序列到最终的调控网络,也包括了一些基础的 UNIX/R 的学习。(这部分 PDF 421 页)


1) R Preparation tutorials: 2) UNIX Preparation tutorials: 3) Sequencing Terminology 4) Cytoscape Preparation tutorials: Complete the introductory tutorial to Cytoscape

  • Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV): high-performance genomics data visualization and exploration
  • Genome structural variation discovery and genotyping
  • A survey of sequence alignment algorithms for next-generation sequencing
  • Genotype and SNP calling from next-generation sequencing data
  • Informatics for RNA Sequencing: A Web Resource for Analysis on the Cloud
  • Transcript-level expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with HISAT, StringTie and Ballgown
  • ENCODE RNA-Seq Standards
  • Methods to study splicing from high-throughput RNA sequencing data
  • A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium
  • Module 1: Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing
  • Module 2: Data Visualization
  • Module 3: Genome Alignment
  • Module 4: Small-Variant Calling and Annotation
  • Module 5: Structural Variant Calling
  • Module 6: De Novo Assembly
  • Module 7: Introduction to RNA Sequencing Analysis
  • Module 8: RNA-seq Alignment and Visualization
  • Paper: Recurrent chimeric RNAs enriched in human prostate cancer identified by deep sequencing
  • Module 9: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 10: Reference Free Alignment
  • Module 11: Isoform Discovery and Alternative Expression
  • Module 12: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 13: Finding Over-Represented Pathways
  • Module 14: Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape and Reactome
  • Module 15: More Depth on Network and Pathway Analysis and Cytoscape Enrichment map
  • Module 16: Gene Function Prediction
  • Module 17: Regulatory Network Analysis
Introduction to R


Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R


Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics

这部分PDF 316 + 49 + 52 页 这部分学癌症相关的应该是大有用处

  • Module 1: Introduction to Cancer Genomics
  • Module 2: Ethics of Data Usage and Security
  • Module 3: Databases and Visualization Tools
  • Module 4: Genome Alignment
  • Module 5: Genome Assembly-
  • Module 6: Copy Number Variants
  • Module 7: Somatic Mutations and Annotations
  • Module 8: Gene Expression Profiling
  • Module 9: Gene Fusion and Rearrangements
  • Module 10: Genes to Pathways
  • Module 11: Variants to Networks
  • Module 12: Integration of Clinical Data
Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis

这部分就是我们最基础的 RNA-seq 分析所需要做的内容 这部分PDF 131 页

  • Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Module 2: Introduction to RNA Sequencing Analysis
  • Module 3: RNA-seq Alignment and Visualization
  • Module 4: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 5: Reference Free Alignment
  • Module 6: Isoform Discovery and Alternative Expression
  • Module 7: Genome Guided and Genome-Free Transcriptome Assembly
  • Module 8: Functional Annotation and Analysis of Transcripts
Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data

这部分PDF 182 页

  • Module 1: Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing
  • Module 2: Data Visualization
  • Module 3: Genome Alignment
  • Module 4: Small-Variant Calling and Annotation
  • Module 5: Structural Variant Calling
  • Module 6: De Novo Assembly
Pathway and Network Analysis of -omics Data

这部分对于做调控网络的应该是大有帮助 这部分PDF 186 页

  • Module 1: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 2 Finding Over-Represented Pathways
  • Module 3: Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape
  • Module 4: More Depth on Network and Pathway Analysis
  • Module 5: Gene Function Prediction
  • Module 6: Regulatory Network Analysis
Using Clouds for Big Cancer Data Analysis

上面就是 2019 年培训资料相关的。 当然这只是一部分。


Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing
  • Module 2: Data Visualization
  • Module 3: Genome Alignment
Day 2
  • Module 4: Small-Variant Calling and Annotation
  • Module 5: Structural Variant Calling
  • Module 6: De Novo Assembly

Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Public Health Microbiology and Genomic Epidemiology
  • Module 2: Pathogen Genomic Analysis I
  • Module 3: Pathogen Genomic Analysis II
Day 2
  • Module 4: Antimicrobial Resistance Genes
  • Module 5: Phylogeographic Analysis
Day 3
  • Module 6: Emerging Pathogen Detection and Identification Using Metagenomics Samples
  • Module 7: Data Visualization

Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Metabolomics
  • Module 2: Metabolite Identification and Annotation
  • Module 3: Databases for Chemical, Spectral, and Biological Data
Day 2
  • Module 4: Backgrounder in Statistics
  • Module 5: MetaboAnalyst
  • Module 6: Future of Metabolomics

Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 2: Finding Over-Represented Pathways
  • Module 3: Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape
Day 2
  • Module 4: More Depth on Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 5: Gene Function Prediction
Day 3
  • Module 6: Regulatory Network Analysis

Introduction to R 2018


Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2018


  • Recording Session 1
  • Recording Session 2
  • Recording Session 3
  • Recording Session 4
  • Recording Session 5
  • Recording Session 6
  • Recording Session 7
  • Recording Session 8

Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to cancer genomics
  • Module 2: Databases and Visualization Tools
  • Module 3a: Cancer Databases
  • Module 3b: Visualization Tools
Day 2
  • Module 4: Genome Alignment
  • Module 5: Genome Assembly
  • Module 6: Copy Number Variants
Day 3
  • Module 7: Somatic Mutations and Annotations
  • Module 8: Gene Expression
Day 4
  • Module 9: Gene Fusion and Rearrangements
  • Module 10: Sharing and Scaling a VM
Day 5
  • Module 11: Working Reproducibly in the Cloud
  • Module 12: Big Data Analytics in the Cloud
  • Module 13: Genes to Pathways
Day 6
  • Module 14: Variants to Networks
  • Module 15: Clinical Data Integration

Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to RNA Sequencing and Analysis
  • Module 2: RNA-seq alignment and visualization
Day 2
  • Module 3: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 4: Reference Free Alignment
Day 3
  • Module 5: Genome-Free De Novo Transcriptome Assembly
  • Module 6: Functional Annotation and Analysis of Transcripts

Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing
  • Module 2: Data Visualization
  • Module 3: Genome Alignment
Day 2
  • Module 4: Small-Variant Calling and Annotation
  • Module 5: Structural Variant Calling
  • Module 6: De Novo Assembly

Epigenomic Data Analysis 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to ChIP Sequencing and Analysis
  • Module 2: ChIP-Seq Alignment, Peak Calling, and Visualization
Day 2
  • Module 3: Introduction to WGBS and Analysis
  • Module 4: Downstream Analyses and Integrative Tools

Analysis of Metagenomic Data 2018


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Metagenomics
  • Module 2: Marker Gene-Based Analysis
  • Module 3: PICRUSt
Day 2
  • Module 4: Metagenomic Taxanomic and Functional Composition
  • Module 5: Pulling Genomes from Metagenomes
Day 3
  • Module 6: Metatranscriptomics
  • Module 7: Statistical Tests for Metagenomics
  • Module 8: Biomarkers and Bringing It All Together


High-Throughput Biology - From Sequence to Networks 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing
  • Module 2: Data Visualization
  • Module 3: Genome Alignment
Day 2
  • Module 4: Small-Variant Calling and Annotation
  • Module 5: Structural Variant Calling
  • Module 6: De Novo Assembly
Day 3
  • Module 7: Introduction to RNA Sequencing Analysis
  • Module 8: RNA-seq Alignment and Visualization
Day 4
  • Module 9: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 10: Reference Free Alignment
  • Module 11: Isoform Discovery and Alternative Expression
Day 5
  • Module 12: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 13: Finding Over-Represented Pathways
  • Module 14: Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape
Day 6
  • Module 15: More Depth on Network and Pathway Analysis
  • Module 16: Gene Function Prediction
Day 6
  • Module 17: Regulatory Network Analysis

Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Public Health Microbiology and Genomic Epidemiology
  • Module 2: Pathogen Genomic Analysis I
  • Module 3: Pathogen Genomic Analysis II
Day 2
  • Module 4: Antimicrobial Resistance Genes
  • Module 5: Phylogeographic Analysis
Day 3
  • Module 6: Emerging Pathogen Detection and Identification Using Metagenomics Samples
  • Module 7: Data Visualization

Bioinformatics of Genomic Medicine 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction and Patient Phenotyping and Genetic Disease
  • Module 2: Introduction to Tools, Computing Infrastructure, and Data
  • Module 3: Variant Annotation
  • Module 4: Translating Research Workflows into Clinical Tests
Day 2
  • Module 5: Available Epigenetics Data and Resources
  • Module 6: Epigenetic Profiling in Disease
  • Module 7: Patient Similarity Fusion

Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 2: Finding Over-Represented Pathways in Gene Lists
  • Module 3: Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape
Day 2
  • Module 4: More Depth on Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 5: Gene Function Prediction
Day 3
  • Module 6: Regulatory Network Analysis

Introduction to R 2017


Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Module 2: Regression
  • Module 3: Dimension Reduction
Day 2
  • Module 4: Clustering
  • Module 5: Hypothesis Testing

Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to cancer genomics
  • Module 2: Databases and Visualization Tools
Day 2
  • Module 3a: Genome Alignment
  • Module 3b: Genome Assembly
  • Module 4: Copy Number Variants
Day 3
  • Module 5: Somatic Mutations and Annotations
  • Module 6: Gene Expression
Day 4
  • Module 7: Gene Fusion and Rearrangements
  • Module 8: Variants to Networks
Day 5
  • Module 8: Variants to Networks
  • Module 9: Clinical Data Integration

Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to RNA Sequencing and Analysis
  • Module 2: RNA-seq alignment and visualization
Day 2
  • Module 3: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 4: Reference Free Alignment
  • Module 5: Isoform discovery and alternative expression
Day 3
  • Module 6: Genome-Free De Novo Transcriptome Assembly
  • Module 7: Functional Annotation and Analysis of Transcripts

Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing
  • Module 2: Data Visualization
  • Module 3: Genome Alignment
Day 2
  • Module 4: Small-Variant Calling and Annotation
  • Module 5: Structural Variant Calling
  • Module 6: De Novo Assembly

Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Metabolomics
  • Module 2: Metabolite Identification and Annotation
  • Module 3: Databases for Chemical, Spectral, and Biological Data
Day 2
  • Module 4: Backgrounder in Statisticss
  • Module 5: MetaboAnalyst
  • Module 6: Future of Metabolomics

Epigenomic Data Analysis 2017


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to ChIP Sequencing and Analysis
  • Module 2: ChIP-Seq Alignment, Peak Calling, and Visualization
Day 2
  • Module 3: Introduction to WGBS and Analysis
  • Module 4: Downstream Analyses and Integrative Tools

Microbiome Summer School - Big Data Analytics for Omics Science 2017


Day 1
  • Plenary 1: GUTOME 1010 and Beyond
  • Plenary 2: Microbiomes, Metagenomes, and Marker Genes
  • Plenary 3: Metagenomics Analysis
Day 2
  • Plenary 4: Microbiome Biomarker Discovery
  • Plenary 5: Metatranscriptomics
Day 3
  • Plenary 6: Host Genomics Applied to the Microbiome
  • Plenary 7: Introduction to Machine Learning for Biological Data
Day 4
  • Plenary 8: ElasticSearch to Facilitate Data Mining of Human Microbiome Databases
  • Plenary 9: Algorithms for Mass Spectrometry
  • Plenary 10: Efficient Multi-Locus Biomarker Discovery

Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 2: Finding Over-Represented Pathways in Gene Lists
  • Module 3: Network Visualization and Analysis with Cytoscape
Day 2
  • Module 4: More Depth on Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 5: Gene Function Prediction
Day 3
  • Module 6: Regulatory Network Analysis

Introduction to R 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: The R Environment
  • Module 2: Programming Basics
  • Module 3: Using R for Data Analysis

Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Module 2: Regression Analysis
  • Module 3: Dimension Reduction
Day 2
  • Module 4: Clustering Analysis
  • Module 5: Hypothesis Testing for EDA

Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to cancer genomics
  • Module 2.1: Databases and Visualization Tools
  • Module 2.2: Logging into the Cloud
Day 2
  • Module 3: Mapping and Genome Rearrangement
  • Module 4: Gene Fusion Discovery
Day 3
  • Module 5: Copy Number Alterations
  • Module 6: Somatic Mutations
Day 4
  • Module 7: Gene Expression Profiling
  • Module 8: Variants to Pathways
  • Part 1: How to annotate variants and prioritize potentially relevant ones
  • Part 2: From genes to pathways
Day 5

Network Analysis using Reactome

Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2016


Day 1
  • Module 0: Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Module 1: Introduction to RNA Sequencing and Analysis
  • Module 2: RNA-seq alignment and visualization
Day 2
  • Module 3: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 4: Isoform discovery and alternative expression
  • Module 5: Reference Free Alignment

Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to HT-sequencing and Cloud Computing
  • Module 2: Genome Alignment
  • Module 3: Genome Visualization
  • Module 4: De Novo Assembly
Day 2
  • Module 5: Genome Variation
  • Module 6: Genome Structural Variation
  • Module 7: Bringing it Together with Galaxy

Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Metabolomics
  • Module 2: Metabolite Identification and Annotation
  • Module 3: Databases for Chemical, Spectral, and Biological Data
Day 2
  • Module 4: Backgrounder in Statistical Methods
  • Module 5: MetaboAnalyst
  • Module 6: Future of Metabolomics

Epigenomic Data Analysis 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to ChIP Sequencing and Analysis
  • Module 2: ChIP-Seq Alignment, Peak Calling, and Visualization
Day 2
  • Module 3: Introduction to WGBS and Analysis
  • Module 4: Downstream Analyses and Integrative Tools

Analysis of Metagenomic Data 2016


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Metagenomics and Computing in the Cloud
  • Module 2: Marker Gene-based Analysis of Taxonomic Composition
  • Module 3: Introduction to PICRUSt
Day 2
  • Module 4: Metagenomic Taxonomic Composition
  • Module 5: Metagenomic Functional Composition
Day 3
  • Module 6: Metatranscriptomics
  • Module 7: Biomarker Selection


High-Throughput Biology - From Sequence to Networks 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: Overview of HT-sequencing & Cloud Computing
  • Module 2: Reference Genome Alignment
  • Module 3: Data Visualization
  • Module 4: De Novo Assembly
Day 2
  • Module 5: Small variant calling & annotation
  • Module 6: Structural variation calling
  • Module 7: Bringing it all Together: Galaxy
Day 3
  • Module 8: Introduction to RNA sequencing and analysis
  • Module 9: RNA-seq alignment and visualization
Day 4
  • Module 10: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 11: Isoform discovery and alternative expression
Day 5
  • Module 12: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 13: Finding over-represented pathways in gene lists
  • Module 14: Cytoscape Intro, Demo and Enrichment Maps
Day 6
  • Module 15: Depth on Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 16: Gene Function Prediction
Day 7
  • Module 17: Gene Regulation Network Analysis

Introduction to R 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: First Steps
  • Module 2: Programming Basics

- Module 3: Using R for Data Analysis

Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Module 2: Regression Analysis
  • Module 3: Dimension Reduction
Day 2
  • Module 4: Clustering Analysis
  • Module 5: Hypothesis Testing for EDA

Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to cancer genomics
  • Module 2: Databases and Visualization Tools
Day 2
  • Module 3: Alignment and Genome rearrangements
  • Module 4: Gene Fusion Discovery
Day 3
  • Module 5: Copy Number Alterations
  • Module 6: Somatic Mutations
Day 4
  • Module 7: Gene Expression Profiling
  • Module 8: Variants to Pathways
Day 5

Network Analysis using Reactome FI

Pathway and Network Analysis of Omics Data 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 2: Finding over-represented pathways in gene lists
  • Module 3: Cytoscape Intro, Demo and Enrichment Maps
Day 2
  • Module 4: Depth on Pathway and Network Analysis
  • Module 5: Gene Function Prediction
Day 3
  • Module 6: Gene Regulation Network Analysis

Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to RNA sequencing and analysis
  • Module 2: RNA-seq alignment and visualization
Day 2
  • Module 3: Expression and Differential Expression
  • Module 4: Isoform discovery and alternative expression

Informatics on High-Throughput Data 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: Overview of HT-sequencing & Cloud Computing
  • Module 2: Reference-guided Genome Alignment
  • Module 3: Data Visualization
  • Module 4: De Novo Assembly
Day 2
  • Module 5: Small variant calling & annotation
  • Module 6: Structural variation calling
  • Module 7: Bringing it all Together: Galaxy

Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2015


Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Metabolomics
  • Module 2: Software for Metabolite ID and Quantification
  • Module 3: Databases for Chemical, Spectral and bIological Data
Day 2
  • Module 4: Backgrounder in Statistics
  • Module 5: MetaboAnalyst
  • Module 6: Future of Metabolomics

2013 主要是用 R 分析芯片数据和流式细胞数据

Microarray Data Analysis

课程链接是: http://bioinformatics-ca.github.io/microarrays_2013/

Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Microarrays and R Lecture: Module 1 pdf Module 1 ppt Module 1 mp4 Lab Practical: Modules 1-3 Lab questions
  • Module 2: Quality Control of Microarrays Lecture: Module 2 pdf‎ Module 2‎ ppt Module 2‎ mp4 Lab Practical: Modules 1-3 Lab questions Day 1 analysis script
Day 2
  • Module 3: Statistical Analysis Lecture: Module 3‎ pdf Module 3‎ ppt Module 3‎ mp4 Clustering Slides‎ Lab Practical: Modules 1-3 Lab questions Status of R script at 11:55am Status of R script at 12:33pm Status of R script at 4:24pm R script with MAS5
  • Module 4: Beyond the Microarray Experiment Lecture: Module 4 pdf Module 4 ppt Module 4 mp4

Flow Cytometry Data Analysis using R

课程链接是: http://bioinformatics-ca.github.io/flow_cytometry_2013/

Day 1
  • Module 1: Introduction to Flow Cytometry Analysis in R Lecture: Module 1 pdf Module 1 mp4
  • Module 2: Exploring FCM data in R Lecture: Module 2 pdf‎ Module 2‎ mp4 Lab Practical: Module 2 Lab PlottingReference.R - reference, summary and tutorial for plot functions in R.
  • Module 3: Preprocessing and Quality Assurance of FCM Data Lecture: Module 3‎ pdf Module 3‎ mp4 Lab Practical: Module 3 Lab
Day 2
  • Module 4: Automated Cell Population Identification Lecture: Module 4‎ pdf Module 4‎ mp4
  • Module 5: 1D Automated Gating Lecture: Module 5‎ pdf Module 5‎ mp4 Lab Practical: Module 5 Lab
  • Module 6: Additional FCM Tools Lecture: Module 6 pdf‎ Module 6 mp4
本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2020-03-03,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 生信技能树 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 2019
    • Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2018
      • Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology 2018
        • Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2018
          • Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data 2018
            • Introduction to R 2018
              • Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2018
                • Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2018
                  • Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2018
                    • Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2018
                      • Epigenomic Data Analysis 2018
                        • Analysis of Metagenomic Data 2018
                          • High-Throughput Biology - From Sequence to Networks 2017
                            • Infectious Disease Genomic Epidemiology 2017
                              • Bioinformatics of Genomic Medicine 2017
                                • Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data 2017
                                  • Introduction to R 2017
                                    • Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2017
                                      • Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2017
                                        • Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2017
                                          • Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2017
                                            • Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2017
                                              • Epigenomic Data Analysis 2017
                                                • Microbiome Summer School - Big Data Analytics for Omics Science 2017
                                                  • Pathway and Network Analysis of -Omics Data 2016
                                                    • Introduction to R 2016
                                                      • Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2016
                                                        • Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2016
                                                          • Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2016
                                                            • Informatics on High-Throughput Sequencing Data 2016
                                                              • Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2016
                                                                • Epigenomic Data Analysis 2016
                                                                  • Analysis of Metagenomic Data 2016
                                                                  • 2015
                                                                    • High-Throughput Biology - From Sequence to Networks 2015
                                                                      • Introduction to R 2015
                                                                    • - Module 3: Using R for Data Analysis
                                                                      • Exploratory Analysis of Biological Data Using R 2015
                                                                      • Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics 2015
                                                                      • Pathway and Network Analysis of Omics Data 2015
                                                                      • Informatics for RNA-Seq Analysis 2015
                                                                      • Informatics on High-Throughput Data 2015
                                                                      • Informatics and Statistics for Metabolomics 2015
                                                                  • 2013 主要是用 R 分析芯片数据和流式细胞数据
                                                                    • Microarray Data Analysis
                                                                      • Flow Cytometry Data Analysis using R
                                                                  问题归档专栏文章快讯文章归档关键词归档开发者手册归档开发者手册 Section 归档