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发布2020-09-23 09:56:51
发布2020-09-23 09:56:51



  • 百度、Google
  • 各大博客、门户网站、论坛
  • 个人测试经验




















































【Airborne】: an API automation testing tool used for testing Rest APIs.

【API Science】: allows monitoring the health, availability, and performance of web APIs.

【Apigee】: a cross-cloud API testing tool. It allows the user to measure and test API performance, supports and build API using other editors like Swagger.

【APIpray Inspector】: allows monitoring the API during the design phase by capturing both request and response.

【charles】: an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet.

【CRAP-API】: 完全开源、免费的API协作管理系统。

【Eolinker】: API管理平台。

【fiddler】: a free web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.

【Hippie-Swagger】: a tool for testing RESTful APIs.

【HttpClient】: providing an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations.

【HttpMaster】: Practical and easy-to-use software tool for testing http applications and services.

【HttpRunner】: 面向 HTTP(S) 协议的通用测试框架,只需编写维护一份YAML/JSON脚本,即可实现自动化测试、性能测试、线上监控、持续集成等多种测试需求。

【httpwatch】: integrates with Internet Explorer and Google Chrome to provide unrivaled levels of HTTP monitoring, without the need for separately configured proxies or network sniffers.

【Insomnia】: Design and debug APIs like a human, not a robot.

【mitmproxy】: your swiss-army knife for debugging, testing, privacy measurements, and penetration testing.

【Poster】: Firefox浏览器的一个插件,主要用来模拟发并HTTP请求。

【postman】: a collaboration platform for API development. You can use Postman to design, build, and test APIs in conjunction with your teammates, and to support developer adoption.

【Postwoman】: A free, fast and beautiful API request builder (web alternative to Postman).

【Pyresttest】: a Python-based REST API testing platform.It supports tests in JSON or YAML config files.

【requests】: an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings.

【ReST Console】: A simple ReST console for IntelliJ.Create and test network calls using OK HTTP.Supports import of requests in Charles Proxy XML format, and DHC Json format.

【rest-assured】: Testing and validation of REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain.

【Robot Framework】: a generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA)。

【SOAPSonar】: an API testing and diagnostics platform for SOAP, XML, REST-based web services.

【Soatest】: a testing tool that is used to validate the API-driven application.

【SoupUI】: SoapUI is the world's most widely-used automated testing tool for SOAP and REST APIs.

【Spring Cloud Contract】: an umbrella project holding solutions that help users in successfully implementing the Consumer Driven Contracts approach.

【Taurus】: It makes sense to automate anything you repeat 10+ times.Taurus improves experience of JMeter, Selenium and others.

【Tricentis】: a robust web services testing tool.

【vREST】: An effective online tool for automated REST API Testing. It also provides automated recording of REST / RESTful / HTTP APIs.HttpMaster

【WebApiTestClient】: A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page.

【YApi】: 高效、易用、功能强大的 api 管理平台,旨在为开发、产品、测试人员提供更优雅的接口管理服务。


【Allure】: based on standard xUnit results output but adds some supplementary data.

【HTMLTestRunner】: an extension to the Python standard library's unittest module.

【ReportNG】: open-source software, a simple plug-in for the TestNG which is a simple framework to generate HTML reports as a replacement for the default TestNG HTML reports.


【APIStub】: 一个能够快速模拟 REST API 的平台, 专注于提升开发和测试效率,让工作变得简单愉快。

【Beeceptor】: a great tool largely because it requires absolutely no code in order to utilize it.

【CaptureMock】: A tool capable of capturing and replaying mock information for the purposes of testing.

【EasyAPI】: 一个为您提供API管理、API测试、API监控、API文档的综合性API服务平台。

【EasyMock】: has been the first dynamic Mock Object generator, relieving users of hand-writing Mock Objects, or generating code for them.

【fastmock】: fastmock可以让你在没有后端程序的情况下能真实地在线模拟ajax请求。

【JMock】: a library that supports test-driven development of Java code with mock objects.

【JMockit】: a Java toolkit for developer testing, including mocking APIs and a code coverage tool.

【Mock.js】: a simulation data generator to help the front-end to develop and prototype separate from the back-end progress and reduce some monotony particularly while writing automated tests.

【Mockable.io】: designed from the ground up to be simple and easy to use, and it shows – everything Mockable does and presents is slick and intuitive.

【mockhttp】: 在线http接口mock服务,提供稳定的自定义http接口返回,可用于web开发和测试。

【Mockoon】: a downloadable program that mocks an unlimited number of environments and routes.

【MockServer/MockServer Proxy】: a multifaceted tool that comes in a variety of builds.

【Mocky.io】: an incredibly simple and super lightweight testing implementation.

【Nei】: 来自网易,功能也比较全,支持mock.js规则,也可自定义规则。

【Nock】: an HTTPS library designed to replicate and mock servers and expectations in Node.js.

【Postman Mock Server】: are tied directly to the Postman app, and for that reason, are a suggestion for a very particular use case.

【PowerMock】: a framework that extends other mock libraries such as EasyMock with more powerful capabilities.

【puer-mock】: A configurable mock server with configurable mock(random) data.

【RAP】: 来自阿里妈妈,基于mock.js语法规则,mock.js的作者参与开发。

【Stoplight】: all about the quick creation of mock servers and visualization of the APIs that interact with them.

【Unitils Mock/org.unitils.mock.Mock】: Unitils Mock Module.

【WireMock】: a simulator for HTTP-based APIs. Some might consider it a service virtualization tool or a mock server.

【Wiremock】: a virtualization tool for mocking, but the product seems aligned towards the idea of holistic simulation.


【Ascentialtest】: designed for reducing time and efforts of test case creation and maintenance.

【AutoIt】: freeware scripting language with basic structures used to automate Windows GUI and general scripting.

【Citrus Framework】: a test framework written in Java that is able to create fully automated end-to-end use case tests for enterprise SOA applications.

【Coded UI】: This tool generates automated tests for user interface of your application.

【CubicTest】: an open-source Eclipse plugin that helps for testing web application to design and understand, no matter if the user has any technical knowledge or not.

【Cypress】: Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.

【EarlGrey】: a native iOS UI automation test framework that enables you to write clear, concise tests.

【eggPlant】: a commercial GUI Automation and Software Testing tool designed by TestPlant.

【Experitest】: Your all-in-one solution for web testing, Appium & Selenium testing, cross-browser testing and more.

【Galen Framework】: offers a simple solution: test location of objects relatively to each other on page.

【Gauge】: an open source test automation framework that takes the pain out of writing and maintaining regression or acceptance test suites.

【iMacros】: an extension for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer with Record and Replay functionality.

【iOS Driver】: an open-source tool capable of complete integration with the selenium grid and automates iOS native and hybrid mobile applications using Selenium/WebDriver API.

【iOS UI Automation】: Apple’s open-source test automation framework specifically for iOS apps.

【Katalon】: a powerful solution that helps you automate Web, API, Mobile, and Desktop apps — with smart analytics and CI/CD integrations.

【KeepItFunctional(KIF)】: an iOS integration test framework used for Functional Testing that builds and performs test cases using standard XCTest testing target.

【Maveryx】: a test automation tool for functional, regression, data-driven and GUI testing especially for all Java and Android applications.

【OpenTest】: Free and open source functional test automation tool for web, mobile and APIs, built on Selenium, Appium and other excellent open source code.

【Parasoft Selenic】: helps companies accelerate automation testing and improve the stability of Selenium tests, providing self-healing at runtime and AI-powered recommendations post-execution.

【PureTest】: an easy-to-use GUI-based functional test tool.

【QAliber】: automates tests for GUI testing with the record and replay functionality.

【QF-Test】: a professional automated testing tool for web and Java application’s GUI.

【QTP】: helps testers to perform an automated functional testing seamlessly, without monitoring, once script development is complete.

【Ranorex】: Everyone from novice to expert can build sophisticated tests for desktop, web, and mobile.

【RCP Testing Tool】: is used for GUI automation testing for Eclipse-based application.

【RIATest】: a GUI test automation tool beneficial for Flex, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery or Windows 8 apps.

【Robotium】: an Android test automation framework that has full support for native and hybrid applications.

【Sahi】: designed to solve the everyday problems faced by the testers.

【Selenium】: an umbrella project for a range of tools and libraries that enable and support the automation of web browsers.

【SeLite】: makes Selenium better.

【Serenity BDD】: an open source library for writing better quality automated acceptance tests faster.

【Sikuli】: an open source framework to automate GUI testing.

【SilkTest】: a tool for automates functional and regression testing

【Squish】: a commercial tool for GUI automation testing.

【SWTBot】: an open-source Java-based cross-platform for GUI and functional testing.

【Telerik Testing Framework】: a free tool that has rich API for preparing maintainable functional test cases.

【Tellurium】: an open-source automated testing framework for web application.

【Test Anywhere】: commercial software testing tool which does not require any programming

【Test IO】: a leading SaaS platform for software crowd testing: the continuous testing of web and mobile applications by skilled human testers using real devices.

【TestComplete】: a commercial platform for web, mobile, and GUI testing.

【TestingWhiz】: Experience effective test automation of web & mobile apps with an easy & intuitive codeless end-to-end software testing tool.

【testproject.io】: a powerful automation solution that aims to simplify your test automation experience.

【Tricentis Tosca Testsuite】: a software developed by Tricentis which allows automated, functional software to be tested.

【UI Automator】: a UI testing framework suitable for cross-app functional UI testing across system and installed apps.

【Watir】: an open source used for automated web browser testing.

【WebDriverIO】: Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js.


【autotestplat】: 一站式自动化测试平台及解决方案。

【Borland Silk Central】: allows you to unify all test assets into one easy-to-use planning, tracking, reporting and execution hub. With silk central it is easy to recreate issues they have found.

【Deviniti】: The app enables to plan Requirements, write Test Cases and add them to Test Plans, track Test Executions, and report Defects inside Jira instance.

【EasyQA】: Simplify Your Testing Process!

【Gemini】: testers can relate their work with development team and customer incidents.

【HipTest】: a continuous testing platform for Agile and DevOps teams that enables teams to collaborate on an idea, test code continuously and generate living documentation from real-time insights.

【HP QC】: one of the high-end tools that provides robust tracking and reporting.

【IBM Rational Quality Manger】: can be used for automation to accelerate project schedules and report on metrics for informed release decisions.

【Karate】: the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework.

【Klaros】: a proven and popular test management software from Germany which is used by teams worldwide to manages their testing activities.

【kylinPET】: 性能测试与UI、APP、接口自动化测试。

【lego】: 美团接口自动化测试平台。

【Parasoft SOAtest】: brings artificial intelligence and machine learning to functional testing, to help users test applications with multiple interfaces (UI, REST & SOAP APIs, web services, microservices, and more), simplifying automated end-to-end testing (databases, MQ, JMS, EDI, or even things like Kafka).

【PractiTest】: an end-to-end test management tool.

【Qase】: a modern cloud-based test management tool designed for QA and development teams with a clean and intuitive user interface.

【RTH-Turbo】: an extension of RTH testing management tool.

【Stryka】: an enterprise grade Test Management Tool available on desktop, mobile, and smart watches.

【TestCaseLab】: allows you to follow most of the testing activities: creating test cases, categorising them, gathering them in test plans and starting test runs, reporting results to Jira etc.

【TestLodge】: provides basic four aspects Test Plans, Requirements, Test Suites & Cases, and Test Runs.

【TestMonitor】: an end-to-end test management tool for every organization.

【Testpad】: a simpler and perhaps more accessible kind of test management tool that prioritises pragmatism over process.

【Testuff】: without limits- unlimited tests, testers, projects, and defects can be reported and managed.

【XQual】: It is designed to avoid common errors faced while testing like bugs, slippage and regression due to inefficiencies in managing the tests.

【Xray】: the #1 Manual & Automated Test Management App for QA.


【Atlassian Clover】: It tests code coverage for Java- and Groovy-based applications.

【Bullseye Coverage】: a code analyzer for C and C++ that evaluates how much of your source code was tested.

【Cobertura】: a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests.

【CodeCover】: an open source glass-box testing tool for Java and COBOL.

【Coverage.py】: a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs.

【EMMA】: an open-source toolkit for measuring and reporting Java code coverage. EMMA distinguishes itself from other tools by going after a unique feature combination: support for large-scale enterprise software development while keeping individual developer's work fast and iterative.

【FrogLogic Coco】: Coco tests code coverage for C, C++, C# and Tcl code.

【Gretel】: a residual test coverage monitoring tool developed by the University of Oregon.

【Hansel】: a JUnit extension that adds code coverage to the testing framework.

【JaCoCo】: a free code coverage library for Java, which has been created by the EclEmma team based on the lessons learned from using and integration existing libraries for many years.

【JCov】: a pure java implementation of a code coverage tool which provides a means to measure and analyze dynamic code coverage of Java.

【NCover】: Improve code coverage on build servers with NCover, the original .NET code coverage tool.

【NoUnit】: it measures your JUnit tests in your projects using Java, XML, and XSLT, giving you a picture of your code to reveal how good and thorough your JUnit tests really are.

【PITest】: does mutation testing for Java and the JVM which it proclaims as the “gold standard test coverage.”

【Quilt】: a Java software development tool for measuring code coverage, optimized for use with the JUnit testing package.

【Testwell CTC++】: It provides coverage for line, statement, function, decision, multi condition, modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC), and condition coverage.


【ab】: a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server.

【Benchmark Factory for Databases】: Database performance and code scalability testing

【BenchmarkDotNet】: helps you to transform methods into benchmarks, track their performance, and share reproducible measurement experiments.

【BrowserMob】: A free utility to help web developers watch and manipulate network traffic from their AJAX applications.

【ContiPerf】: an open source testing utility that enables the user to easily convert JUnit 4 test cases into performance tests.

【curl-loader/omes-nik/davilka】: an open-source tool written in C-language, simulating application load and application behavior of thousands and tens of thousand HTTP/HTTPS and FTP/FTPS clients, each with its own source IP-address.

【Free Speed Test】: Test your Internet connection bandwidth to locations around the world with this interactive broadband speed test.

【Gatling】: an open-source load testing tool for web applications, designed for DevOps and Continuous Integration

【Google PageSpeed Insights】: 一款可以分析网页速度瓶颈,让网页设计人员开发出速度更快的网站的谷歌浏览器插件。

【GoReplay/Gor】: an open-source network monitoring tool which can record your live traffic, and use it for shadowing, load testing, or detailed analysis and monitoring.

【Grinder】: a JavaTM load testing framework that makes it easy to run a distributed test using many load injector machines.

【GTmetrix】: a free tool that analyzes your page's speed performance.

【HttpTest4Net】: 基于C#实现的和HTTP压力测试工具,通过工具可以简单地对HTTP服务进行一个压力测试。

【Iperf】: The ultimate speed test tool for TCP, UDP and SCTP.a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks.。

【JMeter】: open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions.

【LeakCanary】: A memory leak detection library for Android.

【Load Impact】: a cloud service to load test the performance of websites, apps and APIs – providing the tools business needs to be confident of their application's performance.

【LoadRunner】: the number one load testing tool for project teams.

【LoadUI】: load testing tool comes with both commercial and open source versions and designed by SmartBear

【Locust】: an easy-to-use, distributed, user load testing tool.

【Multi-Mechanize】: Performance Test Framework in Python.

【Neustar Free Load Testing & Performance Test】: Test website traffic capacity and find bottlenecks, so you can launch new sites and applications with greater confidence.

【nGrinder】: a platform for stress tests that enables you to execute script creation, test execution, monitoring, and result report generator simultaneously.

【Octa Gate Site Timer】: monitor how long it takes for a user to download one or more of your web site pages.

【OctaGate SiteTimer】: 在线的网页读取速度测试工具。

【OpenSTA】: a distributed software testing architecture designed around CORBA, it was originally developed to be commercial software by CYRANO.

【Pingdom】: Use this free Website Speed Test to analyze the load speed of your websites, and learn how to make them faster.

【PureLoad】: a hardware and OS independent load testing tool for internet applications.

【Pylot】: 跨平台的网站压力测试工具。

【QALoad】: With QALoad, you can simulate the load generated by thousands of users without the expense of actual end users or their equipment.

【Show Slow】: 前端性能跑分及优化工具,集成并通过Yahoo yslow、google page speed、dynaTrace AJAX等工具监测网站各项性能指标,然后通过图表和排名展示出来。

【Siege】: an http load testing and benchmarking utility.

【Site-Perf】: Know all about your site performance.

【stresstester】: dubbo接口压测工具

【TCPCopy】: a live flow reproduction tool, could generate the test workload that is similar to the production workload.

【Tsung】: an open-source multi-protocol distributed load testing tool, can be used to stress HTTP, WebDAV, SOAP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, LDAP and Jabber/XMPP servers.

【Web Bench】: very simple tool for benchmarking WWW or proxy servers.

【Web Page Analyzer】: Free Website Performance Tool and Web Page Speed Analysis.

【Web Polygraph】: a freely available performance testing tool for caching proxies, origin server accelerators, L4/7 switches, content filters, and other Web intermediaries.

【WebLoad】: Stress test your website with thousands of concurrent users, using WebLOAD, the best load test solution.

【WebPage Test】: Website Performance and Optimization Test.

【WebWait】: 一些基准测试,测试你网站的连接速度。

【Which Loads Faster】: Pages compete head-to-head in your browser to see who's the fastest.

【wrk】: Modern HTTP benchmarking tool

【Yslow】: 一款基于FireFox的插件,这个插件可以分析网站的页面,并告诉你为了提高网站性能,如何基于某些规则而进行优化。


【fio】: I/O压力测试工具。

【Iometer】: an I/O subsystem measurement and characterization tool for single and clustered systems.

【Orion】: 由Oracle公司提供,专门用于模拟数据库运行机制来测试存储的优秀IO存储测试软件,可以在不运行oracle数据库的情况下,仿真OLTP随机操作(测试IOPS)或者是OLAP连续性操作(测试吞吐量)。


【AVA】: a minimalistic light-weight testing framework that leverages asynchronous nature of Javascript.

【Browsera】: Browsera tests and reports cross-browser layout differences and scripting errors on your site.

【BrowserSeal】: a fast and easy to use cross browser testing and screenshot tool.

【BrowserShots】: makes screenshots of your web design in different operating systems and browsers.

【Chai】: a BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework.

【debugbar】: the most advanced web development tool for ie.

【Enzyme】: a JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to test your React Components' output.

【IE netrenderer】: Free online HTML tool that shows instantly how your website looks like in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 6 and 5.5。

【Intern】: a complete test system for JavaScript designed to help you write and run consistent, high-quality test cases for your JavaScript libraries and applications.

【istanbul】: a JS code coverage tool written in JS

【jasmine.github.io】: a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.

【Jest】: a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.

【Karma】: A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers.

【LambdaTest】: a scalable cloud-based cross browser testing platform.

【Litmus】: empowers you to build, test and analyze emails for more conversions.

【Mocha】: a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.

【Multiple IEs】: Test your webpage in Internet Explorer 3, 4, 5 and 6。

【Needle】: a tool for testing your CSS and visuals with Selenium and nose.

【Puppeteer】: a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.

【QUnit】: a powerful testing framework dedicated to using with a frontend.

【redux-mock-store】: A mock store for testing Redux async action creators and middleware.

【Sinon】: Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. Works with any unit testing framework.

【Superpreview】: a visual debugging tool for cross-browser testing.

【Tape】: pretty similar to AVA in its architecture.

【Viewlike.Us!】: check out how your website looks in the most popular resolution formats and screen sizes.


【ClickTale】: Clicktale’s enterprise-class platform and customer experience experts transform millisecond-level behaviors and gestures into meaningful insights, telling the story of what your digital customers see and do on every digital channel.

【Clixpy】: it captures everything your visitors do on the site including: mouse movement, clicks, scrolling, and form inputs.

【CrazyEgg】: Use Crazy Egg to see what’s hot and what’s not, and to know what your web visitors are doing with tools, such as heatmaps, recordings, A/B testing.

【FiveSecondTest】: Optimize the clarity of your designs by measuring first impressions and recall.

【Usabilla】: Collect user feedback and improve your websites, apps and emails with Usabilla's Voice of Customer Solutions.

【User Testing】: Best-in-class brands rely on UserTesting to power human-centric innovation.

【UserEcho】: provides customer engagement products that help you to communicate effectively and resolve the needs of any business.

【Userfly】: Run instant usability studies for your website using your real users. Watch movies of your users' browsing sessions to analyze their behavior and optimize your forms, landing pages, and conversion rates.

【Verify/Helio】: the easiest way to collect data and analyze user feedback with design surveys.


【Adobe Edge Inspect】: This is an application which is used to preview and inspect contents across multiple mobile devices.

【Airtest】: a cross-platform UI automation test editor for mobile games and apps.

【android xts】: 用于高通GMS集成认证测试。

【Appium】: an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps.

【Applause】: a mobile analytics tool which enables mobile beta management.

【Apptim】: empowers mobile developers and testers to easily test their apps and analyze their performance in each build to prevent critical issues from going live.

【ATX】: 一款开源的自动化测试工具,支持测试iOS平台和Android平台的原生应用、游戏、Web应用。

【AWS Device Farm】: Amazon Web Services Device Farm is a service that is used to improve the quality of Android, iOS and Fire OS apps on real devices like smartphones and tablets.

【BrowserStack】: lets developers and other stakeholders engage in cross-browser testing, whether that’s to snap a few screenshots, debug errors in realtime, or to actually interact with the browser natively and see how the layout fairs when the window is resized.

【Calabash】: consists of libraries that allow test-code to programmatically interact with native and hybrid apps.

【Crashlytics】: an open-source tool for crash reporting, mobile analytics, and beta distribution.

【Crittercism】: a mobile application performance management system for delivering quality mobile apps.

【CrossBrowserTesting】: offers both manual and automated testing via Selenium, 1500+ remote browsers across mobile and desktop, and has a similar subscription setup as BrowserStack (minus their “Freelancer Plan”).

【Cucumber】: a free use open source Behavior Driven Development tool.

【Dynatrace】: an Application Performance Monitoring tool helps in the continuous identification of issues.

【facebook-wda】: WebDriverAgent is a WebDriver server implementation for iOS that can be used to remote control iOS devices.

【FitNesse】: an open-source framework used for Collaborative Acceptance Testing Able to run against an app on one or more devices.

【Frank】: an open-source iOS only test framework represents combined features of Cucumber and JSON.

【Genymotion】: It is fast, simple and user-friendly emulator for developers and QA testers.

【GoMoMeter】: an emulator identifies the speed of the websites on smartphones and assigns a score out of 4

【Google Mobile Friendly Test tool】: This tool understands different devices like mobiles, tablets, multimedia phones and featured phones etc.

【HeadSpin】: provides real-world, actionable user experience insights for businesses to improve mobile performance.

【HockeyApp】: allows distribution of Beta version of mobile apps on Android, iOS, Mac OS etc. and also used to collect live crash report and feedback from the user.

【iPhoney】: provides pixel-accurate web browsing environment.

【Keynote】: Provides ability of testing apps on Android and iOS both along with on BlackBerry and Windows Phones.

【KIF】: objective C based framework and is purely for iOS automated testing.

【Kobiton】: gives users full control of real mobile devices during manual testing with support for multi-touch gestures, orientation and GPS simulations, camera and speaker control and device connection management.

【Marlin Mobile】: provides mobile website and application performance testing for all mobile apps.

【mobi】: This tool is for app distribution, bug tracking, crash reporting and visual feedback.

【Mobile Labs Trust】: is used to automate the Functional and Regression Testing of mobile apps.

【MobileTest.me】: is used to test the current state of your website on smartphones and tablets.

【MobiReady】: an online testing tool from dotMobi, allows to test your website to check whether it is mobile-friendly or not.

【Mobitaz】: advance Automation Testing tool which performs testing on native android apps.

【Monkey Talk】: a popular tool for iOS and Android application testing elaborated by Gorilla Logic.

【MonkeyRunner】: provides an API for writing programs that control an Android device or emulator from outside of Android code.

【NeoLoad】: a load and performance testing tool built by Neotys used to improve the quality of mobile applications.

【Perfecto】: a world leader in automated testing for mobile and web apps.

【Quantum】: An open source test automation framework for web and mobile test authoring, execution and analysis.

【Rapise】: lets you record and play automated tests on a variety of mobile devices using either Apple iOS or Android.

【Reflector】: wireless mirroring tool that helps in iOS device screen mirroring to Android phones and tablets.

【Remote TestKit】: supports cloud-based testing on Android, iOS, and tablets.

【RobusTest】: free mobile testing tool provides cloud-based testing on real devices for Android and iOS.

【Sauce Labs】: provides cloud-based testing for native and hybrid apps on Android and iOS.

【ScreenFly】: an emulator which supports 25 device and 5 kinds of tablets with different platforms like Android, iOS, BlackBerry etc.

【Selendroid】: a test automation framework that drives off the UI of Android native and hybrid applications (apps) and the mobile web.

【Silk Mobile】: an automated Functional Testing tool developed by Borland.

【Snaffu】: an in-app bug reporting tool that supports easy and effective bug logging for Android.

【SOASTA】: an automated functional testing tool launched by SOASTA.

【Taplytics】: A/B and multivariate testing tool that supports both iOS and Android both platform.

【Testdroid】: a cloud-based mobile application testing tool that helps developers to save costs behind app development, speed up time to market the product and reduce operational and unpredictable costs.

【TestFairy】: a Beta Testing platform for mobile apps.

【Testin】: has developed the third party QA solutions that support functional and compatibility testing of mobile apps.

【TestingBot】: provides real mobile device testing in the cloud.

【Testmunk】: helps testing app on all versions and devices of Android and iOS.

【TestObject】: a mobile testing tool to perform manual as well as automated functional testing.

【Ubertesters】: helps to execute and control mobile beta testing.

【UserTesting】: The mobile recorder works on the stuff that is displayed on mobile device and App creator is used to find the working area and non-working areas of the app.

【百度移动云测试中心】: 简称MTC(Mobile Testing Center),为广大开发者在移动应用开发测试过程中面临的成本、技术和效率问题提供解决方案,覆盖移动应用从开发、测试到上线、运营的整个生命周期。


【abut】: annotations-based unit testing,基于注释的javascript单元测试工具。

【BoundsChecker】: a memory checking and API call validation tool used for C++ software development with Microsoft Visual C++.

【Embunit】: Software Unit Testing Tool. Create unit tests for any hardware environment, even small embedded systems. Generate test harnesses without writing code.

【HtmlUnit】: a "GUI-Less browser for Java programs".

【IcuTest】: a unit testing framework for GUI testing that helps to create simple and manageable tests.

【Jcontract】: A tool for increasing the quality of Java applications.

【JUnit】: create an up-to-date foundation for developer-side testing on the JVM.

【mockito】: Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java.

【MSTest】: comes with an in-built testing framework provided by Microsoft known as Visual Studio.

【NUnit】: the most popular unit test framework for .NET.

【Parasoft C/C++test】: a unified, fully-integrated testing solution that helps users identify defects earlier in the development process.

【Parasoft dotTEST】: an automated, non-invasive solution that complements your existing Visual Studio tools with deep static analysis and advanced coverage.

【Parasoft Insure++】: a comprehensive memory debugging tool for C/C++ software developers.

【Parasoft Jtest】: Java development testing for the enterprise.

【pytest】: makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries.

【PyUnit】: an easy way to create unit testing programs and UnitTests with Python.

【shUnit2】: a xUnit unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts, and it is designed to work in a similar manner to JUnit, PyUnit, etc..

【TestNG 】: a testing framework designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs, from unit testing (testing a class in isolation of the others) to integration testing (testing entire systems made of several classes, several packages and even several external frameworks, such as application servers)。

【unittest】: supports test automation, sharing of setup and shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests into collections, and independence of the tests from the reporting framework.

【xUnit】: a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework.


【Angry IP Scanner】: The original IP scanner for Windows, Max and Linux. Fast, friendly, extensible, free and open-source.

【Hping】: a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.

【NetScan Tools】: provides a broad range of network information toolkits and managed switch port mapping solutions.

【Network Pinger】: a free network monitoring application, with mass pinging, pings, traceroutes, port scanner, WMI queries, name resolution, whois, automation, network calculator, reports, charts and other tools to test entire networks or single hosts.

【NetworkLatencyView】: a simple tool for Windows that listens to the TCP connections on your system and calculates the network latency (in milliseconds) for every new TCP connection detected on your system.

【paping】: 在Linux平台上测试网络的连通性以及网络延迟等。

【ping】: Packet Internet Groper, 因特网包探索器,用于测试网络连接量的程序。

【PsPing】: implements Ping functionality, TCP ping, latency and bandwidth measurement.

【tcping】: a console application that operates similarly to 'ping', however it works over a tcp port.


【AnyDbTest】: the first automated DB unit testing tool available using XML as test case.

【DBFit】: Test-driven database development. Write readable, easy-to-maintain unit and integration tests for your database code.

【DBUnit】: a JUnit extension (also usable with Ant) targeted at database-driven projects.

【NDbUnit】: a .NET library for managing database state during unit testing.

【NoSQLUnit】: a JUnit extension to make writing unit and integration tests of systems that use NoSQL backend easier and is composed by two sets of Rules and a group of annotations.

【SQLUnit】: a regression and unit testing harness for testing database stored procedures.

【TSQLUnit】: a framework to write tests for applications written in Transact-SQL.


【Bitwise QualiDI ETL Test Automation Platform】: provides an enterprise-wide platform for centralizing testing of one or more ETL tools.

【Codoid ETL Testing Services】: offers a portfolio of data warehouse and ETL testing services for both proprietary commercial and open source frameworks.

【Datagaps ETL Validator】: comes pre-packaged with an ETL engine capable of extracting and comparing millions of records from multiple data sources while executing test cases in parallel.

【iCEDQ】: brings a holistic approach to data testing, quality assurance and monitoring.

【Informatica PowerCenter Data Validation】: provides an ETL testing tool that can accelerate and automate ETL testing in both production environments and development and test.

【Original Software TestBench】: uniquely addresses the validation of all database effects and the creation of cut down, representative test data to reduce test times and data footprints.

【QuerySurge】: a “smart” data testing solution for automating the validation and testing of data warehouses and the ETL process.

【RightData】: an intuitive, flexible and scalable data testing, reconciliation and validation suite that allows stakeholders to identify issues related to data consistency, quality, completeness, and gaps.

【Talend】: a powerful open source tool that solves some of the most complex data integration challenges.


【DataFactory】: a cloud data integration service, to compose data storage, movement, and processing services into automated data pipelines.

【DTM Data Generator】: a software product that produces data rows and schema objects for testing purposes: test database population, performance analyzing, QA testing or loading tests fulfillment.

【Faker】: a Python package that generates fake data for you.

【Mockaroo】: A free test data generator and API mocking tool - Mockaroo lets you create custom CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel datasets to test and demo your software.

【MockupData】: a Windows tool that generates large quantities of realistic looking data.


【Bugclose】: 轻量级研发项目管理工具, 与老牌研发管理工具不同,bugclose主要针对中小互联网敏捷开发团队,页面清爽简单,功能精简好用。

【Bugify】: a simple PHP issue tracker, designed to offer powerful bug tracking capabilities in an easy to use system.

【BugNET】: a free, open source issue tracking and project issue management solution for the ASP.NET platform.

【Bugtags】: 全新的bug管理系统,提供便捷的bug测试流程,让你更有效的解决Android崩溃,iOS崩溃,成为你高效的测试工具。

【BugTracker】: an online bug tracker and issue tracking software that helps you to track and fix bugs quickly.

【Bugzero】: a software application that allows an enterprise to record and follow the progress of every problem or issue that a user identifies until the problem is resolved.

【Bugzilla】: designed to help you manage software development.

【ClearQuest】: a customizable database workflow application development and production system to improve the software development lifecycle.

【eTraxis】: an issue tracking system with ability to set up an unlimited number of customizable workflows.

【Fossil】: a simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management system.

【Jira】: combines development tools with agile features to help teams build world-class software.

【JTrac】: a generic issue-tracking web-application that can be easily customized by adding custom fields and drop-downs.

【madpecker】: 一个围绕“Bug管理平台”衍生的开发者生态圈,现阶段提供bug管理、测试管理、应用分发、敏捷管理(scrum、需求管理、迭代任务管理)四个产品。

【MantisBT】: a popular free web-based bug tracking system. It is written in PHP works with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases.

【Redmine】: a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. Issue tracking.

【TestDirector】: simplifies test management by helping you organize and manage all phases of the software testing process, including planning, creating tests, executing tests, and tracking defects.

【Trac】: an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.

【tracup】: 轻量级 Bug 追踪管理平台。

【URTracker】: 一款通用的问题跟踪(Issue Tracking)软件。

【WebIssues】: an open source, multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration.

【ZenTao】: 禅道是专业的研发项目管理软件。


【feie】: 国产的敏捷测试管理工具。

【Fitnesse】: a test framework that allows testers, developers and customers to collaborate to create test cases on wiki.

【TestLink】: an open source and web-based test management tool.

【TestRail】: a test case and test management software tool that helps teams manage and track their software testing efforts.


【BenderRBT】: the worlds leading testing tool for automatic test case generation for functional testing (Black Box Testing) for software and systems.

【CTE XL】: the leading software for test design based on the classification tree method, will now be called TESTONA.

【PICT】: Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Tool


【Atlassian Crucible】: Review code, discuss changes, share knowledge, and identify defects with Crucible’s flexible review workflow. Its code review made easy for Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and more.

【barkeep】: a fast, fun way to review code.

【Barkeep】: a fast, fun way to review code.

【Checkstyle】: a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard.

【Codacy】: an automated code analysis/quality tool that helps developers ship better software, faster.

【Code Brag】: a simple code review tool that makes the process work for your team.

【Codebrag】: Your daily code review tool

【CodeFactor】: Let's make software better.AUTOMATED CODE REVIEW FOR GIT.

【Codeplex】: a complete solution for team system code reviews, and this tool and has become very popular with programmers. This code review tool uses the benefits of team system for reducing waste.

【CodeScene】: a code review tool that goes beyond traditional static code analysis. It performs behavioral code analysis by including a temporal dimension to analyze the evolution of your codebase.

【Codestriker】: an open-sourced web application which supports online code reviewing.

【Codifferous】: can be described as one of the code review tools which is used by busy software developers.

【Collaborator】: a code review tool that helps development, testing and management teams work together to produce high quality code.

【FindBugs】: a program which uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.

【Gerrit】: Discuss specific sections with others to make the right changes. Manage and serve Git repositories.

【Helix Swarm】: lets you collaborate and review code from a browser.

【JArchitect】: a static analysis tool for Java code.

【Malevich】: a web-based, point-and-click code review system designed for use by individuals and small teams.

【Peer Review Plugin】: With Trac’s current set of features, a peer review plugin fits nicely into its lineup.

【Phabricator】: Discuss. Plan. Code. Review. Test. Every application your project needs, all in one tool.

【Reshift】: A code security tool that secures your code as you build. Reshift finds vulnerabilities and assists developers in the effort to remediate.

【Review Assistant】: a code review plug-in for Visual Studio.

【Review Board】: an open source tool used to help with the peer review process for source code, documentation, images, and more. It’s web-based, extensible, and built to work with a wide variety of environments and source code management systems using pre-commit review and post-commit review methods.

【Reviewable】: Distributed Peer Review of Source Code.

【ReviewNinja】: a code review tool for GitHub that lets you merge pull requests with confidence.

【Rhodecode】: an open source self-hosted platform for behind-the-firewall source code management.

【Rietveld】: a web-based collaborative code review tool for Subversion written by Guido van Rossum to run on Google's cloud service.

【SonarQube】: an automatic code review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells in your code.

【Veracode】: A simpler and more scalable way to increase the resiliency of your global application infrastructure, without slowing innovation.

【Visual Expert】: an enterprise solution for code review specializing in database code. It has support for three platforms only: PowerBuilder, SQL Server, and Oracle PL/SQL.


【Acunetix】: an end-to-end web security scanner that offers a 360 view of an organization’s security.

【Aircrack】: A suite of WEP and WPA cracking tools.

【AppScan】: a Web application security testing tool that automates vulnerability assessments, tests for common Web application vulnerabilities including Cross-Site Scripting, Buffer Overflow, flash/flex application and Web 2.0 exposure scans.

【Argus】: One of the best free and open source tools available for network traffic analysis.

【BareTail】: A free real-time log file monitoring tool.

【Burp Suite】: A powerful tool for network protection. Burp Suite is a real-time network security scanner designed to identify critical weaknesses.

【Cain and Abel】: it can decode scrambled passwords and analyze routing protocols. It uncovers cached passwords, reveals password boxes, cracks encryption with brute force attacks and cryptanalysis and on and on. Virtually a must-have starting point for packet sniffing routines.

【Devknox】: a security plugin for Android Studio that enables app developers to detect and resolve security issues as easy as spell check.

【drozer】: a comprehensive security audit and attack framework for Android.

【Forcepoint】: Forcepoint’s SD-WAN can be customized to keep users from accessing certain types of content, as well as blocking a variety of intrusion attempts and exploits.

【fortify】: Build an End-to-End Software Security Assurance Program with Fortify.

【GFI LanGuard】: GFI LanGuard includes continuous monitoring, scanning, and patching.

【John the Ripper】: a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, macOS, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS.

【Kali】: offers a security auditing operating system and toolkit with more than 300 techniques to make sure your sites and Linux servers stay safe from attack.

【KisMAC】: a WiFi scanner for your Mac Free and open-source program helps you collect essential information about surrounding WiFi networks.

【Metasploit】: Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit.

【msfvenom】: a combination of Msfpayload and Msfencode, putting both of these tools into a single Framework instance.

【N-Stalker】: WebApp Security Scanner to search for vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS and known attacks. Ideal for your web server and/or application security.

【Nagios】: monitors hosts, systems, and networks, delivering alerts in real-time. Users can specify exactly which notifications they want to receive.

【Nessus】: identifies and repairs detected vulnerabilities, including missing or incomplete patches; software bugs; or other general misconfigurations throughout applications, devices, and operating systems.

【Netsparker】: A single platform for all your web security needs. a fully integrated, scalable, multi-user web application with built-in workflow and reporting tools.

【Netstumbler】: a tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g.

【Nexpose】: offers real-time, on-premises vulnerability scanning, and management.

【Nikto】: scan web servers and networks for matches with a database of over 6400 threats.

【Nmap】: Free Security Scanner, Port Scanner, & Network Exploration Tool.

【OpenVAS】: a full-featured vulnerability scanner. Its capabilities include unauthenticated testing, authenticated testing, various high level and low level Internet and industrial protocols, performance tuning for large-scale scans and a powerful internal programming language to implement any type of vulnerability test.

【OSSEC】: open-source intrusion detection service provides real-time analytics of system security events.

【P0f】: a tool that utilizes an array of sophisticated, purely passive traffic fingerprinting mechanisms to identify the players behind any incidental TCP/IP.

【Paros Proxy】: An excellent network protection software testing tool for identifying a security risk before it becomes a security breach.

【Skipfish】: an active web application security reconnaissance tool.

【Snort】: an open-source, free and lightweight network intrusion detection system (NIDS) software for Linux and Windows to detect emerging threats.

【Splunk】: Designed for both real-time analysis and historical data searches. Splunk is a fast and versatile network monitoring tool.

【sqlmap】: an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers.

【Tcpdump】: remains a favorite network sniffer with ongoing active development and fresh approach.

【Wapiti】: a very fast toolkit for segmenting and labeling sequences with discriminative models.

【Watcher】: Fiddler的插件,可在后台静默运行,可检测跨域提交等。

【WebScarab】: a framework for analysing applications that communicate using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

【Websecurify】: Amazing security tools on your mobile, desktop and your server.。

【Wireshark】: the world's foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.

【x5s】: a Fiddler addon which aims to assist penetration testers in finding cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.

【Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)】: The world's most widely used web app scanner.


【Parasoft Virtualize】: Create, deploy, and manage virtual test environments – anytime, anywhere.


  1. 搜索效率Google>Baidu。
  2. 工具的轮子是真的多。
  3. 不管黑猫白猫,捉到老鼠就是好猫。




testing_tools = {
    "接口测试": {
        "a": "xxx"
    "Mock": {
        "b": "yyy"


def test_output():
    count = {}
    output = '\n'
    for tool_dir in testing_tools:
        output += f'# {tool_dir}\n'
        tools = testing_tools[tool_dir]
        count[tool_dir] = len(tools)
        for k in sorted(tools, key=lambda x: x.lower()):
            output += f'【{k}】: {tools[k]}\n'
            output += '\n'

    total = 0
    count_table = ''
    for k, v in count.items():
        count_table += f'|  {k}    |   {v}   |\n'
        total += v
    count_table += f'|  合计    |   {total}   |\n'
    print("""\n|   分类   |   数量   |
| ---- | ---- |""")

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本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2020-05-24 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • 接口测试
  • 测试报告
  • Mock
  • UI测试
  • 测试平台
  • 代码覆盖率
  • 性能测试
  • IO
  • 前端
  • 网站可用性
  • 移动端
  • 单元测试
  • 网络
  • 数据库
  • ETL
  • 造数据
  • BUG管理
  • 用例管理
  • 用例设计
  • CodeReview
  • 安全
  • 测试环境
  • 排序统计方式
CODING 项目管理(CODING Project Management,CODING-PM)工具包含迭代管理、需求管理、任务管理、缺陷管理、文件/wiki 等功能,适用于研发团队进行项目管理或敏捷开发实践。结合敏捷研发理念,帮助您对产品进行迭代规划,让每个迭代中的需求、任务、缺陷无障碍沟通流转, 让项目开发过程风险可控,达到可持续性快速迭代。
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