社区首页 >专栏 >索尼从PlayStation商店撤下《赛博朋克2077》,因为BUG投诉,索尼提供退款。


修改2020-12-21 10:31:40
修改2020-12-21 10:31:40

索尼在其PlayStation商店中撤出了近年来最受期待的游戏之一“ Cyber​​punk 2077”,这是因为对兼容性问题和客户错误的抱怨和嘲笑泛滥。

这家游戏巨头表示,它将向从PlayStation商店购买CD Projekt头衔的任何客户提供全额退款-尽管客户需要索取。上周,CD Projekt宣布“ Cyber​​punk 2077”已预订超过800万次。一天后(星期五),该公司表示,仅数字预订销售收入就超过了Cyber​​punk 2077的所有制作,营销和促销费用。

Niko Partners的高级分析师丹尼尔·艾哈迈德(Daniel Ahmad)表示,将备受期待的游戏冠名从游戏产业中删除是前所未有的。 “我认为我们以前从未在行业中真正看到过类似的东西。唯一接近的是,由于技术问题,华纳兄弟从PC上删除了“蝙蝠侠Arkham Knight”,但这是从发行商自己那里摘得的。这是平台持有人将游戏从清单中删除。”

他说CD Projekt可能会将“ Cyber​​punk 2077”的发行再推迟一年,并避免它陷入的困境。“ Cyber​​punk 2077'预计在发行前将成为3000万+卖家。但是游戏的状态和CDPR对发布后情况的处理导致了这种情况。”

CD Projekt发行了“网络朋克2077”,这是七年前首次发布的游戏,由于多次延迟,该游戏于12月10日发布。发行时,CD Projekt的股价下跌了13%以上。

索尼互动娱乐公司(Sony Interactive Entertainment)周五表示:“索尼将努力确保高水平的客户满意度,我们将开始为通过PlayStation Store购买了Cyber​​punk 2077并想要退款的所有游戏玩家提供全额退款。”

本周早些时候,CD Projekt承认应该更加注意使游戏“在PlayStation 4和Xbox One上玩得更好”。该公司还表示将向不满意的客户提供退款,但许多用户表示他们尚未收到退款。

Niko Partners的艾哈迈德(Ahmad)说:“这好像几个月来人们都没有看到这种情况。” “从以前的许多游戏延误,到开发人员和质量检查人员指出问题,再到故意隐藏/删除游戏的最后一代镜头(如CDPR所承认)等等。从中可以吸取很多教训。”


Sony has pulled “Cyberpunk 2077,” one of the most anticipated games in recent years, from its PlayStation Store after a flood of complaints and ridicule over compatibility issues and bugs from customers.

The gaming giant said it is offering full refunds to any customer who purchased CD Projekt’s title from the PlayStation Store — though customers need to ask for it. Last week, CD Projekt announced that “Cyberpunk 2077” had been pre-ordered more than 8 million times. A day later (Friday), the company said its revenue from digital pre-order sales alone exceeded all of Cyberpunk 2077’s production, marketing, and promotional costs.

Daniel Ahmad, Senior Analyst at Niko Partners, said the delisting of a much-anticipated title is unprecedented in the gaming industry. “I don’t think we’ve ever really seen something like this in the industry before. The only thing that comes close is when Warner Bros. delisted ‘Batman Arkham Knight’ from PC due to technical issues, but that was from the publisher themselves. This is the platform holder delisting the game.”

This isn't funny anymore #Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk2077bugs #cyberpunkbugs pic.twitter.com/MyzEmTdmK8 — Isma aka Rielbe (@RielbeCM) December 11, 2020

He said CD Projekt could have delayed the release of “Cyberpunk 2077” by another year and avoided the situation it has landed itself in. “’Cyberpunk 2077′ was expected to become a 30 million+ seller prior to launch. But the state of the game and CDPR’s handling of the situation post launch has led to this.”

CD Projekt released “Cyberpunk 2077,” a game that was first unveiled seven years ago, on December 10 following multiple delays. Shares of CD Projekt were down more than 13% at the time of publishing.

Sony Interactive Entertainment “strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, and we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store and want a refund,” the company said Friday.

Earlier this week, CD Projekt acknowledged that more attention should have been paid to make the game “play better on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.” The company also said it would offer refund to unsatisfied customers, but many users said they had not received their money back.

“It’s not like people didn’t see this coming for a few months now,” said Niko Partners’ Ahmad. “From the many delays of the game prior, to developers and QA pointing out issues, to last gen footage of the game being deliberately hidden / taken down (as admitted by CDPR) and more. There are multiple lessons to learn from this.”

“An important one being that management /production processes need to improve. It turns out crunching non stop for months doesn’t make a game good. It negatively impacts not just the health of devs, but the game too There will also be wider impacts on the industry when it comes to guidelines for marketing, certification and refunds from a publisher and platform holder level Anyway, will be interesting to see how CDPR respond and how they can salvage the lost goodwill they built up over years,” he added.


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