社区首页 >专栏 >2021年:机器人与人工智能年


修改2021-01-08 10:16:37
修改2021-01-08 10:16:37

我是在元旦前写这篇文章的,就像你们中的许多人一样,我希望实现2020年剩下的一个目标,即在2021年还活着。我期待着将2020年推向前进。大流行一直是痛苦的,它使事情在几个领域迅速加速发展。其中两个领域是机器人技术和人工智能,我们将在这十年中看到它们在2021年的巨大发展中得到广泛应用。 让我们讨论一下本周的所有情况,我们将在2021年本周的第一款产品Somnofy AI Sleep Monitor结束。 让我们开始。 到2021年,机器人,机器人以及更多机器人将越来越多地围绕着我们。 到2020年,我们观看了波士顿动力公司的机器人编舞。这证明了这些事情正在变得多么强大,并使我们中的一些人怀疑我们是否应该寻找天网。 但是,与其预期机器人会杀死或保护我们,不如说我们将看到的大部分是运送和准备食物。 2020年末发生的一件大事是,美国联邦航空局(FAA)扫清了无人机运送的道路,使无人机可以在人口稠密的地区和夜间飞行。最初,由于缺乏高密度的住房(如公寓大楼而不适合无人机运输),因此无人机运输将大部分部署在农村地区。尽管如此,对于我们中的某些人而言,无人机交付包裹将在今年年底前变得普遍。对于纽约和拉斯维加斯的人们,沃尔玛将在短期内通过航空向您交付。 我们也不只是在谈论飞行无人机,因为带轮的无人机即将在2019年试车并投入生产。加州是第一个拥有大型自动驾驶车辆的州。但是,我希望,主要是因为到现在为止我们仍然大部分时间都在家里-所以我们要卸下这些东西-到今年年底,这种情况将广泛传播,再次主要在农村地区。 但这不仅仅用于送货,因为餐馆也正在变得自动化,因为机器不会传染疾病或传播疾病,并且可以24/7全天候运行。令我惊讶的是,我们本可以回到自动机概念,将客户与准备和提供食物的客户区分开。尽管如此,自动化餐厅似乎仍在融合工业机器人来准备和运送食物。 自动化解决了两个问题:缺少想在快餐店工作的人(实际上,我所在地区的所有人都有求救信号),以及在大流行期间保持营业场所畅通。 最后,我们缺少成千上万的卡车司机,解决此问题的方法之一是将自动牵引拖车设备安装在长途路线的主要高速公路上。由于工会正在与之抗争,所以这一结果很不明确。尽管如此,鉴于驾驶员的严重短缺,航运公司的唯一途径是更换驾驶员,这意味着半卡车不再拥有驾驶员的时间不会太长。

原文:I'm writing this just before New Year's Day, and like many of you I'm hoping to reach my one remaining goal for 2020, which is to be alive in 2021. I'm looking forward to putting 2020 behind, and while the pandemic has been painful, it has caused things to accelerate in several areas impressively rapidly. Two of those areas are robotics and artificial intelligence, which we'll see adapted broadly this decade with a considerable bump in 2021.

Let's talk about all of that this week, and we'll close with my first product of the week in 2021, the Somnofy AI Sleep Monitor.

Let's begin.

Robots, robots, and more robots will increasingly surround us in 2021.

We ended 2020 watching the Boston Dynamics robots do choreography. This showcased just how incredibly capable these things are becoming and making some of us wonder if we should be looking for Skynet.

However, rather than anticipating robots that will either kill or protect us, much of what we'll see is delivery and food prep.

One of the big things that happened late in 2020 was that the FAA cleared the way for drone delivery, allowing drones to fly over populated areas and at night. Initially, drone delivery will mostly deploy in rural areas where it makes sense given the lack of high-density housing such apartment complexes that don't lend themselves to drone delivery. Still, for some of us, drones delivering packages will be common by the end of this year. For folks in New York and Las Vegas, Walmart will be delivering by air to you shortly.

We aren't just talking about flying drones either, as drones with wheels are coming off their 2019 trials and going into production. California is the first state with large delivery autonomous vehicles. However, I expect, primarily because we are still mostly home during the days now -- so we are around to unload the things -- that this will spread far and wide, again mostly in rural areas, by year's end.

But this won't just be for the delivery because restaurants are becoming automated as well, since machines don't catch or spread diseases and can operate 24/7. It strikes me that we could have gone back to the automat concept to separate customers from those preparing and serving the food. Still, the automated restaurant appears to be blending industrial robots for food preparation and delivery.

Automation deals with two problems: the lack of people that want to work in fast-food restaurants (virtually all of them in my area have a help wanted sign) and keeping the place open during a pandemic.

Finally, we are short hundreds of thousands of truckers, and one of the ways to address this is to put autonomous tractor-trailer rigs onto the major highways for long-haul routes. This outcome is iffy because the unions are fighting this. Still, given the massive shortage of drivers, shipping companies' only path is to replace the drivers, which means it won't be long until semi-trucks no longer have drivers.


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