社区首页 >专栏 >UE4的枚举


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UE4在C++中和标准的枚举是一样的,支持两种写法,enum和enum class

/** Parameter enum for CastChecked() function, defines when it will check/assert */
namespace ECastCheckedType
	enum Type
		/** Null is okay, only assert on incorrect type */
		/** Null is not allowed, assert on incorrect type or null */


/** Objects flags for internal use (GC, low level UObject code) */
enum class EInternalObjectFlags : int32
	None = 0,
	//~ All the other bits are reserved, DO NOT ADD NEW FLAGS HERE!

	ReachableInCluster = 1 << 23, ///< External reference to object in cluster exists
	ClusterRoot = 1 << 24, ///< Root of a cluster
	Native = 1 << 25, ///< Native (UClass only). 
	Async = 1 << 26, ///< Object exists only on a different thread than the game thread.
	AsyncLoading = 1 << 27, ///< Object is being asynchronously loaded.
	Unreachable = 1 << 28, ///< Object is not reachable on the object graph.
	PendingKill = 1 << 29, ///< Objects that are pending destruction (invalid for gameplay but valid objects)
	RootSet = 1 << 30, ///< Object will not be garbage collected, even if unreferenced.
	//~ UnusedFlag = 1 << 31,

	GarbageCollectionKeepFlags = Native | Async | AsyncLoading,

	//~ Make sure this is up to date!
	AllFlags = ReachableInCluster | ClusterRoot | Native | Async | AsyncLoading | Unreachable | PendingKill | RootSet

enum class是C++11新增的枚举,只在枚举作用域内有效,使用时需要在之前加枚举类型名和两个冒号。可以通过继承的方式指定内存占用长度,不指定时默认是int,使用规则和C#或java/C#的枚举很像,有严格的类型检查,做位运算需要先转换为底层类型(可通过std::underlying_type转换)再进行位运算

UE4为了解决enum class在做位运算时不方便的问题,提供了一个宏和一些模板函数

// Defines all bitwise operators for enum classes so it can be (mostly) used as a regular flags enum
#define ENUM_CLASS_FLAGS(Enum) \
	inline           Enum& operator|=(Enum& Lhs, Enum Rhs) { return Lhs = (Enum)((__underlying_type(Enum))Lhs | (__underlying_type(Enum))Rhs); } \
	inline           Enum& operator&=(Enum& Lhs, Enum Rhs) { return Lhs = (Enum)((__underlying_type(Enum))Lhs & (__underlying_type(Enum))Rhs); } \
	inline           Enum& operator^=(Enum& Lhs, Enum Rhs) { return Lhs = (Enum)((__underlying_type(Enum))Lhs ^ (__underlying_type(Enum))Rhs); } \
	inline constexpr Enum  operator| (Enum  Lhs, Enum Rhs) { return (Enum)((__underlying_type(Enum))Lhs | (__underlying_type(Enum))Rhs); } \
	inline constexpr Enum  operator& (Enum  Lhs, Enum Rhs) { return (Enum)((__underlying_type(Enum))Lhs & (__underlying_type(Enum))Rhs); } \
	inline constexpr Enum  operator^ (Enum  Lhs, Enum Rhs) { return (Enum)((__underlying_type(Enum))Lhs ^ (__underlying_type(Enum))Rhs); } \
	inline constexpr bool  operator! (Enum  E)             { return !(__underlying_type(Enum))E; } \
	inline constexpr Enum  operator~ (Enum  E)             { return (Enum)~(__underlying_type(Enum))E; }

// Friends all bitwise operators for enum classes so the definition can be kept private / protected.
	friend           Enum& operator|=(Enum& Lhs, Enum Rhs); \
	friend           Enum& operator&=(Enum& Lhs, Enum Rhs); \
	friend           Enum& operator^=(Enum& Lhs, Enum Rhs); \
	friend constexpr Enum  operator| (Enum  Lhs, Enum Rhs); \
	friend constexpr Enum  operator& (Enum  Lhs, Enum Rhs); \
	friend constexpr Enum  operator^ (Enum  Lhs, Enum Rhs); \
	friend constexpr bool  operator! (Enum  E); \
	friend constexpr Enum  operator~ (Enum  E);

template<typename Enum>
constexpr bool EnumHasAllFlags(Enum Flags, Enum Contains)
	return ( ( ( __underlying_type(Enum) )Flags ) & ( __underlying_type(Enum) )Contains ) == ( ( __underlying_type(Enum) )Contains );

template<typename Enum>
constexpr bool EnumHasAnyFlags(Enum Flags, Enum Contains)
	return ( ( ( __underlying_type(Enum) )Flags ) & ( __underlying_type(Enum) )Contains ) != 0;

template<typename Enum>
void EnumAddFlags(Enum& Flags, Enum FlagsToAdd)
	Flags |= FlagsToAdd;

template<typename Enum>
void EnumRemoveFlags(Enum& Flags, Enum FlagsToRemove)
	Flags &= ~FlagsToRemove;

可以看到,宏中声明了各种位运算的运算符重载函数,只要定义enum class时候再额外使用这个宏来声明枚举类型,枚举就自动支持了位运算功能


 * Defines a contiguous enum range containing Count values, starting from zero:
 * Example:
 * enum class ECountedThing
 * {
 *     First,
 *     Second,
 *     Third,
 *     Count
 * };
 * // Defines iteration over ECountedThing to be: First, Second, Third
 * ENUM_RANGE_BY_COUNT(ECountedThing, ECountedThing::Count)
#define ENUM_RANGE_BY_COUNT(EnumType, Count) ENUM_RANGE_BY_FIRST_AND_LAST(EnumType, 0, (__underlying_type(EnumType))(Count) - 1)

 * Defines a contiguous enum range with specific start and end values:
 * Example:
 * enum class EDoubleEndedThing
 * {
 *     Invalid,
 *     First,
 *     Second,
 *     Third,
 *     Count
 * };
 * // Defines iteration over EDoubleEndedThing to be: First, Second, Third
 * ENUM_RANGE_BY_FIRST_AND_LAST(EDoubleEndedThing, EDoubleEndedThing::First, EDoubleEndedThing::Third)
#define ENUM_RANGE_BY_FIRST_AND_LAST(EnumType, First, Last) \
	template <> \
	struct NEnumRangePrivate::TEnumRangeTraits<EnumType> \
	{ \
		enum { RangeType = 0 }; \
		static const __underlying_type(EnumType) Begin = (__underlying_type(EnumType))(First); \
		static const __underlying_type(EnumType) End   = (__underlying_type(EnumType))(Last) + 1; \

 * Defines a non-contiguous enum range with specific individual values:
 * Example:
 * enum class ERandomValuesThing
 * {
 *     First  = 2,
 *     Second = 3,
 *     Third  = 5,
 *     Fourth = 7,
 *     Fifth  = 11
 * };
 * // Defines iteration over ERandomValuesThing to be: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth
 * ENUM_RANGE_BY_VALUES(ERandomValuesThing, ERandomValuesThing::First, ERandomValuesThing::Second, ERandomValuesThing::Third, ERandomValuesThing::Fourth, ERandomValuesThing::Fifth)
#define ENUM_RANGE_BY_VALUES(EnumType, ...) \
	template <> \
	struct NEnumRangePrivate::TEnumRangeTraits<EnumType> \
	{ \
		enum { RangeType = 1 }; \
		template <typename Dummy> \
		static const EnumType* GetPointer(bool bLast) \
		{ \
			static const EnumType Values[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
			return bLast ? Values + sizeof(Values) / sizeof(EnumType) : Values; \
		} \

namespace NEnumRangePrivate
	template <typename EnumType>
	struct TEnumRangeTraits
		enum { RangeType = -1 };

	template <typename EnumType, int32 RangeType>
	struct TEnumRange_Impl
		static_assert(sizeof(EnumType) == 0, "Unknown enum type - use one of the ENUM_RANGE macros to define iteration semantics for your enum type.");

	template <typename EnumType>
	struct TEnumContiguousIterator
		typedef __underlying_type(EnumType) IntType;

		FORCEINLINE explicit TEnumContiguousIterator(IntType InValue)
			: Value(InValue)

		FORCEINLINE TEnumContiguousIterator& operator++()
			return *this;

		FORCEINLINE EnumType operator*() const
			return (EnumType)Value;

		IntType Value;

		FORCEINLINE friend bool operator!=(const TEnumContiguousIterator& Lhs, const TEnumContiguousIterator& Rhs)
			return Lhs.Value != Rhs.Value;

	template <typename EnumType>
	struct TEnumValueArrayIterator
		FORCEINLINE explicit TEnumValueArrayIterator(const EnumType* InPtr)
			: Ptr(InPtr)

		FORCEINLINE TEnumValueArrayIterator& operator++()
			return *this;

		FORCEINLINE EnumType operator*() const
			return *Ptr;

		const EnumType* Ptr;

		FORCEINLINE friend bool operator!=(const TEnumValueArrayIterator& Lhs, const TEnumValueArrayIterator& Rhs)
			return Lhs.Ptr != Rhs.Ptr;

	template <typename EnumType>
	struct TEnumRange_Impl<EnumType, 0>
		TEnumContiguousIterator<EnumType> begin() const { return TEnumContiguousIterator<EnumType>(TEnumRangeTraits<EnumType>::Begin); }
		TEnumContiguousIterator<EnumType> end()   const { return TEnumContiguousIterator<EnumType>(TEnumRangeTraits<EnumType>::End  ); }

	template <typename EnumType>
	struct TEnumRange_Impl<EnumType, 1>
		TEnumValueArrayIterator<EnumType> begin() const { return TEnumValueArrayIterator<EnumType>(TEnumRangeTraits<EnumType>::template GetPointer<void>(false)); }
		TEnumValueArrayIterator<EnumType> end  () const { return TEnumValueArrayIterator<EnumType>(TEnumRangeTraits<EnumType>::template GetPointer<void>(true )); }

 * Range type for iterating over enum values.  Enums should define themselves as iterable by specifying
 * one of the ENUM_RANGE_* macros.
 * Example:
 * for (ECountedThing Val : TEnumRange<ECountedThing>())
 * {
 *     ...
 * }
template <typename EnumType>
struct TEnumRange : NEnumRangePrivate::TEnumRange_Impl<EnumType, NEnumRangePrivate::TEnumRangeTraits<EnumType>::RangeType>





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