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发布2022-04-24 00:30:32
发布2022-04-24 00:30:32

The client number is printed, along with the group id and error of that thread. Below is the io statistics, here for writes. In the order listed, they denote: io= Number of megabytes io performed bw= Average bandwidth rate iops= Average IOs performed per second runt= The runtime of that thread slat= Submission latency (avg being the average, stdev being the standard deviation). This is the time it took to submit the io. For sync io, the slat is really the completion latency, since queue/complete is one operation there. This value can be in milliseconds or microseconds, fio will choose the most appropriate base and print that. In the example above, milliseconds is the best scale. Note: in --minimal mode latencies are always expressed in microseconds. clat= Completion latency. Same names as slat, this denotes the time from submission to completion of the io pieces. For sync io, clat will usually be equal (or very close) to 0, as the time from submit to complete is basically just CPU time (io has already been done, see slat explanation). bw= Bandwidth. Same names as the xlat stats, but also includes an approximate percentage of total aggregate bandwidth this thread received in this group. This last value is only really useful if the threads in this group are on the same disk, since they are then competing for disk access. cpu= CPU usage. User and system time, along with the number of context switches this thread went through, usage of system and user time, and finally the number of major and minor page faults. IO depths= The distribution of io depths over the job life time. The numbers are divided into powers of 2, so for example the 16= entries includes depths up to that value but higher than the previous entry. In other words, it covers the range from 16 to 31. IO submit= How many pieces of IO were submitting in a single submit call. Each entry denotes that amount and below, until the previous entry - eg, 8=100% mean that we submitted anywhere in between 5-8 ios per submit call. IO complete= Like the above submit number, but for completions instead. IO issued= The number of read/write requests issued, and how many of them were short. IO latencies= The distribution of IO completion latencies. This is the time from when IO leaves fio and when it gets completed. The numbers follow the same pattern as the IO depths, meaning that 2=1.6% means that 1.6% of the IO completed within 2 msecs, 20=12.8% means that 12.8% of the IO took more than 10 msecs, but less than (or equal to) 20 msecs. After each client has been listed, the group statistics are printed. They will look like this: Run status group 0 (all jobs): READ: io=64MB, aggrb=22178, minb=11355, maxb=11814, mint=2840msec, maxt=2955msec WRITE: io=64MB, aggrb=1302, minb=666, maxb=669, mint=50093msec, maxt=50320msec For each data direction, it prints: io= Number of megabytes io performed. aggrb= Aggregate bandwidth of threads in this group. minb= The minimum average bandwidth a thread saw. maxb= The maximum average bandwidth a thread saw. mint= The smallest runtime of the threads in that group. maxt= The longest runtime of the threads in that group. And finally, the disk statistics are printed. They will look like this: Disk stats (read/write): sda: ios=16398/16511, merge=30/162, ticks=6853/819634, in_queue=826487, util=100.00% Each value is printed for both reads and writes, with reads first. The numbers denote: ios= Number of ios performed by all groups. merge= Number of merges io the io scheduler. ticks= Number of ticks we kept the disk busy. io_queue= Total time spent in the disk queue. util= The disk utilization. A value of 100% means we kept the disk busy constantly, 50% would be a disk idling half of the time. It is also possible to get fio to dump the current output while it is running, without terminating the job. To do that, send fio the USR1 signal. You can also get regularly timed dumps by using the --status-interval parameter, or by creating a file in /tmp named fio-dump-status. If fio sees this file, it will unlink it and dump the current output status.


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