社区首页 >专栏 >⏱ 看了 web.dev 的 631 篇博客,我总结了这些内容

⏱ 看了 web.dev 的 631 篇博客,我总结了这些内容

发布2022-11-08 13:46:44
发布2022-11-08 13:46:44

最近在做 web 性能优化的工作,所以想集中学习了解一下相关的专题内容。这部分内容肯定要学习一手信息,所以找先找了 https://web.dev/[1],一个 Google 官方推出的一个面向 Web 开发者的网站,里面有非常多的教程和最佳实践,非常适合有性能优化诉求的开发者去浏览和学习。

网站的核心部分分为 4 类:

  • Learn[2]:体系化的教程,例如性能优化和 PWA
  • Measure[3]:就是一个在线版本的 Lighthouse,和 Chrome DevTools 的 Performance 功能一致
  • Case Study[4]:优化案例(商业互吹),内容一般为采用 X 优化带来数据 Y 的提升最终带来 Z 的商业增长
  • Blog[5]:内容较杂,优化教程/API 解读/优化案例等等都有涉及

从上面的结构可以看出,Lean/Measure/CaseStudy 这三个章节内容都是比较体系化的,但是 Blog 内容却没有一个很好的分类。以我的阅读经验,Blog 里有一些非常好的文章,所以我很好奇 Blog 章节里有多少好东西可供挖掘,于是上个月的时候花了一些时间,把所有的 Blog 读了一遍,并以自己的认知对内容做了分析和总结,以便自己后续回顾与搜索。


截止到目前为止(2022-7-7),web.dev 一共发布了 631 篇 blog,从 blog 的内容和发布时间可以很明显的看出 google 官方的发力(营销)方向,比如说前几年在推 PWA[6],这两年在推 Web Vitals[7]。纵观下来,Blog 的内容可以分为以下几类

  • 性能指标:例如 Web Vitals,FMP,TTI 这些概念和相对应的优化策略
  • 优化策略:例如对网络的优化,对图片/字体/CSS/JS 的优化
  • UI/UX:这部分内容偏向于实战和设计,最终会产出一些 UI Component
  • Web 特性:例如 Web Worker,WebXR,Wasm 等功能的介绍和教程
  • 提案/API:主要是对一些提案的实现和现代浏览器 API 的介绍,内容偏向于文档,对开发者来说距离较远
  • 商业案例:其实就是 Case Study[8] 章节的内容,只不过这部分内容也收录在 Blog 里







主要为 2018 - 2022

性能指标绝对是 Google/Chrome 这两年首推的内容了,从 2018 年到 2022,4 年的时间里就推出了 34 篇文章,最近两年的商业案例也基本都是「优化 Web Vitals 指标带来商业收益的」的套路。文章整体的质量都不错,从原因到解决方案到具体用例都有涉及。







主要为 2018 - 2022



主要为 2013 - 2015,2018 做了相关修订



主要为 2019

JS/JS 框架


主要为 2020 - 2021



2020 - 2021

从文章比例上就可以看出,Web 非常关注网络资源的优化,这是 Web 的优点也是 Web 的痛点,JS 运行的再快也扛不住一次网络异常,所以网络优化的内容非常多。

渲染优化的文章主要集中到 13-15 年,最近几年很少说了,这个和历史发展潮流也差不多,13-15 年属于移动互联网高速发展时期,Native 开发还是如日中天,Web 在渲染性能上确实不如 Native,现如今随着内核的发展以及终端机性能的提升,渲染基本上已经不是性能瓶颈了,而且浏览器渲染模块对于 Web 开发者来说也很难去介入,所以内容较少也在情理之中。

JS 优化内容也比较少,一是对于大部分场景来说开发者还没有到优化 JS 解决性能瓶颈,二是很多 JS 优化的内容都搬到 https://v8.dev/blog[9] 了,所以只有几篇早期的文章;JS 框架层的优化最近有一些,例如和 nextjs,react 的合作之类的。








主要为 2019 - 2020

UI 组件/设计


主要为 2021



2019 - 2021

CSS 主要介绍的是一些 CSS新特性新属性,还有一些关于 CSS 的使用/优化文章。

UI 是最近有些 blog 写了些 UI 组件,感觉内容也可以学习一下。UX 内容就比较杂了,涉及到交互效果,可访问性等内容,相对来说这个分类里跨学科内容多一些。

4.Web 特性




Web Worker/Service Worker


主要为 2020



主要为 2019 - 2020






主要为 2020 - 2021









2018 - 2021

Web Component



PWA 在前几年 Google 一直在推,但在国内其实一直不温不火的,大公司都有自己的 Hybrid H5 方案,小公司基本都去做小程序开发了;国外看似好一些,但做的最好的 twitter PWA,但我深度体验一年后,发现和 Native 应用比差距还是很大,这已经算全世界做的最好的 PWA APP 了,由此可见 PWA 推广道路之艰辛。不过 PWA 还是有很多值得学习参考的知识点的,还是有必要学习一下的。

Web Worker/Service Worker 加起来也有 22 篇文章,Web Worker 主要用来分散主线程的计算任务,Service Worker 主要起 Web Network 拦截器的作用(从效果上其实也可以归类到网络性能优化里),内容也是值得学习的。

浏览器分类主要是一些我不知道怎么分类的浏览器特性,比如说 BFCache,Web 存储方案介绍等等,内容相对较杂。


  • WebGL/WebGPU 的内容不多,而且成文时间也很早,而且 Web 3D 虽然依托于浏览器平台,但实际上和传统的 Web 开发完全是两回事,所以内容少也可以理解
  • WebXR 内容也很少,主要还是功能介绍
  • Wasm 内容也较少,主要是入门教程
  • 安全领域主要是对一些安全特性/安全 API 做的介绍
  • Web Component 有几篇很不错的系列教程可以当入门文章看

其实这些功能都属于叫好不叫座的状态,它们都大大提高了 Web 的上限,但是现实是没有几家公司需要突破传统 Web 的上限,大家其实都遵循一个原则——能跑就行





提案/实验性功能/新 API


主要为 2019-2022

这部分内容对于普通开发者来说其实不是很必要。一是提案/实验性功能/新 API都比较新,有兼容性问题,一般很难在项目中落地;二是在现实场景里,基本上很少有需求需要用到 Web 的 File API/Bluetooth API 等功能,一般这些场景都是遇到再看,所以这部分内容其实只要知道有就可以,要用到再看细节也不迟。

Blog 链接

这部分内容是整理出的 Blog 内容,我对其标注了发布时间和文件标题,并对一些内容做了简评,方便后续搜索和查看。

Web Vitals

  • 2022-5-16: How do modern frameworks perform on the new INP metric[10]
  • 2022-5-11: How SPA architectures affect Core Web Vitals[11]
  • 2022-1-18: Core Web Vitals workflows with Google tools[12] 介绍了可以测量 Core Web Vitals 的一些通用工具
  • 2021-8-17: Why lab and field data can be different (and what to do about it)[13]
    • 介绍了 实验室数据和用户统计数据 两者的不同,以及产生这些不同的可能原因
  • 2021-6-21: Towards a better responsiveness metric[14],对 FID 指标的探索
  • 2021-6-2: CSS for Web Vitals[15],利用 CSS 优化 Web Vitals
  • 2021-6-2: Evolving Cumulative Layout Shift in web tooling[16],CLS 在 web 性能工具里的发展
  • 2021-5-19: Techniques to make a web app load fast, even on a feature phone[17],里面的性能优化流程挺不错的,每一步优化都有数据
  • 2021-5-11: Optimizing Web Vitals using Lighthouse[18],Lighthouse 对 Web Vitals 指标的检测和优化建议
  • 2021-5-11: Debug layout shifts[19],layout shifts 引起的原因以及如何识别、测量和修复
  • 2021-5-9: How CLS optimizations increased Yahoo! JAPAN News's page views per session by 15%[20]
    • 2021-5-9: Aspect Ratio Boxes[21],一个保持长宽比的盒子
  • 2021-4-7: Evolving the CLS metric[22],CLS 指标的测量细节
  • 2021-4-1: Debug Web Vitals in the field[23],讲如何测量 Web Vitals 指标
  • 2021-1-25: Feedback wanted: The road to a better layout shift metric for long-lived pages[24],对 CLS 指标的探索
  • 2020-8-20: Optimize Largest Contentful Paint[25]
  • 2020-8-17: Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift[26]
  • 2020-7-17: Relating site speed and business metrics[27],性能测试方法论
  • 2020-5-28: Tools to measure Core Web Vitals[28]
  • 2020-5-27: Getting started with measuring Web Vitals[29]
  • 2020-5-27: Defining the Core Web Vitals metrics thresholds[30]
  • 2020-5-20: Optimize First Input Delay[31]
  • 2020-5-19: What's New in Lighthouse 6.0[32]
  • 2020-5-11: Best practices for measuring Web Vitals in the field[33]
  • 2020-1-8: Advancing the web framework ecosystem[34],讲了一些框架在性能上的探索
  • 2019-12-16: Speed tooling evolutions: highlights from Chrome Developer Summit 2019[35],新的 LCP/CLS 指标的提出
  • 2019-12-16: Lighthouse evolution: continuous integration, new performance score formula, and more[36]
  • 2019-9-30: Fixing layout instability[37],修复布局偏移
    • https://www.npmjs.com/package/source-map-explorer
  • 2019-5-31: What should you measure to improve performance?[38]
  • 2019-5-29: Are long JavaScript tasks delaying your Time to Interactive?[39],TTI 的优化,要把大于 50ms 的长任务进行分块处理
    • https://philipwalton.com/articles/idle-until-urgent/,对长任务的分解
  • 2019-5-24: Speed at scale: what's new in web performance?[40]
  • 2019-5-5: How to report metrics and build a performance culture[41]
  • 2018-8-21: Web Performance Made Easy - Google I/O 2018 edition[42],网站优化指南
    • https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes#readme
  • 2018-8-17: How To Think About Speed Tools[43],介绍了一些对性能的误解,还有一些性能统计工具
  • 2014-1-21: User timing API[44],Timing API 的使用


  • 2022-3-8: Optimizing resource loading with Priority Hints[45]
    • fetchpriority 属性的运用,用来修改资源加载优先级,Chrome101 可用
    • 这里面有资源加载优先级的表格和说明:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCDuq9H1ih9iNjgzyAL0gpwNFiEP4TZS-YLRp_RuMlc/edit#heading=h.ua1godj1atee
    • Preload[46],Chrome 50,iOS 11.3
    • Preconnect[47],Chrome 46,iOS 11.3
    • dns-prefetch:Chrome 4
    • https://wicg.github.io/priority-hints/
    • https://addyosmani.com/blog/script-priorities/
  • 2022-2-24: Optimizing third-party script loading in Next.js[48]
  • 2022-2-7: Improve security and privacy by updating HTTP Cache[49]
  • 2021-10-14: Referrer[50],跨域安全内容,内含 strict-origin-when-cross-origin 介绍
  • 2021-10-8: Assessing loading performance in the field with Navigation Timing and Resource Timing[51],统计资源请求的流程和时间
  • 2021-10-5: Best practices for using third-party embeds[52]
    • 第三方嵌入的内容(地图/视频/图片等)优化方案:延迟加载/图片占位图/交互时再加载
    • https://web.dev/third-party-facades/
  • 2021-9-29: Using WebTransport[53],一种新的网络传输方式
  • 2021-9-22: Streaming requests with the fetch API[54],可以在 fetch stream 的时候在结束前处理结果
  • 2021-9-10: Improving user privacy and developer experience with User-Agent Client Hints[55],新的 HTTP User-Agent
  • 2021-6-15: The performance effects of too much lazy-loading[56]
    • 对懒加载的调研,发现 wordpress 一个不合理的优化:他们的懒加载会把首屏的图片也懒加载了,这样会劣化 LCP
  • 2022-6-14: Security headers quick reference[57],跨域安全相关的 HTTP Header
  • 2021-4-22: Keeping third-party scripts under control[58],对第三方网站的治理流程
  • 2021-2-1: Requesting performance isolation with the Origin-Agent-Cluster header[59],新的 HTTP 头
  • 2021-1-25: When to use HTTPS for local development[60],什么时候要用到本地 HTTPS 开发调试
  • 2021-1-25: How to use HTTPS for local development[61]
  • 2020-12-16: Publish, ship, and install modern JavaScript for faster applications[62]
    • https://estimator.dev/: 计算网站在采用现代 JavaScript 语法后可实现的尺寸和性能改进
    • 网站 JS 代码膨胀的原因:转换现代语法到传统语法,体积膨胀 20%;polyfill lib helpers 函数带来的体积膨胀
    • 介绍了 package.json/webpack/Rollup/babel 的配置参数
  • 2020-12-11: Love your cache ❤️[63],简单的介绍了 HTTP 缓存
  • 2020-11-20: 对 Same-Site 的介绍
    1. Schemeful Same-Site[66]
    2. SameSite cookie recipes[65]
    3. SameSite cookies explained[64]
  • Feedback wanted: CORS for private networks (RFC1918)[67]
  • 2020-10-28: Measuring offline usage[68]
  • 2020-9-22: Content delivery networks (CDNs)[69],对 CDN 的介绍
  • 2020-6-17: Improving page dismissal in synchronous XMLHttpRequest()[70],网络保活方案
  • 2022-6-9: Signed Exchanges (SXGs)[71],加速 HTTPS 连接改善 FCP
  • 2020-5-31: Fix an overloaded server[72],服务器网络优化策略
  • 2020-5-11: How to set up Signed HTTP Exchanges (SXG) using nginx[73]
  • 2020-5-11: How to distribute Signed HTTP Exchanges (SXG) using nginx[74]
  • 2020-5-5: How Google improved ads performance with stale-while-revalidate[75]
  • 2020-4-29: Improved Next.js and Gatsby page load performance with granular chunking[76]
    • 2018-12-6: HTTP/2 Prioritization[77]
  • 2019-12-16: Adaptive loading: improving web performance on slow devices[78],根据网络情况自适应加载资源
  • 2019-9-12: Prefetch resources to speed up future navigations[79],Prefetch 的一些运用,用来优化导航性能
    • A Netflix Web Performance Case Study[80]
    • https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/quicklink
  • 2019-7-30: Establish network connections early to improve perceived page speed[81],preconnect 和 dns-prefetch 的运用
    • https://www.igvita.com/posa/high-performance-networking-in-google-chrome/
  • 2019-7-18: Keeping things fresh with stale-while-revalidate[82]stale-while-revalidate 的介绍
  • 2019-7-8: Faster web navigation with predictive prefetching[83],一个用来集成到 webpack 等配置里的 prefetch 框架,但是需要集成 google 分析等数据用来分析高频页面的交互数据,里面还有机器学习模型进行预测
    • https://github.com/guess-js
    • https://guess-js.github.io/docs
    • http://instantclick.io/
  • 2019-6-6: Sending messages with web push libraries[84],对 Web Push 的介绍
  • 2018-8-17: Decrease front-end size[85],webpack 的一些优化项
  • 2015-5-27: Enabling HTTPS on Your Servers[86],如何在服务器上开启 HTTPS
  • 2020-5-25: WebSocketStream: integrating streams with the WebSocket API[87]
  • 2020-2-19: How to set up Signed Exchanges using Web Packager[88]
  • 2015-3-27: Important Security Terminology[89],对 HTTPS 的介绍
  • https://www.susielu.com/data-viz/bundle-buddy,chunk 拆包的介绍
  • 2013-6-5: Deep dive into the murky waters of script loading[90],浏览器如何加载资源
    • 标准:https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#script
    • https://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/06/defer/
    • 动态创建并添加到 HTML 中的脚本默认是 async 的,所以时序无法保证
  • 2012-10-20: Introducing WebSockets - Bringing Sockets to the Web[91]


  • 2022-4-11: Bringing instant page-loads to the browser through speculative prerendering[92]
    • 只有 Chrome 支持
  • 2019-8-27: Rendering on the Web[93]
    • 介绍了 CSR/NSR/Rehydration/Prerendering 等方案,里面有个非常经典的图
  • 2011-10-21: Avoiding Unnecessary Paints - Animated GIF Edition[94]
  • 2011-8-16: Improving HTML5 Canvas performance[95],canvas 性能优化
  • 2011-6-3: HTML5 techniques for optimizing mobile performance[96],文章比较老了

下面的文章其实都是 15 年写的,18 年修订的:https://web.dev/authors/paullewis/

  • 2015-5-20: Stick to Compositor-Only Properties and Manage Layer Count[97],利用合成器属性、管理视图图层(layer)
  • 2015-5-20: Simplify paint complexity and reduce paint areas[98],减少 Paint 操作带来的影响
  • 2015-5-20: Rendering Performance[99],改进渲染性能
    • udacity 浏览器渲染性能优化免费课程[100]
  • 2015-5-20: Reduce the scope and complexity of style calculations[101],减少样式计算的范围和复杂性
  • 2015-5-20: Optimize JavaScript execution[102],优化 JS 执行性能
  • 2015-5-20: Debounce your input handlers[103]
  • 2015-5-20: Avoid large, complex layouts and layout thrashing[104],避免布局抖动
  • 2014-8-8: The Basics of easing[105],动画曲线
  • 2014-8-8: Custom easing[106],动画曲线
  • 2014-8-8: Choosing the right easing[107],动画时间
  • 2014-8-8: Asymmetric animation timing[108],动画时间的选择
  • 2014-8-8: Animations and performance[109],动画性能,will-change属性
  • 2014-8-8: CSS versus JavaScript animations[110],CSS 动画与 JS 动画
  • 2013-6-28: Antialiasing 101[111],抗锯齿
  • 2013-5-8: Avoiding unnecessary paints[112],避免没必要的 paint
  • 2013-4-12: CSS paint times and page render weight[113],CSS 不同属性不同组合对渲染性能的影响
  • 2013-5-11: Accelerated Rendering in Chrome[114],chrome 中的加速渲染
  • 2012-11-2: Jank busting for better rendering performance[115]
  • 2012-12-20: Scrolling performance[116],滚动性能
  • 2012-11-2: Jank busting for better rendering performance[117],更好的滚动性能
  • 2011-10-21: Avoiding Unnecessary Paints - Animated GIF Edition[118]
  • 2011-8-5: How browsers work[119]:浏览器如何运行的,文章比较老了


  • https://images.tooling.report/,查询各个 SaaS 服务对图片的优化
  • Building an adaptive favicon[120],用 svg 代替 ico 图标
  • Building an effective Image Component[121],利用一个 image 组件优化图片大小/宽高/优先级
  • 2021-6-7: Using AVIF to compress images on your site[122],介绍了 AVIF 图片格式
  • 2020-2-14: AVIF for Next-Generation Image Coding[123],Netflix 使用 AVIF 带来的图片优化
  • 2019-11-22: Feedback from the summer 2019 image optimization survey[124]
    • LQIP:https://www.guypo.com/introducing-lqip-low-quality-image-placeholders
  • 2019-9-30: Preloading responsive images[125],响应式图片 + Preload
  • 2019-9-23: Optimize images with Thumbor[126],压缩图片的cdn,主要介绍了配置
  • 2019-9-3: Going beyond images with basic video for the web[127]
  • 2019-6-24: Top tips for web performance[128],图片尺寸优化,主要是利用浏览器属性
  • 2019-5-31: Image policies for fast load times and more[129],浏览器对图片优化做的一些 API
  • 2014-5-28: Easy high DPI images[130]
  • 2014-8-29: Responsive images[131],早期的图片优化方案
  • 2012-10-15: Splash vector graphics on your responsive site[132]


  • 2022-1-19: Introduction to variable fonts on the web[133],可变字体,一个字体文件可用动态切换多个字重(旧的字体需要多个字体文件)
  • 2021-7-30: Use advanced typography with local fonts[134],直接访问本地字体。因为用户安装的本地字体容易被黑客利用获取用户隐私,所以只允许访问白名单和操作系统内置的字体
    • Web 安全字体:https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Learn/CSS/Styling_text/Fundamentals#Web_safe_fonts
    • 安全字体表(Win & Mac):https://www.cssfontstack.com/
    • 浏览器指纹:http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Nataliia.Bielova/papers/Lape-etal-20-TWEB.pdf
  • 2021-6-9: CSS size-adjust for @font-face[135],新的 css 属性,防止字体切换的时候带来布局变动从而劣化 CLS 指标
  • 2021-6-3: Best practices for fonts[136]
    • 内联字体声明(而不是内联字体本身)
    • preconnect + preload
    • 字体裁剪 + 可变字体
    • font-display[137] 的使用
  • 2020-7-3: Optimize WebFont loading and rendering[138]
    • 介绍了浏览器加载字体的默认行为,并说明了一些字体属性的运用
  • 2020-5-26: More variable font options for the macOS system-ui font in Chromium 83[139],可变字体控制
  • 2020-5-18: Prevent layout shifting and flashes of invisible text (FOIT) by preloading optional fonts[140],介绍了 font-display: optional 在 chrome83 的改动,由原来的布局抖动模式变成加载前 或 100ms 前白屏显示了
    • 2018-4-23: 通过预加载 web 字体提高加载速度[141]
    • https://font-display.glitch.me/:介绍了 font-display 的行为模式
    • https://css-tricks.com/font-display-masses/


  • 2022-5-18: Perform efficient per-video-frame operations on video with requestVideoFrameCallback()[142]
  • 2021-6-28: Resource inlining in JavaScript frameworks[143]
    • 内联首屏/关键 css,减少一次网络请求
    • 内联字体声明
  • 2021-6-7: Observing compute pressure[144],测量 CPU 数据的 API
  • 2021-5-8: JavaScript: What is the meaning of this?[145],对 JS 中 this 的介绍
  • 2021-2-25: Streams—The definitive guide[146],对浏览器中的 Streams API 的介绍
  • 2020-9-29: Detached window memory leaks[147],内存泄漏检测
  • 2020-8-20: Choose the best build tool for your project with tooling.report[148]
    • https://bundlers.tooling.report/,用来对比不同构建工具的特点/优点/缺点
  • 2020-5-26: How CommonJS is making your bundles larger[149]。tree-shaking 的运用
    • The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018[150]
    • The cost of JavaScript in 2019 · V8[151],有 JS bundle 大小的测量和考据
  • 2020-4-29: Improved Next.js and Gatsby page load performance with granular chunking[152],通过分包提高性能
  • 2019-4-29: Virtualize large lists with react-window[153],虚拟滚动列表
  • 2019-8-13: Third-party JavaScript performance[154]
  • 2018-10-10: Async functions - making promises friendly[155],介绍 async function
  • 2013-6-21: Static memory javascript with Object Pools[156],JS 对象池
  • 2013-6-13: Use forensics and detective work to solve JavaScript performance mysteries[157],JS 性能问题的排查,使用了 V8 做调试
  • 2012-10-11: Performance tips for JavaScript in V8[158],文章较老,但内容也有参考价值


  • 2022-5-11: Grid Bridging the gap[159]
  • 2021-10-19: Improved dark mode default styling with the color-scheme CSS property and the corresponding meta tag[160]
  • 2021-8-17: Using CSS Module Scripts to import stylesheets[161],Chrome 93 可用
  • 2021-6-9: Building a color scheme[162],通过 hsl() 和 calc() 构建可动态计算的颜色主题
  • 2021-5-27: New CSS functional pseudo-class selectors :is() and :where()[163]
  • 2021-5-22: Compat 2021: Eliminating five top compatibility pain points on the web[164],CSS flex/grid/sticky/aspect-ratio/transform 兼容性
  • 2021-5-9: content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance[165]
  • 2021-1-28: New aspect-ratio CSS property supported in Chromium, Safari Technology Preview, and Firefox Nightly[166],新的 css 属性 aspect-ratio,用来替换 padding-top hack,只有 Chrome88 以上和 iOS15 支持
  • 2020-12-16: Centering in CSS[167],介绍了几种 CSS 居中对齐的方案
  • 2020-12-10: Cross-browser paint worklets and Houdini.how[168],介绍了 Houdini 这种新方案
  • 2020-10-14: min(), max(), and clamp(): three logical CSS functions to use today[169]
  • 2020-9-14: Apply effects to images with CSS's mask-image property[170]
  • 2020-9-14: Create interesting image shapes with CSS's clip-path property[171]
  • 2020-9-2: Custom bullets with CSS ::marker[172],修改 li 标签前面的小圆点样式
  • 2020-7-21: @property: giving superpowers to CSS variables[173],CSS Houdini 相关的 API
  • 2020-7-7: Ten modern layouts in one line of CSS[174]
  • 2020-7-7: Pixel-perfect rendering with devicePixelContentBox[175],像素相关的 API
  • 2020-5-27: Web Animations API improvements in Chromium 84[176]
  • 2020-9-24: Next-generation web styling[177]
  • 2020-8-2: prefers-color-scheme: Hello darkness, my old friend[178],如何在网页上开启暗黑模式以及相关要注意的点
  • 2019-9-19: Smarter custom properties with Houdini’s new API[179]
  • 2019-5-29: Extract critical CSS[180],提取首屏 CSS
  • 2019-5-29: Extract and inline critical CSS with Critical[181],使用 Critical 提取首屏关键 CSS
    • 14KB:
  • 2019-8-29: Create OS-style backgrounds with backdrop-filter[182]
  • 2019-5-9: What's the CSS :scope pseudo-class for?[183]
  • 2014-9-17: Getting Started with CSS Shapes[184]
  • 2012-5-25: Understanding CSS filter effects[185]


  • 2021-12-18: How Terra improved user engagement thanks to Dark Mode[186]
  • 2021-5-26: The new responsive: Web design in a component-driven world[187]
  • 2021-4-20: Building split text animations[188],文字动效
  • 2021-5-17: Building a Settings component[189],偏向设计的 CSS 运用指南
  • 2021-2-17: Building a Tabs component[190],Tab 组件的构建,用了很多 CSS 技巧
  • 2021-1-26: Best practices for carousels[191],轮播图的最佳实践
  • 2021-1-21: Building a sidenav component[192],对 sidenav 组件的探索
  • 2020-12-9: Payment and address form best practices[193],表单设计
  • 2020-11-25: Building a Stories component[194]
  • 2020-5-14: Responsive web design basics[195],响应式设计基础知识
  • 2019-8-31: Icons and browser colors[196],定义浏览器的组件颜色
  • 2013-12-18: HTML's New Template Tag[197],HTML <template> 标签


  • 2022-2-16: prefers-reduced-motion: Sometimes less movement is more[198],查询用户偏好,显示/关闭网页动画
  • 2021 Scroll Survey Report[199],一篇介绍滚动交互的报告
  • 2021-5-29: Read files in JavaScript[200]
  • 2021-9-10: JavaScript eventing deep dive[201]
    • preventDefaultstopPropagation 的深入研究
  • 2021-5-30: Best practices for cookie notices[202],Cookie 通知的最佳实践
  • 2021-5-22: Control camera pan, tilt, and zoom[203]
  • 2020-2-22: Scroll snapping after layout changes[204]
  • 2020-7-24: Multi-device content[205]
    • 这里面介绍了一个概念,The next billion users,下一个十亿用户,指收入少设备差但是又有上网需求的用户,但和中国的农村用户不重叠(国内的网络要比亚非拉等地的网络好很多)
  • 2019-6-8: Accessibility[206]
  • 2019-8-7: Animating Modal Views[207]
  • 2019-8-11: Animating Between Views[208]
  • 2019-12-6: Accessibility tips for web developers[209]
  • 2018-9-20: Basics of UX[210]
  • 2018-9-20: Add touch to your site[211],对触摸事件的说明
  • 2013-5-13: Touch and mouse[212]

Web Worker/Service Worker

  • 2021-10-29: Bringing service workers to Google Search[213]
    • 2018-9-7: Speed up service worker with navigation preloads - Chrome Developers[214]
  • 2021-6-14: Indexing your offline-capable pages with the Content Indexing API[215],让 Service Worker 能够告诉浏览器哪些页面可以离线工作
  • 2021-5-13: ES modules in service workers[216]
  • 2020-12-10: Extending Workbox[217],Workbox 是一个用来处理 Service Worker 缓存的工具箱,这篇文章主要介绍了如何制定自定义的缓存方案
  • 2020-12-8: Workers overview[218]
    • Web Worker:主要是做复杂计算的,抽象库:https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/comlink,介绍:https://surma.dev/things/when-workers/
    • Service Worker:主要是拦截网络请求的,抽象库:https://developer.chrome.com/docs/workbox/
    • 介绍了 Web Worker 和 Service Worker
    • Imperative caching guide[219]:命令式单向缓存
    • Broadcast updates to pages with service workers[220]:广播式更新
    • Two-way communication with service workers[221]:双向通讯
    • 2019-12-5: Use web workers to run JavaScript off the browser's main thread[222]
  • 2020-10-6: Handling range requests in a service worker[223]
  • 2020-8-20: Resilient search experiences[224],Using a service worker to save a search query when a user goes offline and then automatically retry the query once a connection is re-established.
  • 2020-8-20: Adaptive loading with service workers[225],使用 service workers 加载自适应资源
  • 2020-7-17: Service worker caching and HTTP caching[226],缓存
  • 2020-7-13: Handling navigation requests[227],Service Worker 处理导航请求
  • 2020-4-27: The Cache API: A quick guide[228],Cache API,用来控制网络缓存,尽管它被定义在 service worker 的标准中, 但是它不必一定要配合 service worker 使用
  • 2019-12-17: Threading the web with module workers[229]
  • 2019-6-4: Service worker mindset[230]
    • https://serviceworkies.com/:一个学习 Service worker 的游戏网站
  • 2018-9-20: Service worker registration[231]
  • 2018-2-27: Measuring the Real-world Performance Impact of Service Workers[232]
  • 2015-10-1: Service Workers in Production[233]
  • 2013-7-30: The synchronous FileSystem API for workers[234]


  • 2022-6-8: Get things done quickly with app shortcuts[235]
  • 2022-5-30: Integrate with the OS sharing UI with the Web Share API[236]
  • 2022-5-28: Badging for app icons[237],在桌面图标上显示角标
  • 2021-9-16: Is your app installed? getInstalledRelatedApps() will tell you![238]
  • 2021-6-7: Receiving shared data with the Web Share Target API[239]
  • 2021-5-19: Adaptive icon support in PWAs with maskable icons[240],PWA 的启动图标
  • 2020-10-14: WebAPKs on Android[241]
  • 2020-8-20: Instant navigation experiences[242]
  • 2020-8-8: Richer offline experiences with the Periodic Background Sync API[243]
  • 2020-7-10: Progressively enhance your Progressive Web App[244],渐进式增强 PWA,但是有很多可以学习的点
  • 2019-12-19: Integrate PWAs into built-in sharing UIs with Workbox[245]
  • 2019-11-8: OYO Lite: a TWA with the best of web and Android apps[246]
  • 2019-8-19: Progressive Web Apps in multi-origin sites[247]
  • 2019-6-12: Address Bar Install for Progressive Web Apps on the Desktop[248]
  • 2019-6-4: How do I notify users that my PWA is installable?[249]
  • 2016-6-10: Building the Google I/O 2016 Progressive Web App[250]


  • 2022-1-25: Digging into the Privacy Sandbox[251]
  • 2021-12-21: Making your website "cross-origin isolated" using COOP and COEP[252]
  • 2021-12-10: Getting started with Trust Tokens[253]
  • 2020-7-16: Empowering payment apps with Web Payments[254]
  • 2021-5-21: Why should you deploy a strict Content Security Policy (CSP)?[255],Web CSP 安全的相关内容
  • 2020-6-10: Protect your resources from web attacks with Fetch Metadata[256]
  • 2020-6-19: Content security policy[257]
  • 2020-5-25: Android payment app developers guide[258]
  • 2020-5-4: Why you need "cross-origin isolated" for powerful features[259]
  • 2016-5-17: EME WTF?[260]


  • 2022-7-1: The end of Internet Explorer[261]
    • 2020-7-10: CSS Grid in IE: CSS Grid and the New Autoprefixer | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks[262]
  • 2021-11-15: Back/forward cache[263],介绍了 BFCache
  • 2021-8-23: Preparing for AppCache removal[264],移除 AppCache 的支持
  • 2021-7-29: Browser-level lazy-loading for CMSs[265]
  • 2021-1-25: Human interface devices on the web: a few quick examples[266]
  • 2021-1-8: Automating audits with AutoWebPerf[267],性能测试工具
  • 2021-1-7: Deprecating Excalidraw Electron in favor of the web version[268]
    • https://youmightnotneedelectron.com/,也许不需要 electron 的原因:Web 提供了很多 API
  • 2020-9-3: Introducing <model-viewer> 1.1[269]
  • 2020-8-21: The <model-viewer> web component[270]
  • 2020-8-5: Web on Android[271],简单介绍了 Android 上的 WebView 架构
  • 2020-5-26: ResizeObserver: it’s like document.onresize for elements[272]
  • 2020-4-27: Storage for the web[273],介绍了几种 web storage 的不同
  • 2019-6-5: Making JavaScript and Google Search work together[274],这个意味着 Google SEO 机器人可以爬取 SPA 这种大量依赖 JS 生成网站的网页,属于一个非常大的进步了
    • https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2019/05/the-new-evergreen-googlebot
  • 2019-3-16: Introduction to fetch()[275],对 fetch API 的介绍
  • 2018-9-20: Best Practices for Using IndexedDB[276]
  • 2018-9-20: Web storage overview[277],介绍 Web 上的存储方案
  • 2018-9-20: Social discovery[278]


  • 2022-5-1: Get started with GPU Compute on the web[279],简单介绍了 WebGPU
  • 2013-9-16: Canvas inspection using Chrome DevTools[280],对 canvas 的调试
  • 2012-7-20: Typed arrays - Binary data in the browser[281]
  • 2012-6-20: WebGL orthographic 3D[282]
  • 2012-8-18: WebGL transforms[283]
  • 2012-2-9: WebGL Fundamentals[284]
  • 2011-6-2: An introduction to shaders[285]


  • 2020-6-4: Positioning virtual objects in real-world views[286]
  • 2020-5-2: Virtual reality comes to the web[287]
  • 2020-2-13: Virtual reality comes to the web, part II[288]
  • 2020-2-13: Augmented reality: You may already know it[289]
  • 2018-7-30: Welcome to the immersive web[290]
  • 2017-2-2: Rendering Text in WebVR[291]
  • 2017-2-2: Core Interactions in the WebVR Lab[292]
  • 2017-2-2: Matterport VR for WebVR[293]
  • 2017-11-6: Bear 71 and WebVR[294]


  • 2021-8-13: Emscripten’s embind[295]
  • 2021-4-26: Using asynchronous web APIs from WebAssembly[296]
  • 2020-8-13: Debugging memory leaks in WebAssembly using Emscripten[297]
    • https://developer.chrome.com/docs/web-platform/webgpu/
  • 2019-9-22: Emscripten and npm[298]
  • 2019-6-20: How we're bringing Google Earth to the web[299]
  • 2019-9-25: WebAssembly Threads ready to try in Chrome 70[300]
  • 2018-8-22: Extending the browser with WebAssembly[301]
  • 2018-10-23: Loading WebAssembly modules efficiently[302]

Web Component

  • 2022-2-23: Constructable Stylesheets[303]
  • 2019-6-18: Web components: the secret ingredient helping power the web[304]
  • 2018-9-20: Building components[305]
    • 2017-8-14: HowTo Components – Overview[309]
    • 2017-10-11: HowTo Components – howto-tooltip[310]
    • 2017-10-11: HowTo Components – howto-tabs[311]
    • Custom Elements: 2019-9-5: Custom Elements v1 - Reusable Web Components[306]
    • Shadow DOM: 2020-6-27: Shadow DOM v1 - Self-Contained Web Components[307]
    • Best Practices: 2019-9-5: Custom Element Best Practices[308]
    • Examples
  • 2017-1-10: Web Components v1 - the next generation[312]
  • 2016-10-3: Shadow DOM 101[313]
  • 2016-10-3: Shadow DOM 201[314]
  • 2016-10-3: Shadow DOM 301[315]

提案/实验性功能/新 API

  • 2022-7-1: TransformStream is now supported cross-browser[316]
  • 2022-6-15: Let installed web applications be file handlers[317],file API
  • 2022-6-2: The File System Access API: simplifying access to local files[318]
  • 2022-4-5: Breaking down barriers using the DataTransfer API[319],对 DataTransfer API 的介绍
  • 2022-5-10: Unblocking clipboard access[320],现代浏览器 clipboard API
  • 2022-5-6: Access USB Devices on the Web[321]
  • 2022-4-21: Read from and write to a serial port[322]
  • 2022-4-4: Capture Keys with the Keyboard Lock API[323]
  • 2022-2-10: Video processing with WebCodecs[324],处理视频流的新提案
  • 2022-1-27: Interact with NFC devices on Chrome for Android[325]
  • 2021-10-1: Communicating with Bluetooth devices over JavaScript[326],蓝牙 API
  • 2021-12-3: Notification Triggers[327]
  • 2021-11-2: Customize media notifications and playback controls with the Media Session API[328]
  • 2021-11-10: Managing several displays with the Multi-Screen Window Placement API[329],多显示器管理 API,需要开 flag
  • 2021-8-25: Detect inactive users with the Idle Detection API[330],空闲检测 API
  • 2021-5-19: Migrate to User-Agent Client Hints[331],新的 UA 属性,用 userAgentData 替代 userAgent,有个相关的 polyfill 库[332]
  • 2021-4-14: Declarative Shadow DOM[333]
  • 2021-2-26: Trust is good, observation is better: Intersection Observer v2[334]
  • 2021-2-23: Stay awake with the Screen Wake Lock API[335]
  • 2021-2-23: A contact picker for the web[336]
  • 2021-2-23: The Shape Detection API: a picture is worth a thousand words, faces, and barcodes[337]
  • 2021-2-23: WebSocketStream: integrating streams with the WebSocket API[338]
  • 2021-2-17: Sensors for the web[339],传感器 API(加速度/重力/陀螺仪/方向传感器)
  • 2021-2-12: Improving user privacy and developer experience with User-Agent Client Hints[340]
  • 2021-1-26: Capturing an image from the user[341],相机相册 API
  • 2021-1-25: Reading and writing files and directories with the browser-fs-access library[342],文件读取 API
  • 2020-12-3: Building a device for WebUSB[343]
  • 2020-11-19: Better JS scheduling with isInputPending()[344],JS 调度新 API
  • 2020-10-19: Monitor your web page's total memory usage with measureUserAgentSpecificMemory()[345],测量页面内存占用情况
  • 2020-10-13: Logical layout enhancements with flow-relative shorthands[346],一个布局方向的提案
  • 2020-7-24: It's time to lazy-load offscreen iframes![347],iframe 懒加载 API
  • 2020-5-27: Know your code health with the ReportingObserver API[348]
  • 2020-5-17: Boldly link where no one has linked before: Text Fragments[349],开放了一个新的 API,即使是非标题文字也能自动创建 hash fragments 了
  • 2020-5-4: Profiling Web Audio apps in Chrome[350],音频调试工具
  • 2019-11-11: Get started with Web Bundles[351]
  • 2019-8-8: More capable form controls[352]
  • 2019-6-13: Updates to the Web Payments APIs[353]
  • 2019-6-12: How YouTube improved video performance with the Media Capabilities API[354]
  • 2019-2-15: Hands-on with Portals: seamless navigation on the web[355]
  • 2018-3-14: Credential Management API Feature Detection Check-up[356]
  • 2013-10-29: Getting started with Web Audio API[357]
  • 2013-10-29: Getting started with Web Audio API[358]



https://web.dev/: https://web.dev/


Learn: https://web.dev/learn/


Measure: https://web.dev/measure/


Case Study: https://web.dev/tags/case-study/


Blog: https://web.dev/blog/


PWA: https://web.dev/progressive-web-apps/


Web Vitals: https://web.dev/learn-web-vitals/


Case Study: https://web.dev/tags/case-study/


https://v8.dev/blog: https://v8.dev/blog


How do modern frameworks perform on the new INP metric: https://web.dev/inp-in-frameworks/#how-are-aurora-and-frameworks-addressing-inp-issues


How SPA architectures affect Core Web Vitals: https://web.dev/vitals-spa-faq/


Core Web Vitals workflows with Google tools: https://web.dev/i18n/en/vitals-tools/


Why lab and field data can be different (and what to do about it): https://web.dev/lab-and-field-data-differences/


Towards a better responsiveness metric: https://web.dev/better-responsiveness-metric/


CSS for Web Vitals: https://web.dev/i18n/en/css-web-vitals/


Evolving Cumulative Layout Shift in web tooling: https://web.dev/cls-web-tooling/


Techniques to make a web app load fast, even on a feature phone: https://web.dev/load-faster-like-proxx/


Optimizing Web Vitals using Lighthouse: https://web.dev/optimize-vitals-lighthouse/


Debug layout shifts: https://web.dev/debug-layout-shifts/


How CLS optimizations increased Yahoo! JAPAN News's page views per session by 15%: https://web.dev/yahoo-japan-news/


Aspect Ratio Boxes: https://css-tricks.com/aspect-ratio-boxes/


Evolving the CLS metric: https://web.dev/evolving-cls/


Debug Web Vitals in the field: https://web.dev/debug-web-vitals-in-the-field/


Feedback wanted: The road to a better layout shift metric for long-lived pages: https://web.dev/better-layout-shift-metric/


Optimize Largest Contentful Paint: https://web.dev/i18n/en/optimize-lcp/


Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift: https://web.dev/i18n/en/optimize-cls/


Relating site speed and business metrics: https://web.dev/site-speed-and-business-metrics/


Tools to measure Core Web Vitals: https://web.dev/vitals-tools-2020/


Getting started with measuring Web Vitals: https://web.dev/i18n/en/vitals-measurement-getting-started/


Defining the Core Web Vitals metrics thresholds: https://web.dev/i18n/en/defining-core-web-vitals-thresholds/


Optimize First Input Delay: https://web.dev/i18n/en/optimize-fid/


What's New in Lighthouse 6.0: https://web.dev/lighthouse-whats-new-6.0/


Best practices for measuring Web Vitals in the field: https://web.dev/i18n/en/vitals-field-measurement-best-practices/


Advancing the web framework ecosystem: https://web.dev/advancing-framework-ecosystem-cds-2019/


Speed tooling evolutions: highlights from Chrome Developer Summit 2019: https://web.dev/speed-tooling-evolutions-cds-2019/


Lighthouse evolution: continuous integration, new performance score formula, and more: https://web.dev/lighthouse-evolution-cds-2019/


Fixing layout instability: https://web.dev/fixing-layout-instability/


What should you measure to improve performance?: https://web.dev/what-should-you-measure-to-improve-performance/


Are long JavaScript tasks delaying your Time to Interactive?: https://web.dev/i18n/en/long-tasks-devtools/


Speed at scale: what's new in web performance?: https://web.dev/speed-at-scale/


How to report metrics and build a performance culture: https://web.dev/how-to-report-metrics/


Web Performance Made Easy - Google I/O 2018 edition: https://web.dev/web-performance-made-easy/


How To Think About Speed Tools: https://web.dev/speed-tools/


User timing API: https://web.dev/usertiming/


Optimizing resource loading with Priority Hints: https://web.dev/priority-hints/


Preload: https://web.dev/uses-rel-preload/


Preconnect: https://web.dev/uses-rel-preconnect/


Optimizing third-party script loading in Next.js: https://web.dev/script-component/


Improve security and privacy by updating HTTP Cache: https://web.dev/http-cache-security/


Referrer: https://web.dev/i18n/en/referrer-best-practices/


Assessing loading performance in the field with Navigation Timing and Resource Timing: https://web.dev/navigation-and-resource-timing/


Best practices for using third-party embeds: https://web.dev/embed-best-practices/


Using WebTransport: https://web.dev/i18n/en/webtransport/


Streaming requests with the fetch API: https://web.dev/i18n/en/fetch-upload-streaming/


Improving user privacy and developer experience with User-Agent Client Hints: https://web.dev/i18n/en/user-agent-client-hints/


The performance effects of too much lazy-loading: https://web.dev/lcp-lazy-loading/


Security headers quick reference: https://web.dev/security-headers/


Keeping third-party scripts under control: https://web.dev/controlling-third-party-scripts/


Requesting performance isolation with the Origin-Agent-Cluster header: https://web.dev/origin-agent-cluster/


When to use HTTPS for local development: https://web.dev/when-to-use-local-https/


How to use HTTPS for local development: https://web.dev/i18n/en/how-to-use-local-https/


Publish, ship, and install modern JavaScript for faster applications: https://web.dev/publish-modern-javascript/


Love your cache ❤️: https://web.dev/love-your-cache/


SameSite cookies explained: https://web.dev/i18n/en/samesite-cookies-explained/


SameSite cookie recipes: https://web.dev/samesite-cookie-recipes/


Schemeful Same-Site: https://web.dev/schemeful-samesite/


Feedback wanted: CORS for private networks (RFC1918): https://web.dev/cors-rfc1918-feedback/


Measuring offline usage: https://web.dev/measuring-offline-usage/


Content delivery networks (CDNs): https://web.dev/content-delivery-networks/


Improving page dismissal in synchronous XMLHttpRequest(): https://web.dev/disallow-synchronous-xhr/


Signed Exchanges (SXGs): https://web.dev/signed-exchanges/


Fix an overloaded server: https://web.dev/overloaded-server/


How to set up Signed HTTP Exchanges (SXG) using nginx: https://web.dev/how-to-set-up-signed-http-exchanges/


How to distribute Signed HTTP Exchanges (SXG) using nginx: https://web.dev/how-to-distribute-signed-http-exchanges/


How Google improved ads performance with stale-while-revalidate: https://web.dev/ads-case-study-stale-while-revalidate/


Improved Next.js and Gatsby page load performance with granular chunking: https://web.dev/granular-chunking-nextjs/


HTTP/2 Prioritization: https://calendar.perfplanet.com/2018/http2-prioritization/


Adaptive loading: improving web performance on slow devices: https://web.dev/adaptive-loading-cds-2019/


Prefetch resources to speed up future navigations: https://web.dev/link-prefetch/


A Netflix Web Performance Case Study: https://medium.com/dev-channel/a-netflix-web-performance-case-study-c0bcde26a9d9


Establish network connections early to improve perceived page speed: https://web.dev/preconnect-and-dns-prefetch/


Keeping things fresh with stale-while-revalidate: https://web.dev/i18n/en/stale-while-revalidate/


Faster web navigation with predictive prefetching: https://web.dev/predictive-prefetching/


Sending messages with web push libraries: https://web.dev/sending-messages-with-web-push-libraries/


Decrease front-end size: https://web.dev/decrease-frontend-size/


Enabling HTTPS on Your Servers: https://web.dev/enabling-https-on-your-servers/


WebSocketStream: integrating streams with the WebSocket API: https://web.dev/i18n/en/websocketstream/


How to set up Signed Exchanges using Web Packager: https://web.dev/signed-exchanges-webpackager/


Important Security Terminology: https://web.dev/intro-to-security-terminology/


Deep dive into the murky waters of script loading: https://web.dev/speed-script-loading/


Introducing WebSockets - Bringing Sockets to the Web: https://web.dev/workers-basics/


Bringing instant page-loads to the browser through speculative prerendering: https://web.dev/speculative-prerendering/


Rendering on the Web: https://web.dev/rendering-on-the-web/


Avoiding Unnecessary Paints - Animated GIF Edition: https://web.dev/speed-animated-gifs/


Improving HTML5 Canvas performance: https://web.dev/canvas-performance/


HTML5 techniques for optimizing mobile performance: https://web.dev/mobile-optimization-and-performance/


Stick to Compositor-Only Properties and Manage Layer Count: https://web.dev/stick-to-compositor-only-properties-and-manage-layer-count/


Simplify paint complexity and reduce paint areas: https://web.dev/simplify-paint-complexity-and-reduce-paint-areas/


Rendering Performance: https://web.dev/rendering-performance/


udacity 浏览器渲染性能优化免费课程: https://www.udacity.com/course/browser-rendering-optimization--ud860


Reduce the scope and complexity of style calculations: https://web.dev/reduce-the-scope-and-complexity-of-style-calculations/


Optimize JavaScript execution: https://web.dev/optimize-javascript-execution/


Debounce your input handlers: https://web.dev/debounce-your-input-handlers/


Avoid large, complex layouts and layout thrashing: https://web.dev/avoid-large-complex-layouts-and-layout-thrashing/


The Basics of easing: https://web.dev/the-basics-of-easing/


Custom easing: https://web.dev/custom-easing/


Choosing the right easing: https://web.dev/choosing-the-right-easing/


Asymmetric animation timing: https://web.dev/asymmetric-animation-timing/


Animations and performance: https://web.dev/animations-and-performance/


CSS versus JavaScript animations: https://web.dev/css-vs-javascript/


Antialiasing 101: https://web.dev/antialiasing-101/


Avoiding unnecessary paints: https://web.dev/speed-unnecessary-paints/


CSS paint times and page render weight: https://web.dev/css-paint-times/


Accelerated Rendering in Chrome: https://web.dev/speed-layers/


Jank busting for better rendering performance: https://web.dev/speed-rendering/


Scrolling performance: https://web.dev/speed-scrolling/


Jank busting for better rendering performance: https://web.dev/speed-rendering/


Avoiding Unnecessary Paints - Animated GIF Edition: https://web.dev/speed-animated-gifs/


How browsers work: https://web.dev/howbrowserswork/


Building an adaptive favicon: https://web.dev/building-an-adaptive-favicon/


Building an effective Image Component: https://web.dev/image-component/


Using AVIF to compress images on your site: https://web.dev/compress-images-avif/


AVIF for Next-Generation Image Coding: https://netflixtechblog.com/avif-for-next-generation-image-coding-b1d75675fe4


Feedback from the summer 2019 image optimization survey: https://web.dev/image-optimization-survey-2019/


Preloading responsive images: https://web.dev/preload-responsive-images/


Optimize images with Thumbor: https://web.dev/use-thumbor/


Going beyond images with basic video for the web: https://web.dev/video-basics/


Top tips for web performance: https://web.dev/use-srcset-to-automatically-choose-the-right-image/


Image policies for fast load times and more: https://web.dev/image-policies/


Easy high DPI images: https://web.dev/easy-high-dpi-images/


Responsive images: https://web.dev/responsive-images/


Splash vector graphics on your responsive site: https://web.dev/svg-mobile-fundamentals/


Introduction to variable fonts on the web: https://web.dev/variable-fonts/


Use advanced typography with local fonts: https://web.dev/local-fonts/


CSS size-adjust for @font-face: https://web.dev/css-size-adjust/


Best practices for fonts: https://web.dev/font-best-practices/


font-display: https://caniuse.com/?search=font-display


Optimize WebFont loading and rendering: https://web.dev/optimize-webfont-loading


More variable font options for the macOS system-ui font in Chromium 83: https://web.dev/more-variable-font-options-in-chromium-83/


Prevent layout shifting and flashes of invisible text (FOIT) by preloading optional fonts: https://web.dev/i18n/en/preload-optional-fonts/


通过预加载 web 字体提高加载速度: https://web.dev/codelab-preload-web-fonts/


Perform efficient per-video-frame operations on video with requestVideoFrameCallback(): https://web.dev/requestvideoframecallback-rvfc/


Resource inlining in JavaScript frameworks: https://web.dev/aurora-resource-inlining/


Observing compute pressure: https://web.dev/compute-pressure/


JavaScript: What is the meaning of this?: https://web.dev/i18n/en/javascript-this/


Streams—The definitive guide: https://web.dev/streams/


Detached window memory leaks: https://web.dev/detached-window-memory-leaks/


Choose the best build tool for your project with tooling.report: https://web.dev/introducing-tooling-report/


How CommonJS is making your bundles larger: https://web.dev/i18n/en/commonjs-larger-bundles/


The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018: https://medium.com/@addyosmani/the-cost-of-javascript-in-2018-7d8950fbb5d4


The cost of JavaScript in 2019 · V8: https://v8.dev/blog/cost-of-javascript-2019


Improved Next.js and Gatsby page load performance with granular chunking: https://web.dev/granular-chunking-nextjs/


Virtualize large lists with react-window: https://web.dev/i18n/en/virtualize-long-lists-react-window/


Third-party JavaScript performance: https://web.dev/third-party-javascript/


Async functions - making promises friendly: https://web.dev/javascript-async-functions/


Static memory javascript with Object Pools: https://web.dev/speed-static-mem-pools/


Use forensics and detective work to solve JavaScript performance mysteries: https://web.dev/performance-mystery/


Performance tips for JavaScript in V8: https://web.dev/speed-v8/


Bridging the gap: https://web.dev/bridging-the-gap/


Improved dark mode default styling with the color-scheme CSS property and the corresponding meta tag: https://web.dev/i18n/en/color-scheme/


Using CSS Module Scripts to import stylesheets: https://web.dev/css-module-scripts/


Building a color scheme: https://web.dev/building-a-color-scheme/


New CSS functional pseudo-class selectors :is() and :where(): https://web.dev/css-is-and-where/


Eliminating five top compatibility pain points on the web: https://web.dev/compat2021/


content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance: https://web.dev/content-visibility/


New aspect-ratio CSS property supported in Chromium, Safari Technology Preview, and Firefox Nightly: https://web.dev/aspect-ratio/


Centering in CSS: https://web.dev/centering-in-css/


Cross-browser paint worklets and Houdini.how: https://web.dev/houdini-how/


min(), max(), and clamp(): three logical CSS functions to use today: https://web.dev/min-max-clamp/


Apply effects to images with CSS's mask-image property: https://web.dev/css-masking/


Create interesting image shapes with CSS's clip-path property: https://web.dev/css-clipping/


Custom bullets with CSS ::marker: https://web.dev/css-marker-pseudo-element/


@property: giving superpowers to CSS variables: https://web.dev/at-property/


Ten modern layouts in one line of CSS: https://web.dev/i18n/en/one-line-layouts/


Pixel-perfect rendering with devicePixelContentBox: https://web.dev/device-pixel-content-box/


Web Animations API improvements in Chromium 84: https://web.dev/web-animations/


Next-generation web styling: https://web.dev/next-gen-css-2019/


prefers-color-scheme: Hello darkness, my old friend: https://web.dev/prefers-color-scheme/


Smarter custom properties with Houdini’s new API: https://web.dev/css-props-and-vals/


Extract critical CSS: https://web.dev/i18n/en/extract-critical-css/


Extract and inline critical CSS with Critical: https://web.dev/codelab-extract-and-inline-critical-css/


Create OS-style backgrounds with backdrop-filter: https://web.dev/backdrop-filter/


What's the CSS :scope pseudo-class for?: https://web.dev/what-s-the-CSS-scope-pseudo-class-for/


Getting Started with CSS Shapes: https://web.dev/shapes-getting-started/


Understanding CSS filter effects: https://web.dev/understanding-css/


How Terra improved user engagement thanks to Dark Mode: https://web.dev/terra-dark-mode/


The new responsive: Web design in a component-driven world: https://web.dev/new-responsive


Building split text animations: https://web.dev/building-split-text-animations/


Building a Settings component: https://web.dev/building-a-settings-component


Building a Tabs component: https://web.dev/building-a-tabs-component/


Best practices for carousels: https://web.dev/i18n/en/carousel-best-practices/


Building a sidenav component: https://web.dev/building-a-sidenav-component


Payment and address form best practices: https://web.dev/i18n/en/payment-and-address-form-best-practices/


Building a Stories component: https://web.dev/building-a-stories-component/


Responsive web design basics: https://web.dev/i18n/en/responsive-web-design-basics/


Icons and browser colors: https://web.dev/icons-and-browser-colors/


HTML's New Template Tag: https://web.dev/webcomponents-template/#the-road-to-a-standard


prefers-reduced-motion: Sometimes less movement is more: https://web.dev/prefers-reduced-motion/


2021 Scroll Survey Report: https://web.dev/2021-scroll-survey-report/


Read files in JavaScript: https://web.dev/i18n/en/read-files/


JavaScript eventing deep dive: https://web.dev/eventing-deepdive/


Best practices for cookie notices: https://web.dev/cookie-notice-best-practices/


Control camera pan, tilt, and zoom: https://web.dev/camera-pan-tilt-zoom/


Scroll snapping after layout changes: https://web.dev/snap-after-layout/


Multi-device content: https://web.dev/multi-device-content/


Accessibility: https://web.dev/accessibility/


Animating Modal Views: https://web.dev/animating-modal-views/


Animating Between Views: https://web.dev/animating-between-views/


Accessibility tips for web developers: https://web.dev/a11y-tips-for-web-dev/


Basics of UX: https://web.dev/ux-basics/


Add touch to your site: https://web.dev/add-touch-to-your-site/


Touch and mouse: https://web.dev/mobile-touchandmouse/


Bringing service workers to Google Search: https://web.dev/google-search-sw/


Speed up service worker with navigation preloads - Chrome Developers: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/navigation-preload/


Indexing your offline-capable pages with the Content Indexing API: https://web.dev/content-indexing-api/


ES modules in service workers: https://web.dev/es-modules-in-sw/


Extending Workbox: https://web.dev/extending-workbox/


Workers overview: https://web.dev/workers-overview/


Imperative caching guide: https://web.dev/imperative-caching-guide/


Broadcast updates to pages with service workers: https://web.dev/broadcast-updates-guide/


Two-way communication with service workers: https://web.dev/two-way-communication-guide/


Use web workers to run JavaScript off the browser's main thread: https://web.dev/off-main-thread/


Handling range requests in a service worker: https://web.dev/sw-range-requests/


Resilient search experiences: https://web.dev/resilient-search-experiences/


Adaptive loading with service workers: https://web.dev/adaptive-loading-with-service-workers/


Service worker caching and HTTP caching: https://web.dev/i18n/en/service-worker-caching-and-http-caching/


Handling navigation requests: https://web.dev/handling-navigation-requests/


The Cache API: A quick guide: https://web.dev/cache-api-quick-guide/


Threading the web with module workers: https://web.dev/module-workers/


Service worker mindset: https://web.dev/service-worker-mindset/


Service worker registration: https://web.dev/service-workers-registration/


Measuring the Real-world Performance Impact of Service Workers: https://web.dev/service-worker-perf/


Service Workers in Production: https://web.dev/service-workers-iowa/


The synchronous FileSystem API for workers: https://web.dev/filesystem-sync/


Get things done quickly with app shortcuts: https://web.dev/i18n/en/app-shortcuts/


Integrate with the OS sharing UI with the Web Share API: https://web.dev/web-share/


Badging for app icons: https://web.dev/badging-api/


Is your app installed? getInstalledRelatedApps() will tell you!: https://web.dev/get-installed-related-apps/


Receiving shared data with the Web Share Target API: https://web.dev/i18n/en/web-share-target/


Adaptive icon support in PWAs with maskable icons: https://web.dev/i18n/en/maskable-icon/


WebAPKs on Android: https://web.dev/webapks/


Instant navigation experiences: https://web.dev/instant-navigation-experiences/


Richer offline experiences with the Periodic Background Sync API: https://web.dev/i18n/en/periodic-background-sync/


Progressively enhance your Progressive Web App: https://web.dev/progressively-enhance-your-pwa/


Integrate PWAs into built-in sharing UIs with Workbox: https://web.dev/workbox-share-targets/


OYO Lite: a TWA with the best of web and Android apps: https://web.dev/oyo-lite-twa/


Progressive Web Apps in multi-origin sites: https://web.dev/multi-origin-pwas/


Address Bar Install for Progressive Web Apps on the Desktop: https://web.dev/pwa-install-addressbar/


How do I notify users that my PWA is installable?: https://web.dev/pwa-install-patterns/


Building the Google I/O 2016 Progressive Web App: https://web.dev/iowa2016/


Digging into the Privacy Sandbox: https://web.dev/digging-into-the-privacy-sandbox/


Making your website "cross-origin isolated" using COOP and COEP: https://web.dev/i18n/en/coop-coep/


Getting started with Trust Tokens: https://web.dev/i18n/en/trust-tokens/


Empowering payment apps with Web Payments: https://web.dev/empowering-payment-apps-with-web-payments/


Why should you deploy a strict Content Security Policy (CSP)?: https://web.dev/strict-csp/


Protect your resources from web attacks with Fetch Metadata: https://web.dev/i18n/en/fetch-metadata/


Content security policy: https://web.dev/csp/


Android payment app developers guide: https://web.dev/i18n/en/android-payment-apps-developers-guide/


Why you need "cross-origin isolated" for powerful features: https://web.dev/i18n/en/why-coop-coep/


EME WTF?: https://web.dev/eme-basics/


The end of Internet Explorer: https://web.dev/the-end-of-ie/


CSS Grid in IE: CSS Grid and the New Autoprefixer | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks: https://css-tricks.com/css-grid-in-ie-css-grid-and-the-new-autoprefixer/


Back/forward cache: https://web.dev/bfcache/


Preparing for AppCache removal: https://web.dev/i18n/en/appcache-removal/


Browser-level lazy-loading for CMSs: https://web.dev/browser-level-lazy-loading-for-cmss/


Human interface devices on the web: a few quick examples: https://web.dev/hid-examples/


Automating audits with AutoWebPerf: https://web.dev/autowebperf/


Deprecating Excalidraw Electron in favor of the web version: https://web.dev/deprecating-excalidraw-electron/


Introducing1.1: https://web.dev/introducing-model-viewer/


Theweb component: https://web.dev/model-viewer/


Web on Android: https://web.dev/web-on-android/


ResizeObserver: it’s like document.onresize for elements: https://web.dev/i18n/en/resize-observer/


Storage for the web: https://web.dev/i18n/en/storage-for-the-web/


Making JavaScript and Google Search work together: https://web.dev/javascript-and-google-search-io-2019/


Introduction to fetch(): https://web.dev/introduction-to-fetch/


Best Practices for Using IndexedDB: https://web.dev/indexeddb-best-practices/


Web storage overview: https://web.dev/web-storage/


Social discovery: https://web.dev/social-discovery/


Get started with GPU Compute on the web: https://web.dev/gpu-compute/


Canvas inspection using Chrome DevTools: https://web.dev/canvas-inspection/


Typed arrays - Binary data in the browser: https://web.dev/webgl-typed-arrays/


WebGL orthographic 3D: https://web.dev/webgl-orthographic-3d/


WebGL transforms: https://web.dev/webgl-transforms/


WebGL Fundamentals: https://web.dev/webgl-fundamentals/


An introduction to shaders: https://web.dev/webgl-shaders/


Positioning virtual objects in real-world views: https://web.dev/ar-hit-test/


Virtual reality comes to the web: https://web.dev/vr-comes-to-the-web/


Virtual reality comes to the web, part II: https://web.dev/vr-comes-to-the-web-pt-ii/


Augmented reality: You may already know it: https://web.dev/web-ar/


Welcome to the immersive web: https://web.dev/welcome-to-immersive/


Rendering Text in WebVR: https://web.dev/within/


Core Interactions in the WebVR Lab: https://web.dev/playcanvas/


Matterport VR for WebVR: https://web.dev/matterport/


Bear 71 and WebVR: https://web.dev/bear71/


Emscripten’s embind: https://web.dev/embind/


Using asynchronous web APIs from WebAssembly: https://web.dev/asyncify/


Debugging memory leaks in WebAssembly using Emscripten: https://web.dev/webassembly-memory-debugging/


Emscripten and npm: https://web.dev/emscripten-npm/


How we're bringing Google Earth to the web: https://web.dev/earth-webassembly/


WebAssembly Threads ready to try in Chrome 70: https://web.dev/wasm-threads/


Extending the browser with WebAssembly: https://web.dev/wasm-av1/


Loading WebAssembly modules efficiently: https://web.dev/loading-wasm/


Constructable Stylesheets: https://web.dev/constructable-stylesheets/


Web components: the secret ingredient helping power the web: https://web.dev/web-components-io-2019/


Building components: https://web.dev/web-components/


Custom Elements v1 - Reusable Web Components: https://web.dev/custom-elements-v1/


Shadow DOM v1 - Self-Contained Web Components: https://web.dev/shadowdom-v1/


Custom Element Best Practices: https://web.dev/custom-elements-best-practices/


HowTo Components – Overview: https://web.dev/components-examples-overview/


HowTo Components – howto-tooltip: https://web.dev/components-howto-tooltip/


HowTo Components – howto-tabs: https://web.dev/components-howto-tabs/


Web Components v1 - the next generation: https://web.dev/webcomponents-org/


Shadow DOM 101: https://web.dev/shadowdom/#you-pass-shadow-dom-101


Shadow DOM 201: https://web.dev/shadowdom-201/


Shadow DOM 301: https://web.dev/shadowdom-301/


TransformStream is now supported cross-browser: https://web.dev/transformstream/


Let installed web applications be file handlers: https://web.dev/file-handling/


The File System Access API: simplifying access to local files: https://web.dev/file-system-access/


Breaking down barriers using the DataTransfer API: https://web.dev/datatransfer/


Unblocking clipboard access: https://web.dev/i18n/en/async-clipboard/


Access USB Devices on the Web: https://web.dev/i18n/en/usb/


Read from and write to a serial port: https://web.dev/serial/


Capture Keys with the Keyboard Lock API: https://web.dev/keyboard-lock/


Video processing with WebCodecs: https://web.dev/webcodecs/


Interact with NFC devices on Chrome for Android: https://web.dev/nfc/#status


Communicating with Bluetooth devices over JavaScript: https://web.dev/i18n/en/bluetooth/


Notification Triggers: https://web.dev/notification-triggers/


Customize media notifications and playback controls with the Media Session API: https://web.dev/media-session/


Managing several displays with the Multi-Screen Window Placement API: https://web.dev/multi-screen-window-placement/


Detect inactive users with the Idle Detection API: https://web.dev/idle-detection/#use-cases


Migrate to User-Agent Client Hints: https://web.dev/migrate-to-ua-ch/


polyfill 库: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/uach-retrofill


Declarative Shadow DOM: https://web.dev/declarative-shadow-dom/


Trust is good, observation is better: Intersection Observer v2: https://web.dev/intersectionobserver-v2/


Stay awake with the Screen Wake Lock API: https://web.dev/wake-lock/


A contact picker for the web: https://web.dev/i18n/en/contact-picker/


The Shape Detection API: a picture is worth a thousand words, faces, and barcodes: https://web.dev/shape-detection/


WebSocketStream: integrating streams with the WebSocket API: https://web.dev/i18n/en/websocketstream/


Sensors for the web: https://web.dev/generic-sensor/


Improving user privacy and developer experience with User-Agent Client Hints: https://web.dev/user-agent-client-hints/


Capturing an image from the user: https://web.dev/capturing-images/


Reading and writing files and directories with the browser-fs-access library: https://web.dev/browser-fs-access/


Building a device for WebUSB: https://web.dev/build-for-webusb/


Better JS scheduling with isInputPending(): https://web.dev/isinputpending/


Monitor your web page's total memory usage with measureUserAgentSpecificMemory(): https://web.dev/monitor-total-page-memory-usage/


Logical layout enhancements with flow-relative shorthands: https://web.dev/logical-property-shorthands/


It's time to lazy-load offscreen iframes!: https://web.dev/iframe-lazy-loading/


Know your code health with the ReportingObserver API: https://web.dev/reporting-observer/


Boldly link where no one has linked before: Text Fragments: https://web.dev/i18n/en/text-fragments/


Profiling Web Audio apps in Chrome: https://web.dev/profiling-web-audio-apps-in-chrome/


Get started with Web Bundles: https://web.dev/web-bundles/


More capable form controls: https://web.dev/more-capable-form-controls/


Updates to the Web Payments APIs: https://web.dev/web-payments-updates/


How YouTube improved video performance with the Media Capabilities API: https://web.dev/youtube-media-capabilities/


Hands-on with Portals: seamless navigation on the web: https://web.dev/hands-on-portals/


Credential Management API Feature Detection Check-up: https://web.dev/webauthn-credential-management/


Getting started with Web Audio API: https://web.dev/webaudio-intro/


Getting started with Web Audio API: https://web.dev/customelements/

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2022-07-08,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • 内容分类:
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                                                  内容分发网络(Content Delivery Network,CDN)通过将站点内容发布至遍布全球的海量加速节点,使其用户可就近获取所需内容,避免因网络拥堵、跨运营商、跨地域、跨境等因素带来的网络不稳定、访问延迟高等问题,有效提升下载速度、降低响应时间,提供流畅的用户体验。
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