❝Even when a foreground class is present in the image and a registered target label only contains background voxels, the network can achieve a zero-loss value by overfitting.
❝As a consequence, upweighting the over-fitted samples will be of no harm in terms of loss reduction which leads to the upweighting of maximal noisy (empty) samples.
❝We found that the parameters have a strong correlation with the ground-truth voxels present in their values. Applying a fixed compensation weighting to the data parameters can improve the correlation of the learned parameters and out target scores:
donates the count of ground-truth voxels. sc
Out-of-line backpropagation process for improved stability
先训练main model
再data parameters (out-of-line)
这样既可以保持稳定,又可以估计label noise。
❝When using the out-of-line, two-step approach data parameter optimization becomes a hypothesis of "waht would help the model optimizing right now?" without intervening.
We omitted the provided cochlea labels and train on binary masks of backgroun/tumour.我们忽视了提供的其他标签,只做二分类任务。
As the tumour is either contained on the right- or left size of the hemisphere, we flipped the right samples to provide pre-oriented training data and omit the data without tumour structures.大脑肿瘤要么在右侧和左侧,我们将在右侧的样本进行了反转,并且省略了没有肿瘤的样本。
For the 2D experiments we sliced the last data dimension.
Model and training settings
【2D segmentation】
For 2D segmentation, we employ a LR-ASPP MobileNetV3-Large model
AdamW优化器,0.0005 learning rate,batch=32,cosine annealing schedule with restart after 500 batch steps and multiplication factor of 2
For the data parameters, we use SparseAdam-optrimizer implementation
【3D segmentation】
For 3D experiments we use a custom 3D-MobileNet backbone with an adapted 3D-LR-ASPP head.
0.01 learning rate,batch=8,exponentially decayed scheduling with factor 0.99。
during training,我们没有做weight-clipping,weight decay of l2正则 on data parameters
parameters DP were initialized with a value of 0
For all experiments,we used spatial affine and bspline augmentation and random-noise-augmentation on image intensities。
prior to augmenting we upscaled the input image and labels to 256x256 px in 2D and 192x192x192 vox in 3D training。
use global class weights
Experiment I
2D model training,artificially disturbed ground-truth
Experiment II
2D model training quality-mixed registered single-atlas labels
use 30T1-weighted images as fixed targets and T2-weighted image 和 labels作为moving pairs。
配准使用了Convex ADam方法。
best-quality registration:the single best registration with an average of around 80% orical-Dice across all atlas registrations