社区首页 >专栏 >Go语言中的建造者模式


发布2023-08-10 17:15:14
发布2023-08-10 17:15:14











package main

import "fmt"

// CarBuilder is the abstract interface for car builders
type CarBuilder interface {
  SetSeats(int) CarBuilder
  SetEngine(string) CarBuilder
  SetTripComputer(bool) CarBuilder
  SetGPS(bool) CarBuilder
  GetResult() interface{}

// Car is the product struct for cars
type Car struct {
  seats        int
  engine       string
  tripComputer bool
  gps          bool

// CarManual is the product struct for car manuals
type CarManual struct {
  seats        string
  engine       string
  tripComputer string
  gps          string

// CarBuilderImpl is the concrete struct for car builder
type CarBuilderImpl struct {
  car *Car // the reference to the car product

// SetSeats is the method of CarBuilderImpl to set seats
func (c *CarBuilderImpl) SetSeats(seats int) CarBuilder {
  c.car.seats = seats // set the seats field of the car product
  return c             // return itself for chaining

// SetEngine is the method of CarBuilderImpl to set engine
func (c *CarBuilderImpl) SetEngine(engine string) CarBuilder {
  c.car.engine = engine // set the engine field of the car product
  return c               // return itself for chaining

// SetTripComputer is the method of CarBuilderImpl to set trip computer
func (c *CarBuilderImpl) SetTripComputer(tripComputer bool) CarBuilder {
  c.car.tripComputer = tripComputer // set the trip computer field of the car product
  return c                          // return itself for chaining

// SetGPS is the method of CarBuilderImpl to set GPS
func (c *CarBuilderImpl) SetGPS(gps bool) CarBuilder {
  c.car.gps = gps // set the GPS field of the car product
  return c         // return itself for chaining

// GetResult is the method of CarBuilderImpl to get the car product
func (c *CarBuilderImpl) GetResult() interface{} {
  return c.car // return the car product

// CarManualBuilderImpl is the concrete struct for car manual builder
type CarManualBuilderImpl struct {
  manual *CarManual // the reference to the car manual product

// SetSeats is the method of CarManualBuilderImpl to set seats
func (c *CarManualBuilderImpl) SetSeats(seats int) CarBuilder {
  c.manual.seats = fmt.Sprintf("The car has %d seats", seats) // set the seats field of the car manual product with some explanation
  return c                                                    // return itself for chaining

// SetEngine is the method of CarManualBuilderImpl to set engine
func (c *CarManualBuilderImpl) SetEngine(engine string) CarBuilder {
  c.manual.engine = fmt.Sprintf("The car has a %s engine", engine) // set the engine field of the car manual product with some explanation
  return c                                                         // return itself for chaining

// SetTripComputer is the method of CarManualBuilderImpl to set trip computer
func (c *CarManualBuilderImpl) SetTripComputer(tripComputer bool) CarBuilder {
  if tripComputer {
    c.manual.tripComputer = "The car has a trip computer" // set the trip computer field of the car manual product with some explanation

  } else {
    c.manual.tripComputer = "The car does not have a trip computer" // set the trip computer field of the car manual product with some explanation
  return c // return itself for chaining

// SetGPS is the method of CarManualBuilderImpl to set GPS
func (c *CarManualBuilderImpl) SetGPS(gps bool) CarBuilder {
  if gps {
    c.manual.gps = "The car has a GPS system" // set the GPS field of the car manual product with some explanation

  } else {
    c.manual.gps = "The car does not have a GPS system" // set the GPS field of the car manual product with some explanation
  return c // return itself for chaining

// GetResult is the method of CarManualBuilderImpl to get the car manual product
func (c *CarManualBuilderImpl) GetResult() interface{} {
  return c.manual // return the car manual product

func main() {
  // create a car builder and a car manual builder
  carBuilder := &CarBuilderImpl{car: &Car{}}
  carManualBuilder := &CarManualBuilderImpl{manual: &CarManual{}}

  // build a sports car and its manual
  sportsCar := carBuilder.SetSeats(2).SetEngine("V8").SetTripComputer(true).SetGPS(true).GetResult().(*Car)
  sportsCarManual := carManualBuilder.SetSeats(2).SetEngine("V8").SetTripComputer(true).SetGPS(true).GetResult().(*CarManual)

  // print the sports car and its manual
  fmt.Println("Sports Car:")
  fmt.Printf("Seats: %d\n", sportsCar.seats)
  fmt.Printf("Engine: %s\n", sportsCar.engine)
  fmt.Printf("Trip Computer: %t\n", sportsCar.tripComputer)
  fmt.Printf("GPS: %t\n", sportsCar.gps)

  fmt.Println("Sports Car Manual:")
  fmt.Printf("Seats: %s\n", sportsCarManual.seats)
  fmt.Printf("Engine: %s\n", sportsCarManual.engine)
  fmt.Printf("Trip Computer: %s\n", sportsCarManual.tripComputer)
  fmt.Printf("GPS: %s\n", sportsCarManual.gps)

  // output:
  // Sports Car:
  // Seats: 2
  // Engine: V8
  // Trip Computer: true
  // GPS: true
  // Sports Car Manual:
  // Seats: The car has 2 seats
  // Engine: The car has a V8 engine
  // Trip Computer: The car has a trip computer
  // GPS: The car has a GPS system

  // build a city car and its manual
  cityCar := carBuilder.SetSeats(4).SetEngine("V4").SetTripComputer(false).SetGPS(false).GetResult().(*Car)
  cityCarManual := carManualBuilder.SetSeats(4).SetEngine("V4").SetTripComputer(false).SetGPS(false).GetResult().(*CarManual)

  // print the city car and its manual
  fmt.Println("City Car:")
  fmt.Printf("Seats: %d\n", cityCar.seats)
  fmt.Printf("Engine: %s\n", cityCar.engine)
  fmt.Printf("Trip Computer: %t\n", cityCar.tripComputer)
  fmt.Printf("GPS: %t\n", cityCar.gps)

  fmt.Println("City Car Manual:")
  fmt.Printf("Seats: %s\n", cityCarManual.seats)
  fmt.Printf("Engine: %s\n", cityCarManual.engine)
  fmt.Printf("Trip Computer: %s\n", cityCarManual.tripComputer)
  fmt.Printf("GPS: %s\n", cityCarManual.gps)

  // output:
  // City Car:
  // Seats: 4
  // Engine: V4
  // Trip Computer: false
  // GPS: false
  // City Car Manual:
  // Seats: The car has 4 seats
  // Engine: The car has a V4 engine
  // Trip Computer: The car does not have a trip computer
  // GPS: The car does not have a GPS system




本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2023-07-07,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 运维开发王义杰 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 建造者模式是一种创建型设计模式,它可以将一个复杂对象的构建和表示分离,让同样的构建过程可以创建不同的表示。建造者模式的目的是避免使用多个参数的构造函数或者多个可选参数的构造函数,而是通过一个步骤步骤的构建过程,来创建一个完整的对象。
    • 一个例子
      • 代码实现
        • 总结
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