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【Linux】《how linux work》第四章 磁盘和文件系统

发布2024-03-22 17:22:38
发布2024-03-22 17:22:38

第 4 章 磁盘和文件系统

In Chapter 3, we discussed some of the top-level disk devices that the kernel makes available. In this chapter, we’ll discuss in detail how to work with disks on a Linux system. You’ll learn how to partition disks, create and maintain the filesystems that go inside disk partitions, and work with swap space.




Recall that disk devices have names like /dev/sda, the first SCSI subsystem disk. This kind of block device represents the entire disk, but there are many different components and layers inside a disk.



Figure 4-1 illustrates the schematic of a typical Linux disk (note that the figure is not to scale). As you progress through this chapter, you’ll learn where each piece fits in.



Figure 4-1. Typical Linux disk schematic

Figure 4-1. Typical Linux disk schematic

图 4-1. 典型的 Linux 磁盘原理图

Partitions are subdivisions of the whole disk. On Linux, they’re denoted with a number after the whole block device, and therefore have device names such as /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb3. The kernel presents each partition as a block device, just as it would an entire disk. Partitions are defined on a small area of the disk called a partition table.





NOTE Multiple data partitions were once common on systems with large disks because older PCs could boot only from certain parts of the disk. Also, administrators used partitions to reserve a certain amount of space for operating system areas; for example, they didn’t want users to be able to fill up the entire system and prevent critical services from working. This practice is not unique to Unix; you’ll still find many new Windows systems with several partitions on a single disk. In addition, most systems have a separate swap partition. 注意 在拥有大容量硬盘的系统上,多个数据分区曾经很常见,因为旧的个人电脑只能从硬盘的某些部分启动。 此外,管理员使用分区来保留一定的空间给操作系统区域;例如,他们不希望用户能够填满整个系统并阻止关键服务的运行。 这种做法并不仅限于Unix;你仍然会在许多新的Windows系统上找到一个硬盘上有几个分区的情况。此外,大多数系统都有一个单独的交换分区。

Although the kernel makes it possible for you to access both an entire disk and one of its partitions at the same time, you would not normally do so, unless you were copying the entire disk.


The next layer after the partition is the filesystem, the database of files and directories that you’re accustomed to interacting with in user space. We’ll explore filesystems in 4.2 Filesystems.



As you can see in Figure 4-1, if you want to access the data in a file, you need to get the appropriate partition location from the partition table and then search the filesystem database on that partition for the desired file data.


To access data on a disk, the Linux kernel uses the system of layers shown in Figure 4-2. The SCSI subsystem and everything else described in 3.6 In-Depth: SCSI and the Linux Kernel are represented by a single box. (Notice that you can work with the disk through the filesystem as well as directly through the disk devices. You’ll do both in this chapter.)





To get a handle on how everything fits together, let’s start at the bottom with partitions.


Figure 4-2. Kernel schematic for disk access

Figure 4-2. Kernel schematic for disk access

图 4-2. 磁盘访问内核示意图

4.1 Partitioning Disk Devices(对磁盘设备进行分区)

There are many kinds of partition tables. The traditional table is the one found inside the Master Boot Record (MBR). A newer standard starting to gain traction is the Globally Unique Identifier Partition Table (GPT).

分区表有很多种。传统的分区表是主引导记录 (MBR) 中的分区表。

(MBR) 中的分区表。全球唯一标识符分区表(GPT)是一种较新的标准,已开始受到重视。

Here is an overview of the many Linux partitioning tools available:

下面概述了许多可用的 Linux 分区工具:

o parted A text-based tool that supports both MBR and GPT. o gparted A graphical version of parted. o fdisk The traditional text-based Linux disk partitioning tool. fdisk does not support GPT. o gdisk A version of fdisk that supports GPT but not MBR. Because it supports both MBR and GPT, we’ll use parted in this book. However, many people prefer the fdisk interface, and there’s nothing wrong with that

o parted 基于文本的工具,支持 MBR 和 GPT。 o gparted 图形版本的 parted。 o fdisk 传统的基于文本的 Linux 磁盘分区工具。 o gdisk 支持 GPT 但不支持 MBR 的 fdisk 版本。 由于它同时支持 MBR 和 GPT,我们在本书中将使用 parted。不过,很多人更喜欢 fdisk 界面,这也无可厚非。

NOTE Although parted can create and resize filesystems, you shouldn’t use it for filesystem manipulation because you can easily get confused. There is a critical difference between partitioning and filesystem manipulation. The partition table defines simple boundaries on the disk, whereas a filesystem is a much more involved data system. For this reason, we’ll use parted for partitioning but use separate utilities for creating filesystems (see 4.2.2 Creating a Filesystem). Even the parted documentation encourages you to create filesystems separately. 注意 尽管parted可以创建和调整文件系统,但你不应该使用它进行文件系统操作,因为容易混淆。分区和文件系统操作之间存在重要的区别。 分区表定义了磁盘上的简单边界,而文件系统是一个更复杂的数据系统。 因此,我们将使用parted进行分区,但使用单独的工具来创建文件系统(参见4.2.2创建文件系统)。 即使parted的文档也鼓励你单独创建文件系统。

4.1.1 Viewing a Partition Table(查看分区表)

You can view your system’s partition table with parted -l. Here is sample output from two disk devices with two different kinds of partition tables:

您可以使用parted -l命令查看系统的分区表。


# parted -l
Model: ATA WDC WD3200AAJS-2 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 320GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 1049kB 316GB 316GB primary ext4 boot
2 316GB 320GB 4235MB extended
5 316GB 320GB 4235MB logical linux-swap(v1)
Model: FLASH Drive UT_USB20 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdf: 4041MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 17.4kB 1000MB 1000MB myfirst
2 1000MB 4040MB 3040MB mysecond

The first device, /dev/sda, uses the traditional MBR partition table (called “msdos” by parted), and the second contains a GPT table. Notice that there are different parameters for each partition table, because the tables themselves are different. In particular, there is no Name column for the MBR table because names don’t exist under that scheme. (I arbitrarily chose the names myfirst and mysecond in the GPT table.)

第一个设备 /dev/sda 使用传统的 MBR 分区表(parted 称为 "msdos"),第二个设备包含 GPT 表。


特别是,MBR 表没有 "名称 "列,因为在该方案下不存在名称。

(我在 GPT 表中随意选择了 myfirst 和 mysecond 这两个名称)。

The MBR table in this example contains primary, extended, and logical partitions. A primary partition is a normal subdivision of the disk; partition 1 is such a partition. The basic MBR has a limit of four primary partitions, so if you want more than four, you designate one partition as an extended partition. Next, you subdivide the extended partition into logical partitions that the operating system can use as it would any other partition. In this example, partition 2 is an extended partition that contains logical partition 5

本例中的 MBR 表包含主分区、扩展分区和逻辑分区。

主分区是磁盘的一个普通分区;分区 1 就是这样一个分区。

基本 MBR 有四个主分区的限制,所以如果你想要超过四个分区,就需要指定一个分区为扩展分区。


在本例中,分区 2 是一个包含逻辑分区 5 的扩展分区

NOTE The filesystem that parted lists is not necessarily the system ID field defined in most MBR entries. The MBR system ID is just a number; for example, 83 is a Linux partition and 82 is Linux swap. Therefore, parted attempts to determine a filesystem on its own. If you absolutely must know the system ID for an MBR, use fdisk -l 注意 分区列出的文件系统不一定是大多数 MBR 条目中定义的系统 ID 字段。 MBR 系统 ID 只是一个数字;例如,83 是 Linux 分区,82 是 Linux swap。 因此,parted 会尝试自行确定文件系统。如果必须知道 MBR 的系统 ID,请使用 fdisk -l

Initial Kernel Read(初始内核读取)

When initially reading the MBR table, the Linux kernel produces the following debugging output (remember that you can view this with dmesg):

最初读取 MBR 表时,Linux 内核会产生以下调试输出(请记住,您可以使用 dmesg 查看):

sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 >

The sda2 < sda5 > output indicates that /dev/sda2 is an extended partition containing one logical partition, /dev/sda5. You’ll normally ignore extended partitions because you’ll typically want to access only the logical partitions inside.

sda2 < sda5 > 输出显示 /dev/sda2 是一个扩展分区,包含一个逻辑分区 /dev/sda5。


4.1.2 Changing Partition Tables(更改分区表)

Viewing partition tables is a relatively simple and harmless operation. Altering partition tables is also relatively easy, but there are risks involved in making this kind of change to the disk. Keep the following in mind:


更改分区表也相对简单 但对磁盘进行此类更改存在风险。请牢记以下几点:

o Changing the partition table makes it quite difficult to recover any data on partitions that you delete because it changes the initial point of reference for a filesystem. Make sure that you have a backup if the disk you’re partitioning contains critical data. o Ensure that no partitions on your target disk are currently in use. This is a concern because most Linux distributions automatically mount any detected filesystem. (See 4.2.3 Mounting a Filesystem for more on mounting and unmounting.)

o 更改分区表会导致很难恢复被删除分区上的任何数据,因为这会更改文件系统的初始参考点。如果要分区的磁盘包含重要数据,请确保有备份。 o 确保目标磁盘上没有当前正在使用的分区。

这是一个问题,因为大多数 Linux 发行版都会自动挂载任何检测到的文件系统。(有关挂载和卸载的更多信息,请参阅 4.2.3 挂载文件系统)。

When you’re ready, choose your partitioning program. If you’d like to use parted, you can use the command-line parted utility or a graphical interface such as gparted; for an fdisk-style interface, use gdisk if you’re using GPT partitioning. These utilities all have online help and are easy to learn. (Try using them on a flash device or something similar if you don’t have any spare disks.)

准备就绪后,选择分区程序。如果想使用 parted,可以使用命令行 parted 工具或图形界面(如 gparted);如果想使用 fdisk 风格的界面,可以使用 gdisk(如果使用 GPT 分区)。



That said, there is a major difference in the way that fdisk and parted work. With fdisk, you design your new partition table before making the actual changes to the disk; fdisk only makes the changes as you exit the program. But with parted, partitions are created, modified, and removed as you issue the commands. You don’t get the chance to review the partition table before you change it

不过,fdisk 和 parted 的工作方式有很大不同。

使用 fdisk 时,在对磁盘进行实际更改之前,你需要设计新的分区表;fdisk 只会在你退出程序时进行更改。

但使用 parted 时,分区会在你发出命令时创建、修改和删除。在更改之前,你没有机会查看分区表。

These differences are also important to understanding how these two utilities interact with the kernel. Both fdisk and parted modify the partitions entirely in user space; there is no need to provide kernel support for rewriting a partition table because user space can read and modify all of a block device.


fdisk 和 parted 都完全在用户空间修改分区;由于用户空间可以读取和修改块设备的所有内容,因此不需要为重写分区表提供内核支持。

Eventually, though, the kernel must read the partition table in order to present the partitions as block devices. The fdisk utility uses a relatively simple method: After modifying the partition table, fdisk issues a single system call on the disk to tell the kernel that it should reread the partition table. The kernel then generates debugging output that you can view with dmesg. For example, if you create two partitions on /dev/sdf, you’ll see this


fdisk 实用程序使用一种相对简单的方法: 修改分区表后,fdisk 会在磁盘上发出一个系统调用,告诉内核应该重新读取分区表。

内核随后会生成调试输出,你可以用 dmesg 查看。

例如,如果你在 /dev/sdf 上创建了两个分区,你会看到下面的内容

sdf:sdf1 sdf2

In comparison, the parted tools do not use this disk-wide system call. Instead, they signal the kernel when individual partitions are altered. After processing a single partition change, the kernel does not produce the preceding debugging output.



There are a few ways to see the partition changes:


o Use udevadm to watch the kernel event changes. For example, udevadm monitor --kernel will show the old partition devices being removed and the new ones being added. o Check /proc/partitions for full partition information. o Check /sys/block/device/ for altered partition system interfaces or /dev for altered partition devices.

  • 使用udevadm监视内核事件的更改。
  • 例如,udevadm monitor --kernel将显示旧的分区设备被删除和新的分区设备被添加。
  • 检查/proc/partitions以获取完整的分区信息。
  • 检查/sys/block/device/以查看更改的分区系统接口或/dev以查看更改的分区设备。

If you absolutely must be sure that you have modified a partition table, you can perform the old-style system call that fdisk uses by using the blockdev command. For example, to force the kernel to reload the partition table on /dev/sdf, run this:



# blockdev --rereadpt /dev/sdf



4.1.3 Disk and Partition Geometry(磁盘和分区几何结构)

Any device with moving parts introduces complexity into a software system because there are physical elements that resist abstraction. A hard disk is no exception; even though you can think of a hard disk as a block device with random access to any block, there are serious performance consequences if you aren’t careful about how you lay out data on the disk. Consider the physical properties of the simple single-platter disk illustrated in Figure 4-3.




The disk consists of a spinning platter on a spindle, with a head attached to a moving arm that can sweep across the radius of the disk. As the disk spins underneath the head, the head reads data. When the arm is in one position, the head can only read data from a fixed circle. This circle is called a cylinder because larger disks have more than one platter, all stacked and spinning around the same spindle. Each platter can have one or two heads, for the top and/or bottom of the platter, and all heads are attached to the same arm and move in concert. Because the arm moves, there are many cylinders on the disk, from small ones around the center to large ones around the periphery of the disk. Finally, you can divide a cylinder into slices called sectors. This way of thinking about the disk geometry is called CHS, for cylinder-head-sector.







Figure 4-3. Top-down view of a hard disk

NOTE A track is a part of a cylinder that a single head accesses, so in Figure 4-3, a cylinder is also a track. You probably don’t need to worry about tracks. 注意:一个磁道是一个磁头访问的柱面的一部分,所以在图4-3中,柱面也是一个磁道。 你可能不需要担心磁道。

The kernel and the various partitioning programs can tell you what a disk reports as its number of cylinders (and sectors, which are slices of cylinders). However, on a modern hard disk, the reported values are fiction! The traditional addressing scheme that uses CHS doesn’t scale with modern disk hardware, nor does it account for the fact that you can put more data into outer cylinders than inner cylinders. Disk hardware supports Logical Block Addressing (LBA) to simply address a location on the disk by a block number, but remnants of CHS remain. For example, the MBR partition table contains CHS information as well as LBA equivalents, and some boot loaders are still dumb enough to believe the CHS values (don’t worry—most Linux boot loaders use the LBA values)





Nevertheless, the idea of cylinders has been important to partitioning because cylinders are ideal boundaries for partitions. Reading a data stream from a cylinder is very fast because the head can continuously pick up data as the disk spins. A partition arranged as a set of adjacent cylinders also allows for fast continuous data access because the head doesn’t need to move very far between cylinders.




Some partitioning programs complain if you don’t place your partitions precisely on cylinder boundaries. Ignore this; there’s little you can do because the reported CHS values of modern disks simply aren’t true. The disk’s LBA scheme ensures that your partitions are where they’re supposed to be.




4.1.4 固态硬盘(SSD)

Storage devices with no moving parts, such as solid-state disks (SSDs), are radically different from spinning disks in terms of their access characteristics. For these, random access is not a problem because there’s no head to sweep across a platter, but certain factors affect performance.



One of the most significant factors affecting the performance of SSDs is partition alignment. When you read data from an SSD, you read it in chunks— typically 4096 bytes at a time—and the read must begin at a multiple of that same size. So if your partition and its data do not lie on a 4096-byte boundary, you may have to do two reads instead of one for small, common operations, such as reading the contents of a directory


从固态硬盘读取数据时,是以块为单位的,通常一次读取 4096 字节,而且读取必须从相同大小的倍数开始。

因此,如果你的分区及其数据不在 4096 字节的边界上,你可能需要进行两次读取,而不是一次读取来完成小型的普通操作,例如读取目录的内容。

Many partitioning utilities (parted and gparted, for example) include functionality to put newly created partitions at the proper offsets from the beginning of the disks, so you may never need to worry about improper partition alignment. However, if you’re curious about where your partitions begin and just want to make sure that they begin on a boundary, you can easily find this information by looking in /sys/block. Here’s an example for a partition /dev/sdf2:




$ cat /sys/block/sdf/sdf2/start

This partition starts at 1,953,126 bytes from the beginning of the disk. Because this number is not divisible by 4,096, the partition would not be attaining optimal performance if it were on SSD.



4.2 Filesystems(文件系统)

The last link between the kernel and user space for disks is typically the file-system; this is what you’re accustomed to interacting with when you run commands such as ls and cd. As previously mentioned, the filesystem is a form of database; it supplies the structure to transform a simple block device into the sophisticated hierarchy of files and subdirectories that users can understand.

对于磁盘来说,内核与用户空间之间的最后一个连接通常是文件系统;当你运行诸如 ls 和 cd 等命令时,你习惯于与文件系统进行交互。


At one time, filesystems resided on disks and other physical media used exclusively for data storage. However, the tree-like directory structure and I/O interface of filesystems are quite versatile, so filesystems now perform a variety of tasks, such as the system interfaces that you see in /sys and /proc. Filesystems are also traditionally implemented in the kernel, but the innovation of 9P from Plan 9 (http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/9.html) has inspired the development of user-space filesystems. The File System in User Space (FUSE) feature allows user-space filesystems in Linux


然而,文件系统的树状目录结构和 I/O 接口非常灵活,因此现在文件系统执行各种任务,例如您在 /sys 和 /proc 中看到的系统接口。

文件系统通常也是在内核中实现的,但 Plan 9 的 9P(http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/9.html)的创新推动了用户空间文件系统的发展。

用户空间文件系统(File System in User Space,FUSE)功能允许在 Linux 中使用用户空间文件系统。

The Virtual File System (VFS) abstraction layer completes the filesystem implementation. Much as the SCSI subsystem standardizes communication between different device types and kernel control commands, VFS ensures that all filesystem implementations support a standard interface so that user-space applications access files and directories in the same manner. VFS support has enabled Linux to support an extraordinarily large number of filesystems

虚拟文件系统(Virtual File System,VFS)抽象层完成了文件系统的实现。

就像 SCSI 子系统标准化不同设备类型和内核控制命令之间的通信一样,VFS 确保所有文件系统实现都支持标准接口,以便用户空间应用程序以相同的方式访问文件和目录。

VFS 的支持使得 Linux 能够支持非常多的文件系统。

4.2.1 Filesystem Types(文件系统类型)

Linux filesystem support includes native designs optimized for Linux, foreign types such as the Windows FAT family, universal filesystems like ISO 9660, and many others. The following list includes the most common types of filesystems for data storage. The type names as recognized by Linux are in parentheses next to the filesystem names.

Linux文件系统支持包括针对Linux进行优化的本机设计,如Windows FAT系列等外部类型,像ISO 9660这样的通用文件系统,以及其他许多类型。


  • The Fourth Extended filesystem (ext4) is the current iteration of a line of filesystems native to Linux. The Second Extended filesystem (ext2) was a longtime default for Linux systems inspired by traditional Unix filesystems such as the Unix File System (UFS) and the Fast File System (FFS). The Third Extended filesystem (ext3) added a journal feature (a small cache outside the normal filesystem data structure) to enhance data integrity and hasten booting. The ext4 filesystem is an incremental improvement with support for larger files than ext2 or ext3 support and a greater number of subdirectories.
  • 第四代扩展文件系统(ext4)是Linux本机文件系统系列的当前版本。第二代扩展文件系统(ext2)是Linux系统的长期默认文件系统,受传统Unix文件系统(如Unix文件系统(UFS)和快速文件系统(FFS))的启发。第三代扩展文件系统(ext3)在常规文件系统数据结构之外增加了日志功能(一个小缓存),以增强数据完整性和加快启动速度。ext4文件系统是一种增量改进,支持比ext2或ext3更大的文件和更多的子目录。

There is a certain amount of backward compatibility in the extended filesystem series. For example, you can mount ext2 and ext3 filesystems as each other, and you can mount ext2 and ext3 filesystems as ext4, but you cannot mount ext4 as ext2 or ext3.



  • ISO 9660 (iso9660) is a CD-ROM standard. Most CD-ROMs use some variety of the ISO 9660 standard.
  • ISO 9660(iso9660)是一种CD-ROM标准。大多数CD-ROM使用ISO 9660标准的某种变体。
  • FAT filesystems (msdos, vfat, umsdos) pertain to Microsoft systems. The simple msdos type supports the very primitive monocase variety in MS-DOS systems. For most modern Windows filesystems, you should use the vfat filesystem in order to get full access from Linux. The rarely used umsdos filesystem is peculiar to Linux. It supports Unix features such as symbolic links on top of an MS-DOS filesystem.
  • FAT文件系统(msdos,vfat,umsdos)适用于Microsoft系统。简单的msdos类型支持MS-DOS系统中的非常原始的单大小写变体。
    • 对于大多数现代Windows文件系统,您应该使用vfat文件系统以便从Linux获得完全访问权限。
    • 很少使用的umsdos文件系统是Linux特有的。
    • 它在MS-DOS文件系统之上支持符号链接等Unix功能。
  • HFS+ (hfsplus) is an Apple standard used on most Macintosh systems.
  • HFS+(hfsplus)是苹果标准,在大多数Macintosh系统上使用。

Although the Extended filesystem series has been perfectly acceptable to most casual users, many advances have been made in filesystem technology that even ext4 cannot utilize due to the backward compatibility requirement. The advances are primarily in scalability enhancements pertaining to very large numbers of files, large files, and similar scenarios. New Linux filesystems, such as Btrfs, are under development and may be poised to replace the Extended series.




4.2.2 Creating a Filesystem(创建文件系统)

Once you’re done with the partitioning process described in 4.1 Partitioning Disk Devices, you’re ready to create filesystems. As with partitioning, you’ll do this in user space because a user-space process can directly access and manipulate a block device. The mkfs utility can create many kinds of filesystems. For example, you can create an ext4 partition on /dev/sdf2 with this command:




mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdf2

The mkfs program automatically determines the number of blocks in a device and sets some reasonable defaults. Unless you really know what you’re doing and feel like reading the documentation in detail, don’t change these.


When you create a filesystem, mkfs prints diagnostic output as it works, including output pertaining to the superblock. The superblock is a key component at the top level of the filesystem database, and it’s so important that mkfs creates a number of backups in case the original is destroyed. Consider recording a few of the superblock backup numbers when mkfs runs, in case you need to recover the superblock in the event of a disk failure (see 4.2.11 Checking and Repairing Filesystems).



考虑在mkfs运行时记录一些超级块备份号码,以防在磁盘故障时需要恢复超级块(参见4.2.11节 检查和修复文件系统)。

WARNING Filesystem creation is a task that you should only need to perform after adding a new disk or repartitioning an old one. You should create a filesystem just once for each new partition that has no preexisting data (or that has data that you want to remove). Creating a new filesystem on top of an existing filesystem will effectively destroy the old data. 警告 文件系统的创建是一个任务,你只需要在添加新的磁盘或重新分区旧磁盘之后才需要执行。 你应该为每个新的分区只创建一次文件系统,这个分区没有预先存在的数据(或者有你想要删除的数据)。 在现有的文件系统上创建一个新的文件系统将会有效地销毁旧数据。

It turns out that mkfs is only a frontend for a series of filesystem creation programs, mkfs.fs, where fs is a filesystem type. So when you run mkfs -t ext4, mkfs in turn runs mkfs.ext4


所以当你运行mkfs -t ext4时,mkfs实际上会运行mkfs.ext4。

And there’s even more indirection. Inspect the mkfs.* files behind the commands and you’ll see the following:



$ ls -l /sbin/mkfs.*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17896 Mar 29 21:49 /sbin/mkfs.bfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 30280 Mar 29 21:49 /sbin/mkfs.cramfs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Mar 30 13:25 /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -> mke2fs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Mar 30 13:25 /sbin/mkfs.ext3 -> mke2fs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Mar 30 13:25 /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -> mke2fs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Mar 30 13:25 /sbin/mkfs.ext4dev -> mke2fs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26200 Mar 29 21:49 /sbin/mkfs.minix
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Dec 19 2011 /sbin/mkfs.msdos -> mkdosfs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Mar 5 2012 /sbin/mkfs.ntfs -> mkntfs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Dec 19 2011 /sbin/mkfs.vfat -> mkdosfs

As you can see, mkfs.ext4 is just a symbolic link to mke2fs. This is important to remember if you run across a system without a specific mkfs command or when you’re looking up the documentation for a particular filesystem. Each filesystem’s creation utility has its own manual page, like mke2fs(8). This shouldn’t be a problem on most systems, because accessing the mkfs.ext4(8) manual page should redirect you to the mke2fs(8) manual page, but keep it in mind.





4.2.3 Mounting a Filesystem(挂载文件系统)

On Unix, the process of attaching a filesystem is called mounting. When the system boots, the kernel reads some configuration data and mounts root (/) based on the configuration data.



In order to mount a filesystem, you must know the following:


  • The filesystem’s device (such as a disk partition; where the actual file-system data resides)

o 文件系统的设备(如磁盘分区,实际存储文件系统数据的位置)。

  • The filesystem type.

o 文件系统类型。

  • The mount point—that is, the place in the current system’s directory hierarchy where the filesystem will be attached. The mount point is always a normal directory. For instance, you could use /cdrom as a mount point for CD-ROM devices. The mount point need not be directly below /; it may be anywhere on the system.

o 挂载点 -- 即将文件系统连接到当前系统目录层次结构中的位置。



When mounting a filesystem, the common terminology is “mount a device on a mount point.” To learn the current filesystem status of your system, run mount. The output should look like this:



$ mount
/dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)
tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755)

Each line corresponds to one currently mounted filesystem, with items in this order:


  • The device, such as /dev/sda3. Notice that some of these aren’t real devices (proc, for example) but are stand-ins for real device names because these special-purpose filesystems do not need devices.
  • 设备,例如/dev/sda3。请注意,其中一些并非真实设备(例如proc),而是真实设备名称的替代品,因为这些特殊用途的文件系统不需要设备。
  • The word on.
  • 单词on。
  • The mount point.
  • 挂载点。
  • The word type
  • 单词type。
  • The filesystem type, usually in the form of a short identifier
  • 文件系统类型,通常以简短标识符的形式表示。
  • Mount options (in parentheses). (See 4.2.6 Filesystem Mount Options for more details.)
  • 挂载选项(括号中)。(有关更多详细信息,请参阅4.2.6文件系统挂载选项。)

To mount a filesystem, use the mount command as follows with the file-system type, device, and desired mount point:


mount -t type device mountpoint

For example, to mount the Fourth Extended filesystem /dev/sdf2 on /home/extra, use this command


mount -t ext4 /dev/sdf2 /home/extra

You normally don’t need to supply the -t type option because mount can usually figure it out for you. However, sometimes it’s necessary to distinguish between two similar types, such as the various FAT-style filesystems.


See 4.2.6 Filesystem Mount Options for a few more long options to mount. To unmount (detach) a filesystem, use the umount command:


umount mountpoint

You can also unmount a filesystem with its device instead of its mount point.

4.2.4 Filesystem UUID(文件系统UUID)

The method of mounting filesystems discussed in the preceding section depends on device names. However, device names can change because they depend on the order in which the kernel finds the devices. To solve this problem, you can identify and mount filesystems by their Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), a software standard. The UUID is a type of serial number, and each one should be different. Filesystem creation programs like mke2fs generate a UUID identifier when initializing the filesystem data structure.






To view a list of devices and the corresponding filesystems and UUIDs on your system, use the blkid (block ID) program:


# blkid
/dev/sdf2: UUID="a9011c2b-1c03-4288-b3fe-8ba961ab0898" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda1: UUID="70ccd6e7-6ae6-44f6-812c-51aab8036d29" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda5: UUID="592dcfd1-58da-4769-9ea8-5f412a896980" TYPE="swap"
/dev/sde1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="3762-6138" TYPE="vfat"

In this example, blkid found four partitions with data: two with ext4 filesystems, one with a swap space signature (see 4.3 swap space), and one with a FAT-based filesystem. The Linux native partitions all have standard UUIDs, but the FAT partition doesn’t have one. You can reference the FAT partition with its FAT volume serial number (in this case, 3762-6138).



To mount a filesystem by its UUID, use the UUID= syntax. For example, to mount the first filesystem from the preceding list on /home/extra, enter:


mount UUID=a9011c2b-1c03-4288-b3fe-8ba961ab0898 /home/extra

You will typically not manually mount filesystems by UUID as above, because you’ll probably know the device, and it’s much easier to mount a device by its name than by its crazy UUID number. Still, it’s important to understand UUIDs. For one thing, they’re the preferred way to automatically mount filesystems in /etc/fstab at boot time (see 4.2.8 The /etc/fstab Filesystem Table). In addition, many distributions use the UUID as a mount point when you insert removable media. In the preceding example, the FAT filesystem is on a flash media card. An Ubuntu system with someone logged in will mount this partition at /media/3762-6138 upon insertion. The udevd daemon described in Chapter 3 handles the initial event for the device insertion.







You can change the UUID of a filesystem if necessary (for example, if you copied the complete filesystem from somewhere else and now need to distinguish it from the original). See the tune2fs(8) manual page for how to do this on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem.



4.2.5 Disk Buffering, Caching, and Filesystems(磁盘缓冲、缓存和文件系统)

Linux, like other versions of Unix, buffers writes to the disk. This means that the kernel usually doesn’t immediately write changes to filesystems when processes request changes. Instead it stores the changes in RAM until the kernel can conveniently make the actual change to the disk. This buffering system is transparent to the user and improves performance.





When you unmount a filesystem with umount, the kernel automatically synchronizes with the disk. At any other time, you can force the kernel to write the changes in its buffer to the disk by running the sync command. If for some reason you can’t unmount a filesystem before you turn off the system, be sure to run sync first.




In addition, the kernel has a series of mechanisms that use RAM to automatically cache blocks read from a disk. Therefore, if one or more processes repeatedly access a file, the kernel doesn’t have to go to the disk again and again—it can simply read from the cache and save time and resources


4.2.6 Filesystem Mount Options 文件系统挂载选项

There are many ways to change the mount command behavior, as is often necessary with removable media or when performing system maintenance. In fact, the total number of mount options is staggering. The extensive mount(8) manual page is a good reference, but it’s hard to know where to start and what you can safely ignore. You’ll see the most useful options in this section





Options fall into two rough categories: general and filesystem-specific ones. General options include -t for specifying the filesystem type (as mentioned earlier). In contrast, a filesystem-specific option pertains only to certain filesystem types.


通用选项包括指定文件系统类型的 -t 选项(如前面所述)。相反,特定于文件系统的选项仅适用于特定的文件系统类型。

To activate a filesystem option, use the -o switch followed by the option. For example, -o norock turns off Rock Ridge extensions on an ISO 9660 file-system, but it has no meaning for any other kind of filesystem.

要激活文件系统选项,请使用 -o 开关,后跟选项。

例如,-o norock 在ISO 9660文件系统上关闭Rock Ridge扩展,但对于其他任何类型的文件系统都没有意义。

Short Options(短选项)

The most important general options are these:


  • -r The -r option mounts the filesystem in read-only mode. This has a number of uses, from write protection to bootstrapping. You don’t need to specify this option when accessing a read-only device such as a CD-ROM; the system will do it for you (and will also tell you about the read-only status).

o -r 选项以只读模式挂载文件系统。这有许多用途,从写保护到引导。


  • -n The -n option ensures that mount does not try to update the system runtime mount database, /etc/mtab. The mount operation fails when it cannot write to this file, which is important at boot time because the root partition (and, therefore, the system mount database) is read-only at first. You’ll also find this option handy when trying to fix a system problem in single-user mode, because the system mount database may not be available at the time.

o -n 选项确保挂载不会尝试更新系统运行时挂载数据库 /etc/mtab。



  • -t The -t type option specifies the filesystem type.

o -t type 选项指定文件系统类型。

Long Options(长选项)

Short options like -r are too limited for the ever-increasing number of mount options; there are too few letters in the alphabet to accommodate all possible options. Short options are also troublesome because it is difficult to determine an option’s meaning based on a single letter. Many general options and all filesystemspecific options use a longer, more flexible option format

像 -r 这样的短选项对于越来越多的挂载选项来说太有限了;字母表中的字母太少,无法容纳所有可能的选项。



To use long options with mount on the command line, start with -o and supply some keywords. Here’s a complete example, with the long options following -o:

要在命令行上使用mount的长选项,请以 -o 开始,然后提供一些关键字。以下是一个完整的例子,长选项在 -o 之后:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /dos -o ro,conv=auto

The two long options here are ro and conv=auto. The ro option specifies read-only mode and is the same as the -r short option. The conv=auto option tells the kernel to automatically convert certain text files from the DOS newline format to the Unix style (you’ll see more shortly).


The most useful long options are these:


o exec, noexec Enables or disables execution of programs on the filesystem. o suid, nosuid Enables or disables setuid programs. o ro Mounts the filesystem in read-only mode (as does the -r short option). o rw Mounts the filesystem in read-write mode. o conv=rule (FAT-based filesystems) Converts the newline characters in files based on rule, which can be binary, text, or auto. The default is binary, which disables any character translation. To treat all files as text, use text. The auto setting converts files based on their extension. For example, a .jpg file gets no special treatment, but a .txt file does. Be careful with this option because it can damage files. Consider using it in read-only mode.

  • exec, noexec:启用或禁用文件系统上的程序执行。
  • suid, nosuid:启用或禁用setuid程序。
  • ro:以只读模式挂载文件系统(与短选项-r相同)。
  • rw:以读写模式挂载文件系统。
  • conv=rule(基于FAT的文件系统):根据规则转换文件中的换行符,规则可以是二进制、文本或自动。默认值是二进制,即禁用任何字符转换。要将所有文件视为文本,请使用文本。自动设置会根据文件的扩展名进行转换。例如,.jpg文件不会受到特殊处理,但.txt文件会。请谨慎使用此选项,因为它可能会损坏文件。建议在只读模式下使用。

4.2.7 Remounting a Filesystem(重新挂载文件系统)

There will be times when you may need to reattach a currently mounted filesystem at the same mount point when you need to change mount options. The most common such situation is when you need to make a readonly file-system writable during crash recovery.


The following command remounts the root in read-write mode (you need the -n option because the mount command can’t write to the system mount database when the root is read-only):

以下命令以读写模式重新挂载根文件系统(需要使用 -n 选项,因为当根文件系统为只读时,挂载命令无法写入系统挂载数据库):

 mount -n -o remount /

This command assumes that the correct device listing for / is in /etc/fstab (as discussed in the next section). If it is not, you must specify the device.

4.2.8 /etc/fstab 文件系统表

To mount filesystems at boot time and take the drudgery out of the mount command, Linux systems keep a permanent list of filesystems and options in /etc/fstab. This is a plaintext file in a very simple format, as Listing 4-1 shows.

为了在启动时挂载文件系统并省去挂载命令的繁琐工作,Linux 系统会在 /etc/fstab 中保存一份永久的文件系统和选项列表。文件系统和选项的永久列表。

这是一个格式非常简单的纯文本文件,如清单 4-1 所示。

Example 4-1. List of filesystems and options in /etc/fstab

例 4-1. /etc/fstab 中的文件系统和选项列表

proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
UUID=70ccd6e7-6ae6-44f6-812c-51aab8036d29 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
UUID=592dcfd1-58da-4769-9ea8-5f412a896980 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/sr0 /cdrom iso9660 ro,user,nosuid,noauto 0 0

Each line corresponds to one filesystem, each of which is broken into six fields. These fields are as follows, in order from left to right:


这些字段如下、 按从左到右的顺序排列:

o The device or UUID. Most current Linux systems no longer use the device in /etc/fstab, preferring the UUID. (Notice that the /proc entry has a stand-in device named proc.) o The mount point. Indicates where to attach the filesystem. o The filesystem type. You may not recognize swap in this list; this is a swap partition (see 4.3 swap space). o Options. Use long options separated by commas. o Backup information for use by the dump command. You should always use a 0 in this field. o The filesystem integrity test order. To ensure that fsck always runs on the root first, always set this to 1 for the root filesystem and 2 for any other filesystems on a hard disk. Use 0 to disable the bootup check for everything else, including CD-ROM drives, swap, and the /proc file-system (see the fsck command in 4.2.11 Checking and Repairing Filesystems).

o 设备或 UUID。当前大多数 Linux 系统不再使用 /etc/fstab 中的设备,而更喜欢使用 UUID。(注意,/proc 条目有一个名为 proc 的备用设备)。 o 挂载点。表示文件系统的挂载点。 o 文件系统类型。在此列表中可能找不到 swap;这是一个交换分区(参见 4.3 交换空间)。 o 选项。使用由逗号分隔的长选项。 o 用于 dump 命令的备份信息。在此字段中应始终使用 0。文件系统完整性测试顺序。为了确保fsck始终首先在根文件系统上运行,应将其设置为1,对于硬盘上的任何其他文件系统都设置为2。使用0来禁用启动时的检查,包括CD-ROM驱动器、交换空间和/proc文件系统(请参见4.2.11节“检查和修复文件系统”中的fsck命令)。

When using mount, you can take some shortcuts if the filesystem you want to work with is in /etc/fstab. For example, if you were using Listing 4-1 and mounting a CD-ROM, you would simply run mount /cdrom.


例如,如果使用列表4-1并挂载CD-ROM,只需运行mount /cdrom即可。

You can also try to mount all entries at once in /etc/fstab that do not contain the noauto option with this command:


mount -a

Listing 4-1 contains some new options, namely errors, noauto, and user, because they don’t apply outside the /etc/fstab file. In addition, you’ll often see the defaults option here. The meanings of these options are as follows:



o defaults This uses the mount defaults: read-write mode, enable device files, executables, the setuid bit, and so on. Use this when you don’t want to give the filesystem any special options but you do want to fill all fields in /etc/fstab. o errors This ext2-specific parameter sets the kernel behavior when the system has trouble mounting a filesystem. The default is normally errors=continue, meaning that the kernel should return an error code and keep running. To have the kernel try the mount again in read-only mode, use errors=remount-ro. The errors=panic setting tells the kernel (and your system) to halt when there is a problem with the mount. o noauto This option tells a mount -a command to ignore the entry. Use this to prevent a boot-time mount of a removable-media device, such as a CD-ROM or floppy drive. o user This option allows unprivileged users to run mount on a particular entry, which can be handy for allowing access to CD-ROM drives. Because users can put a setuid-root file on removable media with another system, this option also sets nosuid, noexec, and nodev (to bar special device files).

o defaults:使用默认挂载选项:读写模式,启用设备文件,可执行文件,setuid位等。当您不想为文件系统提供任何特殊选项,但又想填写/etc/fstab中的所有字段时,请使用此选项。

o errors:此ext2特定参数设置系统在挂载文件系统时出现问题时的内核行为。默认情况下通常是errors=continue,意味着内核应返回错误代码并继续运行。要让内核尝试以只读模式重新挂载,请使用errors=remount-ro。当挂载出现问题时,errors=panic设置告诉内核(和您的系统)停止运行。

o noauto:此选项告诉mount -a命令忽略该条目。使用此选项可以防止启动时挂载可移动介质设备,如CD-ROM或软盘驱动器。

o user:此选项允许非特权用户在特定条目上运行mount命令,这对于允许访问CD-ROM驱动器非常方便。


4.2.9 Alternatives to /etc/fstab(/etc/fstab的替代方案)

Although the /etc/fstab file has been the traditional way to represent filesystems and their mount points, two new alternatives have appeared. The first is an /etc/fstab.d directory that contains individual filesystem configuration files (one file for each filesystem). The idea is very similar to many other configuration directories that you’ll see throughout this book.




A second alternative is to configure systemd units for the filesystems. You’ll learn more about systemd and its units in Chapter 6. However, the systemd unit configuration is often generated from (or based on) the /etc/ fstab file, so you may find some overlap on your system.




4.2.10 Filesystem Capacity(文件系统容量)

To view the size and utilization of your currently mounted filesystems, use the df command. The output should look like this:



$ df
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sda1 1011928 71400 889124 7% /
/dev/sda3 17710044 9485296 7325108 56% /usr

Here’s a brief description of the fields in the df output:


o Filesystem. The filesystem device o 1024-blocks. The total capacity of the filesystem in blocks of 1024 bytes o Used. The number of occupied blocks o Available. The number of free blocks o Capacity. The percentage of blocks in use o Mounted on. The mount point

o 文件系统。文件系统设备 o 1024块。文件系统以1024字节的块为单位的总容量 o 已使用。已占用的块数 o 可用。可用的块数 o 容量。已使用块的百分比 o 挂载点。挂载点

It should be easy to see that the two filesystems here are roughly 1GB and 17.5GB in size. However, the capacity numbers may look a little strange because 71,400 plus 889,124 does not equal 1,011,928, and 9,485,296 does not constitute 56 percent of 17,710,044. In both cases, 5 percent of the total capacity is unaccounted for. In fact, the space is there, but it is hidden in reserved blocks. Therefore, only the superuser can use the full filesystem space if the rest of the partition fills up. This feature keeps system servers from immediately failing when they run out of disk space.





If your disk fills up and you need to know where all of those space-hogging media files are, use the du command. With no arguments, du prints the disk usage of every directory in the directory hierarchy, starting at the current working directory. (That’s kind of a mouthful, so just run cd /; du to get the idea. Press CTRL-C when you get bored.) The du -s command turns on summary mode to print only the grand total. To evaluate a particular directory, change to that directory and run du -s *.



(这有点啰嗦,所以只需运行cd /; du来理解。

当您感到无聊时,按下CTRL-C即可停止。)du -s命令打开摘要模式,只打印总计。

要评估特定目录,请切换到该目录并运行du -s * 。

NOTE The POSIX standard defines a block size of 512 bytes. However, this size is harder to read, so by default, the df and du output in most Linux distributions is in 1024-byte blocks. If you insist on displaying the numbers in 512-byte blocks, set the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable. To explicitly specify 1024-byte blocks, use the -k option (both utilities support this). The df program also has a -m option to list capacities in 1MB blocks and a -h option to take a best guess at what a person can read.| 注意: POSIX标准定义了512字节的块大小。 然而,这个大小不太容易阅读,所以在大多数Linux发行版中,默认情况下,df和du的输出以1024字节的块为单位。如果您坚持以512字节的块显示数字,请设置POSIXLY_CORRECT环境变量。 要明确指定1024字节的块,请使用-k选项(这两个实用程序都支持此选项)。 df程序还有一个-m选项,可以以1MB块的形式列出容量,以及一个-h选项,可以猜测人类可以阅读的最佳格式。

4.2.11 Checking and Repairing Filesystems(检查和修复文件系统)

The optimizations that Unix filesystems offer are made possible by a sophisticated database mechanism. For filesystems to work seamlessly, the kernel has to trust that there are no errors in a mounted filesystem. If errors exist, data loss and system crashes may result.

Unix 文件系统提供的优化是通过复杂的数据库机制实现的。



Filesystem errors are usually due to a user shutting down the system in a rude way (for example, by pulling out the power cord). In such cases, the filesystem cache in memory may not match the data on the disk, and the system also may be in the process of altering the filesystem when you happen to give the computer a kick. Although a new generation of filesystems supports journals to make filesystem corruption far less common, you should always shut the system down properly. And regardless of the filesystem in use, filesystem checks are still necessary every now and to maintain sanity.





The tool to check a filesystem is fsck. As with the mkfs program, there is a different version of fsck for each filesystem type that Linux supports. For example, when you run fsck on an Extended filesystem series (ext2/ ext3/ext4), fsck recognizes the filesystem type and starts the e2fsck utility. Therefore, you generally don’t need to type e2fsck, unless fsck can’t figure out the filesystem type or you’re looking for the e2fsck manual page.

检查文件系统的工具是 fsck。

与 mkfs 程序一样,Linux 支持的每种文件系统类型都有不同版本的 fsck。

例如,当您在扩展文件系统系列 (ext2/ext3/ext4) 上运行 fsck 时,fsck 会识别文件系统类型并启动 e2fsck 实用程序。

因此,您通常不需要输入 e2fsck,除非 fsck 无法确定文件系统类型或者您正在查找 e2fsck 手册页。

The information presented in this section is specific to the Extended filesystem series and e2fsck

本节中提供的信息特定于扩展文件系统系列和 e2fsck

To run fsck in interactive manual mode, give the device or the mount point (as listed in /etc/fstab) as the argument. For example:

要在交互式手动模式下运行 fsck,请将设备或安装点(如 /etc/fstab 中列出)作为参数。 例如:

fsck /dev/sdb1

WARNING You should never use fsck on a mounted filesystem because the kernel may alter the disk data as you run the check, causing runtime mismatches that can crash your system and corrupt files. There is only one exception: If you mount the root partition read-only in single-user mode, you may use fsck on it. 警告 您绝对不应该在已挂载的文件系统上使用fsck,因为在运行检查时,内核可能会修改磁盘数据,导致运行时不匹配,可能会导致系统崩溃和文件损坏。 只有一种例外情况:如果您在单用户模式下以只读方式挂载根分区,可以对其使用fsck。

In manual mode, fsck prints verbose status reports on its passes, which should look something like this when there are no problems:


Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information /dev/sdb1: 11/1976 files (0.0% 
non-contiguous), 265/7891 blocks

If fsck finds a problem in manual mode, it stops and asks you a question relevant to fixing the problem. These questions deal with the internal structure of the filesystem, such as reconnecting loose inodes and clearing blocks (an inode is a building block of the filesystem; you’ll see how inodes work in 4.5 Inside a Traditional Filesystem). When fsck asks you about reconnecting an inode, it has found a file that doesn’t appear to have a name. When reconnecting such a file, fsck places the file in the lost+found directory in the filesystem, with a number as the filename. If this happens, you need to guess the name based on the content of the file; the original name is probably gone.






In general, it’s pointless to sit through the fsck repair process if you’ve just uncleanly shut down the system, because fsck may have a lot of minor errors to fix. Fortunately, e2fsck has a -p option that automatically fixes ordinary problems without asking and aborts when there’s a serious error. In fact, Linux distributions run some variant of fsck -p at boot time. (You may also see fsck -a, which just does the same thing.)



事实上,Linux发行版在启动时运行某个变体的fsck -p命令。

(您还可能看到fsck -a,它只是做同样的事情。)

If you suspect a major disaster on your system, such as a hardware failure or device misconfiguration, you need to decide on a course of action because fsck can really mess up a filesystem that has larger problems. (One telltale sign that your system has a serious problem is that fsck asks a lot of questions in manual mode.)



If you think that something really bad has happened, try running fsck -n to check the filesystem without modifying anything. If there’s a problem with the device configuration that you think you can fix (such as an incorrect number of blocks in the partition table or loose cables), fix it before running fsck for real, or you’re likely to lose a lot of data.

如果您认为发生了严重问题,请尝试运行fsck -n以在不修改任何内容的情况下检查文件系统。


If you suspect that only the superblock is corrupt (for example, because someone wrote to the beginning of the disk partition), you might be able to recover the filesystem with one of the superblock backups that mkfs creates. Use fsck -b num to replace the corrupted superblock with an alternate at block num and hope for the best.


使用fsck -b num将损坏的超级块替换为块num处的备用超级块,并希望一切顺利。

If you don’t know where to find a backup superblock, you may be able to run mkfs -n on the device to view a list of superblock backup numbers without destroying your data. (Again, make sure that you’re using -n, or you’ll really tear up the filesystem.)

如果您不知道在哪里找到备份超级块,您可以在设备上运行mkfs -n以查看超级块备份编号的列表,而不会破坏您的数据。


Checking ext3 and ext4 Filesystems( 检查 ext3 和 ext4 文件系统)

You normally do not need to check ext3 and ext4 filesystems manually because the journal ensures data integrity. However, you may wish to mount a broken ext3 or ext4 filesystem in ext2 mode because the kernel will not mount an ext3 or ext4 filesystem with a nonempty journal. (If you don’t shut your system down cleanly, you can expect the journal to contain some data.) To flush the journal in an ext3 or ext4 filesystem to the regular filesystem database, run e2fsck as follows:

通常情况下,您不需要手动检查 ext3 和 ext4 文件系统,因为日志可确保数据完整性。

不过,您可能希望在 ext2 模式下挂载已损坏的 ext3 或 ext4 文件系统,因为内核不会挂载日志不为空的 ext3 或 ext4 文件系统。


要将 ext3 或 ext4 文件系统中的日志清除到常规文件系统数据库中,请按以下步骤运行 e2fsck:

e2fsck –fy /dev/disk_device
The Worst Case(最坏的情况)

Disk problems that are worse in severity leave you with few choices:


o You can try to extract the entire filesystem image from the disk with dd and transfer it to a partition on another disk of the same size. o You can try to patch the filesystem as much as possible, mount it in read-only mode, and salvage what you can. o You can try debugfs.

o 你可以尝试使用dd从磁盘中提取整个文件系统镜像,并将其传输到另一个相同大小的磁盘的分区中。 o 你可以尝试尽可能修复文件系统,以只读模式挂载它,并尽力挽救你能够挽救的东西。 o 你可以尝试使用debugfs。

In the first two cases, you still need to repair the filesystem before you mount it, unless you feel like picking through the raw data by hand. If you like, you can choose to answer y to all of the fsck questions by entering fsck -y, but do this as a last resort because issues may come up during the repair process that you would rather handle manually.


如果你愿意,你可以选择在所有fsck问题上回答y,输入fsck -y,但这只能作为最后的手段,因为在修复过程中可能会出现你宁愿手动处理的问题。

The debugfs tool allows you to look through the files on a filesystem and copy them elsewhere. By default, it opens filesystems in read-only mode. If you’re recovering data, it’s probably a good idea to keep your files intact to avoid messing things up further.



Now, if you’re really desperate, say with a catastrophic disk failure on your hands and no backups, there isn’t a lot you can do other than hope a professional service can “scrape the platters.”


4.2.12 Special-Purpose Filesystems(特殊用途文件系统)

Not all filesystems represent storage on physical media. Specifically, most versions of Unix have filesystems that serve as system interfaces. That is, rather than serving only as a means to store data on a device, a filesystem can represent system information such as process IDs and kernel diagnostics. This idea goes back to the /dev mechanism, which is an early model of using files for I/O interfaces. The /proc idea came from the eighth edition of research Unix, implemented by Tom J. Killian and accelerated when Bell Labs (including many of the original Unix designers) created Plan 9—a research operating system that took filesystem abstraction to a whole new level (http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/9.html).





/proc的想法来自于研究Unix的第八版,由Tom J. Killian实现,并在贝尔实验室(包括许多原始Unix设计师)创建Plan 9时加速发展——Plan 9是一个将文件系统抽象提升到一个全新水平的研究操作系统(http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/9.html)。

The special filesystem types in common use on Linux include the following:


o proc. Mounted on /proc. The name proc is actually an abbreviation for process. Each numbered directory inside /proc is actually the process ID of a current process on the system; the files in those directories represent various aspects of the processes. The file /proc/self represents the current process. The Linux proc filesystem includes a great deal of additional kernel and hardware information in files like /proc/cpuinfo. (There has been a push to move information unrelated to processes out of /proc and into /sys.)

o proc。挂载在/proc上。proc实际上是process的缩写。





o sysfs. Mounted on /sys. (You saw this in Chapter 3.)

o sysfs。挂载在/sys上。(在第三章中已经介绍过。)

o tmpfs. Mounted on /run and other locations. With tmpfs, you can use your physical memory and swap space as temporary storage. For example, you can mount tmpfs where you like, using the size and nr_blocks long options to control the maximum size. However, be careful not to constantly pour things into a tmpfs because your system will eventually run out of memory and programs will start to crash. (For years, Sun Microsystems used a version of tmpfs for /tmp that caused problems on long-running systems.)

o tmpfs。挂载在/run和其他位置上。




(多年来,Sun Microsystems在长时间运行的系统上使用了一个版本的tmpfs作为/tmp,这在一些系统上会引起问题。)

4.3 swap space(交换空间)

Not every partition on a disk contains a filesystem. It’s also possible to augment the RAM on a machine with disk space. If you run out of real memory, the Linux virtual memory system can automatically move pieces of memory to and from a disk storage. This is called swapping because pieces of idle programs are swapped to the disk in exchange for active pieces residing on the disk. The disk area used to store memory pages is called swap space (or just swap for short).


如果实际内存不足,Linux 虚拟内存系统会自动将内存碎片移入或移出磁盘存储空间。

这就是所谓的 "交换"(swapping),因为闲置程序的片段会被交换到磁盘上,以换取磁盘上的活动片段。


The free command’s output includes the current swap usage in kilobytes as follows:

free 命令的输出包括以千字节为单位的当前交换使用情况,如下所示:

$ free
 total used free
Swap: 514072 189804 324268

4.3.1 Using a Disk Partition as Swap Space

To use an entire disk partition as swap, follow these steps:


  1. Make sure the partition is empty.
  2. Run mkswap dev, where dev is the partition’s device. This command puts a swap signature on the partition.
  3. Execute swapon dev to register the space with the kernel.
  4. 确保分区为空。
  5. 运行 mkswap dev,其中 dev 是分区的设备。该命令会在分区上设置交换签名。
  6. 执行 swapon dev 向内核注册空间。

After creating a swap partition, you can put a new swap entry in your /etc/fstab file to make the system use the swap space as soon as the machine boots. Here is a sample entry that uses /dev/sda5 as a swap partition:

创建交换分区后,你可以在/etc/fstab 文件中添加一个新的交换条目,让系统在机器启动后立即使用交换空间。

下面是一个使用 /dev/sda5 作为交换分区的示例条目:

/dev/sda5 none swap sw 0 0

Keep in mind that many systems now use UUIDs instead of raw device names.

请记住,现在许多系统都使用 UUID 代替原始设备名称。

4.3.2 Using a File as Swap Space(将文件用作交换空间)

You can use a regular file as swap space if you’re in a situation where you would be forced to repartition a disk in order to create a swap partition. You shouldn’t notice any problems when doing this.



Use these commands to create an empty file, initialize it as swap, and add it to the swap pool:


# dd if=/dev/zero of=swap_file bs=1024k count=num_mb
# mkswap swap_file
# swapon swap_file

Here, swap_file is the name of the new swap file, and num_mb is the desired size, in megabytes.

其中,swap_file 是新交换文件的名称,num_mb 是所需的大小,单位为兆字节。

To remove a swap partition or file from the kernel’s active pool, use the swapoff command.

要从内核的活动池中删除交换分区或文件,请使用 swapoff 命令。

4.3.3 How Much Swap Do You Need?(您需要多少交换?)

At one time, Unix conventional wisdom said you should always reserve at least twice as much swap as you have real memory. Today, not only do the enormous disk and memory capacities available cloud the issue, but so do the ways we use the system. On one hand, disk space is so plentiful that it’s tempting to allocate more than double the memory size. On the other hand, you may never even dip into your swap space because you have so much real memory





The “double the real memory” rule dated from a time when multiple users would be logged into one machine at a time. Not all of them would be active, though, so it was convenient to be able to swap out the memory of the inactive users when an active user needed more memory.



The same may still hold true for a single-user machine. If you’re running many processes, it’s generally fine to swap out parts of inactive processes or even inactive pieces of active processes. However, if you’re constantly using the swap space because many active processes want to use the memory at once, you will suffer serious performance problems because disk I/O is just too slow to keep up with the rest of the system. The only solutions are to buy more memory, terminate some processes, or complain.





Sometimes, the Linux kernel may choose to swap out a process in favor of a little more disk cache. To prevent this behavior, some administrators configure certain systems with no swap space at all. For example, highperformance network servers should never dip into swap space and should avoid disk access if at all possible




NOTE It’s dangerous to do this on a general-purpose machine. If a machine completely runs out of both real memory and swap space, the Linux kernel invokes the out-of-memory (OOM) killer to kill a process in order to free up some memory. You obviously don’t want this to happen to your desktop applications. On the other hand, high-performance servers include sophisticated monitoring and load-balancing systems to ensure that they never reach the danger zone. 注意:在通用目的的机器上这样做是危险的。 如果一台机器完全用尽了实际内存和交换空间,Linux内核将调用OOM(内存不足)杀手来终止一个进程以释放一些内存。 显然,你不希望这种情况发生在你的桌面应用程序上。 另一方面,高性能服务器包括复杂的监控和负载平衡系统,以确保它们永远不会达到危险区域。

You’ll learn much more about how the memory system works in Chapter 8.

第 8 章将详细介绍内存系统的工作原理。

4.4 Looking Forward: Disks and User Space(展望未来: 磁盘和用户空间)

In disk-related components on a Unix system, the boundaries between user space and the kernel can be difficult to characterize. As you’ve seen, the kernel handles raw block I/O from the devices, and user-space tools can use the block I/O through device files. However, user space typically uses the block I/O only for initializing operations such as partitioning, file-system creation, and swap space creation. In normal use, user space uses only the filesystem support that the kernel provides on top of the block I/O. Similarly, the kernel also handles most of the tedious details when dealing with swap space in the virtual memory system.






The remainder of this chapter briefly looks at the innards of a Linux filesystem. This is more advanced material, and you certainly don’t need to know it to proceed with the book. If this is your first time through, skip to the next chapter and start learning about how Linux boots.



4.5 Inside a Traditional Filesystem(传统文件系统内部)

A traditional Unix filesystem has two primary components: a pool of data blocks where you can store data and a database system that manages the data pool. The database is centered around the inode data structure. An inode is a set of data that describes a particular file, including its type, permissions, and—perhaps most importantly—where in the data pool the file data resides. Inodes are identified by numbers listed in an inode table.


Filenames and directories are also implemented as inodes. A directory inode contains a list of filenames and corresponding links to other inodes.


To provide a real-life example, I created a new filesystem, mounted it, and changed the directory to the mount point. Then, I added some files and directories with these commands (feel free to do this yourself with a flash drive):


$ mkdir dir_1
$ mkdir dir_2
$ echo a > dir_1/file_1
$ echo b > dir_1/file_2
$ echo c > dir_1/file_3
$ echo d > dir_2/file_4
$ ln dir_1/file_3 dir_2/file_5

Note that I created dir_2/file_5 as a hard link to dir_1/file_3, meaning that these two filenames actually represent the same file. (More on this shortly.) 请注意,我创建了 dir_2/file_5 作为 dir_1/file_3 的硬链接,这意味着这两个文件名实际上代表的是同一个文件。(稍后会有更多介绍)。

If you were to explore the directories in this filesystem, its contents would appear to the user as shown in Figure 4-4. The actual layout of the filesystem, as shown in Figure 4-5, doesn’t look nearly as clean as the user-level representation.

如果要查看该文件系统中的目录,用户会看到如图 4-4 所示的内容。

文件系统的实际布局如图 4-5 所示,看起来并不像用户级表示那样简洁。

Figure 4-4. User-level representation of a filesystem

Figure 4-4. User-level representation of a filesystem

图 4-4. 文件系统的用户级表示法

Figure 4-5. Inode structure of the filesystem shown in Figure 4-4

Figure 4-5. Inode structure of the filesystem shown in Figure 4-4

图4-5. 在图4-4中显示的文件系统的inode结构

How do we make sense of this? For any ext2/3/4 filesystem, you start at inode number 2—the root inode. From the inode table in Figure 4-5, you can see that this is a directory inode (dir), so you can follow the arrow over to the data pool, where you see the contents of the root directory: two entries named dir_1 and dir_2 corresponding to inodes 12 and 7633, respectively. To explore those entries, go back to the inode table and look at either of those inodes.


从图4-5中的inode表可以看出,这是一个目录inode(dir),因此你可以沿着箭头前往数据池,那里显示了根目录的内容:两个名为dir_1和dir_2的条目,分别对应inode 12和inode 7633。


To examine dir_1/file_2 in this filesystem, the kernel does the following:


  1. Determines the path’s components: a directory named dir_1, followed by a component named file_2.
  2. Follows the root inode to its directory data.
  3. Finds the name dir_1 in inode 2’s directory data, which points to inode number 12.
  4. Looks up inode 12 in the inode table and verifies that it is a directory inode.
  5. Follows inode 12’s data link to its directory information (the second box down in the data pool).
  6. Locates the second component of the path (file_2) in inode 12’s directory data. This entry points to inode number 14.
  7. Looks up inode 14 in the directory table. This is a file inode.
  8. 确定路径的组成部分:一个名为dir_1的目录,后面跟着一个名为file_2的组件。
  9. 跟随根inode到达其目录数据。
  10. 在inode 2的目录数据中找到名称为dir_1的条目,该条目指向inode编号12。
  11. 在inode表中查找inode 12并验证其为目录inode。
  12. 跟随inode 12的数据链接到达其目录信息(数据池中的第二个框)。
  13. 在inode 12的目录数据中找到路径的第二个组件(file_2)。该条目指向inode编号14。
  14. 在目录表中查找inode 14。这是一个文件inode。

At this point, the kernel knows the properties of the file and can open it by following inode 14’s data link. This system, of inodes pointing to directory data structures and directory data structures pointing to inodes, allows you to create the filesystem hierarchy that you’re used to. In addition, notice that the directory inodes contain entries for . (the current directory) and .. (the parent directory, except for the root directory). This makes it easy to get a point of reference and to navigate back down the directory structure.

此时,内核已经了解到了该文件的属性,并可以通过跟随inode 14的数据链接来打开它。



4.5.1 Viewing Inode Details(查看 Inode 详细信息)

To view the inode numbers for any directory, use the ls -i command. Here’s what you’d get at the root of this example. (For more detailed inode information, use the stat command.)

要查看任何目录的节点编号,请使用 ls -i 命令。


(要获得更详细的 inode 信息,请使用 stat 命令)。

$ ls -i
 12 dir_1 7633 dir_2

Now you’re probably wondering about the link count. You’ve already seen the link count in the output of the common ls -l command, but you likely ignored it. How does the link count relate to the files in Figure 4- 5, in particular the “hard-linked” file_5? The link count field is the number of total directory entries (across all directories) that point to an inode. Most of the files have a link count of 1 because they occur only once in the directory entries. This is expected: Most of the time when you create a file, you create a new directory entry and a new inode to go with it. However, inode 15 occurs twice: First it’s created as dir_1/file_3, and then it’s linked to as dir_2/file_5. A hard link is just a manually created entry in a directory to an inode that already exists. The ln command (without the -s option) allows you to manually create new links.


你已经在常见的ls -l命令的输出中看到了链接计数,但你可能忽略了它。








This is also why removing a file is sometimes called unlinking. If you run rm dir_1/file_2, the kernel searches for an entry named file_2 in inode 12’s directory entries. Upon finding that file_2 corresponds to inode 14, the kernel removes the directory entry and then subtracts 1 from inode 14’s link count. As a result, inode 14’s link count will be 0, and the kernel will know that there are no longer any names linking to the inode. Therefore, it can now delete the inode and any data associated with it.


如果你运行rm dir_1/file_2,内核会在索引节点12的目录项中搜索名为file_2的条目。




However, if you run rm dir_1/file_3, the end result is that the link count of inode 15 goes from 2 to 1 (because dir_2/file_5 still points there), and the kernel knows not to remove the inode.

然而,如果你运行rm dir_1/file_3,最终的结果是索引节点15的链接计数从2变为1(因为dir_2/file_5仍然指向那里),内核知道不要删除该索引节点。

Link counts work much the same for directories. Observe that inode 12’s link count is 2, because there are two inode links there: one for dir_1 in the directory entries for inode 2 and the second a self-reference (.) in its own directory entries. If you create a new directory dir_1/dir_3, the link count for inode 12 would go to 3 because the new directory would include a parent (..) entry that links back to inode 12, much as inode 12’s parent link points to inode 2.




There is one small exception. The root inode 2 has a link count of 4. However, Figure 4-5 shows only three directory entry links. The “fourth” link is in the filesystem’s superblock because the superblock tells you where to find the root inode.




Don’t be afraid to experiment on your system. Creating a directory structure and then using ls -i or stat to walk through the pieces is harmless. You don’t need to be root (unless you mount and create a new filesystem).

不要害怕在你的系统上进行实验。创建一个目录结构,然后使用ls -i或stat来遍历各个部分是无害的。


But there’s still one piece missing: When allocating data pool blocks for a new file, how does the filesystem know which blocks are in use and which are available? One of the most basic ways is with an additional management data structure called a block bitmap. In this scheme, the filesystem reserves a series of bytes, with each bit corresponding to one block in the data pool. A value of 0 means that the block is free, and a 1 means that it’s in use. Thus, allocating and deallocating blocks is a matter of flipping bits.





Problems in a filesystem arise when the inode table data doesn’t match the block allocation data or when the link counts are incorrect; this can happen when you don’t cleanly shut down a system. Therefore, when you check a filesystem, as described in 4.2.11 Checking and Repairing Filesystems, the fsck program walks through the inode table and directory structure to generate new link counts and a new block allocation map (such as the block bitmap), and then it compares the newly generated data with the filesystem on the disk. If there are mismatches, fsck must fix the link counts and determine what to do with any inodes and/or data that didn’t come up when it traversed the directory structure. Most fsck programs make these “orphans” new files in the filesystem’s lost+found directory.





4.5.2 Working with Filesystems in User Space(在用户空间中使用文件系统)

When working with files and directories in user space, you shouldn’t have to worry much about the implementation going on below them. You’re expected to access the contents of files and directories of a mounted file-system through kernel system calls. Curiously, though, you do have access to certain filesystem information that doesn’t seem to fit in user space—in particular, the stat() system call returns inode numbers and link counts.




When not maintaining a filesystem, do you have to worry about inode numbers and link counts? Generally, no. This stuff is accessible to user mode programs primarily for backward compatibility. Furthermore, not all filesystems available in Linux have these filesystem internals. The Virtual File System (VFS) interface layer ensures that system calls always return inode numbers and link counts, but those numbers may not necessarily mean anything.





You may not be able to perform traditional Unix filesystem operations on nontraditional filesystems. For example, you can’t use ln to create a hard link on a mounted VFAT filesystem because the directory entry structure is entirely different.



Fortunately, the system calls available to user space on Unix/Linux systems provide enough abstraction for painless file access—you don’t need to know anything about the underlying implementation in order to access files. In addition, filenames are flexible in format and mixed-case names are supported, making it easy to support other hierarchical-style filesystems.



Remember, specific filesystem support does not necessarily need to be in the kernel. In user-space filesystems, the kernel only needs to act as a conduit for system calls.



4.5.3 The Evolution of Filesystems(文件系统的演变)

As you can see, even the simple filesystem just described has many different components to maintain. At the same time, the demands placed on filesystems continuously increase with new tasks, technology, and storage capacity. Today’s performance, data integrity, and security requirements are beyond the offerings of older filesystem implementations, so filesystem technology is constantly changing. We’ve already mentioned Btrfs as an example of a next-generation filesystem (see 4.2.1 Filesystem Types).




我们已经提到Btrfs作为下一代文件系统的一个示例(见4.2.1 文件系统类型)。

One example of how filesystems are changing is that new filesystems use separate data structures to represent directories and filenames, rather than the directory inodes described here. They reference data blocks differently. Also, filesystems that optimize for SSDs are still evolving. Continuous change in the development of filesystems is the norm, but keep in mind that the evolution of filesystems doesn’t change their purpose.




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  • 第 4 章 磁盘和文件系统
    • 4.1 Partitioning Disk Devices(对磁盘设备进行分区)
      • 4.1.1 Viewing a Partition Table(查看分区表)
      • 4.1.2 Changing Partition Tables(更改分区表)
      • 4.1.3 Disk and Partition Geometry(磁盘和分区几何结构)
      • 4.1.4 固态硬盘(SSD)
    • 4.2 Filesystems(文件系统)
      • 4.2.1 Filesystem Types(文件系统类型)
      • 4.2.2 Creating a Filesystem(创建文件系统)
      • 4.2.3 Mounting a Filesystem(挂载文件系统)
      • 4.2.4 Filesystem UUID(文件系统UUID)
      • 4.2.5 Disk Buffering, Caching, and Filesystems(磁盘缓冲、缓存和文件系统)
      • 4.2.6 Filesystem Mount Options 文件系统挂载选项
      • 4.2.7 Remounting a Filesystem(重新挂载文件系统)
      • 4.2.8 /etc/fstab 文件系统表
      • 4.2.9 Alternatives to /etc/fstab(/etc/fstab的替代方案)
      • 4.2.10 Filesystem Capacity(文件系统容量)
      • 4.2.11 Checking and Repairing Filesystems(检查和修复文件系统)
      • 4.2.12 Special-Purpose Filesystems(特殊用途文件系统)
    • 4.3 swap space(交换空间)
      • 4.3.1 Using a Disk Partition as Swap Space
      • 4.3.2 Using a File as Swap Space(将文件用作交换空间)
      • 4.3.3 How Much Swap Do You Need?(您需要多少交换?)
    • 4.4 Looking Forward: Disks and User Space(展望未来: 磁盘和用户空间)
      • 4.5 Inside a Traditional Filesystem(传统文件系统内部)
        • 4.5.1 Viewing Inode Details(查看 Inode 详细信息)
        • 4.5.2 Working with Filesystems in User Space(在用户空间中使用文件系统)
        • 4.5.3 The Evolution of Filesystems(文件系统的演变)
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