3次关门,关门的意思就是要重新注册公司再去申请?听说是很长的整改期 1年还是多少的 实际等同于关门,前面2次改了 第三次就卡掉 应该这个意思
Recently ,an ASI Supplier, XX distributors inc/lincoin ASIXXXXX,Contacted ASI alleging that you company's product,specifically,product number XXX,used their copyrighted photo.on tuesday,april,10,2018 you stated you had changed the image in question with another, you have,however,replaced the image with another OF xxx
ASI has previously sent your company two ( 2 ) letters ( dated March 14 , 2016 and Aprilg , 20 16) regarding Various infringements in the ASI database . As you have chosen to use another company ' 5 image twice for the same product in question , you have shown that your Compafly 15 unable to demonstrate good business practices and are a risk to our distributor members . Ifyour Company 15 not authorized to use this lmagC , your membership will be terminated . Your account will be charged $ 2 . 00 / per product fee for the costs of processing your products in the database
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