
因你而精彩-苏州Office 365团队 虚位以待!

Office 365Team Introduction

Office365 is the fastest growing business in Microsoft. Today it’s already a $10+ billionbusiness at Microsoft. Enterprise customers and consumers are rapidlyadopting Office 365 Cloud services. Delivering those online servicesrequires building, maintaining, and securing cloud capacity at very large scaleworldwide. Office 365 is partnering with other organizations across Microsoftsuch as Bing, and Azure to deliver on common cloud infrastructure. Hosting customer data in the cloud mandates meeting several security compliance standards requirements. Every year there are dozens of high profile stories about companies losing customer data after their networks were compromised. Securing our customers’ data against such an attack is an ongoing mission for Office 365.

Office 365产品已经是市场数十亿美元的商业项目,它的快速发展是微软公司前进的主要推动力之一。无论是上市公司还是个人消费者,Office 365都为他们提供了稳定而安全的全球服务,为他们的商业发展和个人成长提供有力的云端支持。在微软公司内部,Office 365和Bing以及Azure部门共同推进建设大规模的云服务平台,确保我们的用户数据可以随时访问,满足安全隐私方面的种种业界和政府标准。随着每年都可以看到的大量数据泄露和网络攻击案例出现,Office 365的云端服务在信息安全方面投注了大量心力,始终把数据安全和合规考量作为我们的核心价值、主要竞争优势不断加以完善。Office 365苏州团队在建立3年左右的时间从零成长到数百人的规模,专注于基础云服务的完善,通过在服务架构、数据挖掘和系统安全方面的投入,和全球团队紧密合作,为Office 365的核心服务在中国和全球的持续发展而共同努力。

Hot Openings

Software Engineer(Open for Level)


- Design and deliver features end to end that are ‘serviceable’. Distributed computation, high scale, high availability, geo-redundancy, first class telemetry, low maintenance and with the highest level of engineering excellence and quality.

- Develop subject matter expertise in complicated components and feature areas and contribute creative ideas of adding business value.

- Participate in On-call Engineering Rotations to investigate issues, ensure service availability and loop back full circle to product improvements.

- Collaborate with a distributed international team to create great results.


- A degree in CS or similar

- 1+ years software development experience in at least one of the major OOP languages: C++/C#/Java

- Strong coding and problem-solving skills

- Attention to quality and engineeringexcellence

- Able to ramp up new technologies and newproblem domains fast

- Server and/or service experience is a must

- Experience and familiarity with InternetSecurity, Big Data, Spark, Cassandra, Kafka, Machine Learning, Networking are nice to have


Principal SW Engineering Manager


- Design and deliver features end to end that are ‘serviceable’. Distributed computation, high scale, high availability, geo-redundancy, low maintenance and with proven quality

- Able to handle large scope and complicated feature ownership.

- Able to build a team and lead engineers on large scale efforts and have team-wide impact.

- Able to collaborate successfully with a distributed international team.


- A degree in CS or similar

- 10+ years software development experience with familiarity of at least one of OOP languages: C++/C#/Java

- Strong coding and problem-solving skills

- Server and/or service experience is a must

- Proven ability to lead engineers

- Demonstrated ability to make tough /complex technical choices and trade-offs and to clearly articulate rationale for choice.

- Ability to work independently andwith remote teammates to drive to solutions quickly and with high quality.

- Able to ramp up new technologies fast

- Familiarity with at least one area of bigdata, security analysis, machine learning, cryptography, or PKI

- Familiarity with Kafka, Spark andCassandra are nice to have



微软苏州成立于2013年,是微软全新的创新基地,其研发方向涵盖人工智能、机器学习、神经网络、自然语言处理、语音识别、图像识别、自然人机交互、云计算、大数据等十余个智慧科学领域,并深度参与微软人工智能、Office 365、必应搜索引擎等核心产品的开发和运营。



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  • 原文链接http://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20180307F0H38W00?refer=cp_1026
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  • 如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。


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