

艺术Journal of Second Language WritingCall for JSLW 2020 Special Issue Proposals全文截稿: 2018-06-01影响因子: 1.591网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-second-language-writing

Journal of Second Language Writing (JSLW) is accepting proposals for a 2020 special topic issue from interested guest editors. We seek proposals that address a theme that will be of interest and relevance to the journal’s international readership of L2 writing scholars. We are especially interested in special issue themes that will highlight work in underrepresented contexts and areas of inquiry in second language writing.

Recent special issues have addressed the following topics:

- Thesis and dissertation writing in a second language (in progress)

- L2 writing in computer-mediated contexts

- Complexity in L2 writing

- Corpus assessment in L2 writing

- Exploring L2 writing-SLA interfaces

- Textual appropriation and source use in L2 writing

- Adolescent L2 writing in U.S. contexts

- The future of genre in second language writing: A North American perspective

- Writing in foreign language contexts: Research insights

艺术English for Specific PurposesCall for Papers: ESP in the Pacific Rim摘要截稿: 2018-07-02全文截稿: 2018-10-30影响因子: 1.311网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/english-for-specific-purposes

English for Specific Purposes calls for papers for a special issue of ESP in the Pacific Rim. English in this large geographical area ranges from a first language in some countries, a second language or even a third, and a foreign language. It is used for a variety of special purposes, including business communication, education at all levels, across a broad spectrum of occupations and professions. This special issue focuses on the flavours of ESP around the Pacific Rim, including areas such as needs and gaps in ESP; challenges, approaches and innovations in learning, teaching, training and research in university, trades professions or occupational contexts; partnerships and collaboration between professional and vocational spheres, language for ESP; and areas of expansion for ESP.

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