

文章首发于公众号 翼贸通WINGTRA(ID:chinawingtra)翼贸通,跨境供应链智能解决方案专家。







Dear XXX,

I just wanted to let you know that we will be exhibiting at [Trade Show Name] again this year.

You can find us at [Booth Number].

If you are attending this year’s show again, we’d be happy for you to drop by. I’d love to show you some of our new product and hear about what your company has been up to in the past year.

Hoping to see you there!

Best regards,



Dear XXX,

We’re excited to announce that [ABC Company] will be attending [Trade Show name] this year in [Month of trade show]!

We can’t wait to network with others in the industry, learn more about the new product and design, and take home knowledge we can apply to our current production processes.

If you’ll also be in attendance, we’d love to catch up! Stop by [Booth number] and say hi.

Best regards,



Dear XXX,

This year at [Trade show name] our booth [Booth number] will be featuring [New product name]. It’s unlike anything we’ve ever done before for a show, and can’t wait for you to see it.

Our booth will also feature:

1.[Insert anything you’re giving away for free]

2.[Insert any entertainment that will be at the booth]

Friendly members of our team are ready to answer any questions you might have.

To check out our new product in person, be sure to register for [Trade show name]! Click here to register now [Insert link].

If you want to check out our past booths to gear up for this year’s show, take a glimpse back in time on our website [insert link].

Hope to see you there!

Best regards,



Dear XXX,

I hope you enjoyed [trade show name], it was nice to meet you!

Thanks for stopping by our booth and your interest in [ABC Company].

It was nice to discuss [Reference conversation/ topics that you may have discussed] with you, and I thought it might be helpful to send along some digital resources to answer any further questions you may have [Links to relevant resources on your company's website].

I would love to set up a quick call with you to chat about this further! Do you have any free time within the next week for a 15-minute call?

Thank you.

Best regards,



Dear XXX,

It was a pleasure meeting you at the [Trade show name] last week.

As we discussed, I sincerely believe that our product has a huge potential in your market and we can have a win-win cooperation on this. If you are still willing, I would like to bring some of the key members of my team along with me to meet with you at your company. We would like to give you an overview of our product and discuss with you the best plan to start our cooperation.

Meeting in person would allow us to fully evaluate your wants and needs. Our team is available to meet any time this week or next. Please let me know, at your earliest convenience, when you would be available.

Best regards,



Dear XXX,

My name is Lily Lee, I'm the sales manager from [Company name]. We met briefly [Where & when]. I'm going to be [Where & when] and I was wondering whether it is convenient to arrange a meeting and discuss [What].

I will arrive in [Where & when] and I'll be staying for [How long]. l will be available to meet anytime on [Which days]. Would [When] be convenient for you? If this time isn't convenient, please let me know when is convenient for you.

I'd really appreciate the opportunity to meet you and discuss [What]. You can reach me at [Contact information].

Best regards,



Dear XXX,

It was a pleasure meeting you [last week, yesterday etc…]. I am looking forward for a long term business relationship as I am confident that our products can fully meet your requirements. We are more interested in establishing partnerships than having clients and it would be a pleasure having you in our partners list.

If you still have any questions or require any clarifications from our last meeting, kindly contact me at any time.

Best regards,


— END —


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