
Some important concepts of Artificial Intelligence!

As Artificial Intelligence has been more and more popular among college students who are pursuing the latest and coolest technology, there seems not to be a clear definition of AI. For our college students, even the most basic concepts of this field are hard to distinguish. If you are extremely enthusiastic about AI but confused by its complex definitions, the following part of this passage will help you a lot.


Artificial Intelligence&

Machine learning&Deep Learning

When you search a book about AI on the internet, you always find some connected with Machine Learning or Deep Learning. You may know there is some relation between these words, but you can’t make it sense. The left picture shows us the relation--just an inclusion one.


As you know, AI is a method which enable robots to imitate the activities of human’s minds. However, Machine Learning is not a new field,but one of many specific ways to make AI a reality, that is to say, included in the larger range of AI. Similarly, Deep Learning is a more specific way to make Machine Learning a reality using a special structure which is same as the nerve net in your brain.


The process of Machine Learning

Unlike the traditional programming, Machine learning’s results are not certain before you put your data in. You may heard about the AlphaGo who can train itself by practicing more and more which is a best example for Machine Learning. Based on statistical theories, Machine learning uses the old data to build its structure’s foundation, or model, which can solve problems according to the possibility. Once it has solved a question, the database will be renewed and the possibility it depends will be more accurate. In a word, Machine Learning is making a task more effective with increasing experience.


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