

10th English Debate Roundtable

英辩圆桌 | 第10期

我猜你对人脸识别、虹膜识别、语言和图像理解、智能机器人等应用的名字应该不会太陌生。没错,他们都属于人工智能的范畴;且正因为AI涉及的领域极广,应用极多,前途未知,业界学者、百科全书都并无法给出最全面完整的定义。目前人工智能的一个比较流行的定义,也是该领域较早的定义,是由约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy|)在1956年的达特矛斯会议(Dartmouth Conference)上提出的:人工智能就是要让机器的行为看起来就象是人所表现出的智能行为一样。但是这个定义似乎忽略了强人工智能的可能性。另一个定义指人工智能是人造机器所表现出来的智能性(弱人工智能)。总体来讲,目前对人工智能的定义大多可划分为四类,即机器“像人一样思考”、“像人一样行动”、“理性地思考”和“理性地行动”。这里“行动”应广义地理解为采取行动,或制定行动的决策,而不是肢体动作。主流科研集中在弱人工智能上,并且一般认为这一研究领域已经取得可观的成就。

You can't be too unfamiliar with those terms: facial recognition, iris recognition, language and image processing, intellectual robot and so on. All of them can be categorized into AI. But unsurprisingly, you will notice that- with AI's wide range of sophisticated applications and unpredictable future, giving AI an overall definition has become scholars and encyclopedias' headache. How are we going to define AI in general? One of the more popular and earlier definitions of artificial intelligence was proposed by John McCarthy. In Datt Moss conference (Dartmouth Conference), 1956, he gave it as followed: Artificial Intelligence is to make machines behave intelligently like people. But it seems the possibility of strong artificial intelligence was excluded. So there’s another definition referring to the intelligence shown by artificial machines (weak artificial intelligence). Generally speaking, current definitions of artificial intelligence can be divided into four categories: machines which can "think like people", "act like people", "think rationally" or "act rationally". Here "action" should be understood as taking actions or making decisions instead of physical action. Today’s mainstream researches still focus on weak artificial intelligence, and it is generally believed that considerable achievements have been made in this field.

“The scope of AI is disputed: as machines become increasingly capable, tasks considered as requiring "intelligence" are often removed from the definition, a phenomenon known as the AI effect, leading to the quip, "AI is whatever hasn't been done yet." -Wikipedia

我们喜于它带给我们生活的便捷,但也恐于它对人类生活全方位的渗透。继谷歌旗下公司DeepMind研发的人工智能机器人Alpha Go战胜世界围棋冠军后,人工智能再次出人意料:OpenAI在Dota2中竟取得斐然战绩,甚至在一场辩论赛中,IBM推出的最新AI系统Project Debater还战胜了各类辩论冠军。尽管人类创造了AI,但似乎又像给自己设下了圈套——你是否设想过一个AI统治人类的未来?现在,或许你脑子里各种影视书籍里的情节开始闪现;也或许,你对此早有自己一番独特的见解……无论如何,这次圆桌讨论想邀请脑洞大开的你讨论这个辩题:


We are immensely pleased to see the convenience AI having brought to us, while at the same time horrified by its penetration. In 2016, Alpha Go- an artificial intelligence robot developed by Google's DeepMind- beat the world champion, and after that, AI is picking up momentum. Within two years, we have OpenAI achieved impressive records in Dota2, and still have another AI system- Project Debater won over champion debater in a debate game. Indeed, we humans have created AI on our own to assist us, but it also seems that we’re creating masters of our own destiny. Have you ever envisioned a future ruled by AI? Upon this question, maybe some ideas have flashed through your mind. So in this roundtable discussion, we’d like to invite you to discuss this motion:

As AI, this house would

strive torule the world.

时间 | Time

2018.07.27 周五晚 20:00

参与方式 | How to partake in

Reply us and get your QR code

关键词 | Key Words

人工智能Artificial Intelligence


“恐惑谷”理论Unheimlich Theory

强人工智能 Strong AI / True AI

弱人工智能 Weak AI / Narrow AI


Issac Asimov's law of robotics

(不限角度 欢迎多维思考)

其他相关辩题 | Related Motions

- THW ban all the researches that aim to create strong AI.

- THW ban the use of predictive policing AI technologies.

- THBT middle-income individuals should have financial AI programs make major financial decisions on their behalf.

- THS the creation of AI designed for the purpose of AI engaging in romantic relationships.

Picture Source:Internet |

Reference: Wikipedia |

Editing:Sherise |

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