为鼓励年轻一代学者致力于从事前沿创新性植物科学研究、帮助人类解决发展过程中面临的粮食、环境、能源和健康等方面的挑战,Cell Press细胞出版社旗下合作期刊Molecular Plant(《分子植物》)携其姊妹刊Plant Communications(《植物通讯》)特设立“Rising Stars in Plant Sciences” (RSPS) Award,已启动RSPS2025全球申报和遴选活动(https://www.cell.com/cemps/rsps-awards)。欢迎大家积极转发、推荐或申报!
March 31, 2025
Early-career plant scientist who: 1) was born after January 1st, 1983, or received his Ph.D. degree after January 1st, 2015, and 2) has published at least 5 papers reporting novel discoveries and/or technical advances as the first and/or corresponding author.
The applicant should prepare a single PDF file containing the following two documents and email it to mplant@sibs.ac.cn with the subject of “RSPS2025 Application+Name” before March 31, 2025.
I. A research summary that introduces the scientific accomplishments of the applicant and future research plan (within 600 words in total).
II. A short CV (within 2 pages) that includes the name, birth year, a portrait photo, current affiliation, education and working experiences, and a list of no more than 6 representative publications.
Other documents such as recommendation letters from mentors or senior colleagues and relevant certificates may be included in this single PDF but are not mandatory.
I. Initial screening. The editorial team of Molecular Plant will evaluate the application materials and shortlist no more than 20 candidates.
II. Selection by the scientific committee. No more than 10 finalists will be selected by the scientific committee from the shortlist.
III. Oral presentation. The finalists will be invited to present a virtual talk via Zoom in May or June 2025, which will be freely open to the public. The winners will be selected from the finalists by the scientific committee based on their scientific achievements and oral presentations.
Each winner of RSPS2025 will be awarded 1) a US$2,000 honorarium, 2) one fee waiver coupon (valid until July 2027) for publication of a research/resource article in Molecular Plant or its sister journal Plant Communications, and 3) one registration fee waiver for attending a future International Conference on Molecular Plant Sciences (ICMPS).
Each finalist of RSPS2025 will be offered 1) one fee waiver coupon (valid until July 2027) for publication of a research/resource article in Molecular Plant or its sister journal Plant Communications and 2) one registration fee waiver for attending a future ICMPS conference.
此次植物科学新星Rising Stars in Plant Science(RSPS2025)全球遴选由华大生命科学研究院·时空组学提供赞助。
Haodong Chen
Tsinghua University, China
Gözde Sultan Demirer
California Institute of Technology, USA
Xiaofeng Fang
Tsinghua University, China
Alexander M Jones
Cambridge University, UK
Dr.Stéphane Hacquard
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Germany
Edwige Moyroud
University of Cambridge, UK
Tongda Xu
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China
Shangwei Zhong
Peking University, China
Yang Bai
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Pierre-Marc Delaux
LRSV, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
Xiaoqi Feng
John Innes Centre, UK
Yangnan Gu
University of California Berkeley, USA
Rosa Lozano-Duran
University of Tubingen, Germany
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