Scratch游戏全能之星 Scratch Universal World
适合对象/Students:7-8岁零基础 Beginner at ages 7-8
授课语言/Language:英语/ English
上课条件/Prerequisites:具有基本的英语沟通能力 the ability to communicate with instructors in English
开课时间/ Schedule:2018年9月
从Scratch入门:动画及游戏设计Animations & Games
Scratch一阶课程使用来自 MIT 媒体实验室的可视化编程工具 Scratch,旨在让孩子们动手体验编程的乐趣。学生将通过搭建自己设计的动画故事和多媒体游戏,来学习计算机科学中的重要概念,如序列、循环、条件及抽象。我们的老师都受过专业训练,他们将带领同学们的设计富有创意的游戏,从中激励他们思考应用及游戏背后的深层逻辑。
Designed for young imaginative minds, the Scratch 101 course uses Scratch, a block-based programming tool developed by the MIT Media Lab, to give young students hands-on first try on programming. Students learn key computer science concepts such as sequences, loops, conditionals and abstraction by building their own fun projects of animated stories and multimedia games. Students are encouraged and supported by professionally trained instructors to design creative games and to think about the programming processes behind the apps and games they see in daily lives.
课时: 27课时
熟悉 Scratch 中的角色、服装、声音及背景的自定义方式
了解速度、距离、位置及角度的概念以及Scratch 中的 x-y 二维坐标系统
Key Takeaways
Familiarize with Scratch sprites, costumes, sounds and backdrops
Learn events, sequences, loops and geometry
Introduction to speeds, distances, positions, angles and the x-y coordinate system in Scratch
Explore computational thinking concepts and understand conditionals, parallelism and objects
Design and program 5 Scratch animations and games
Scratch II: 算法入门
Algorithm Composing
The Scratch is a deep dive in Scratch for aspiring young programmers following the Scratch course. After learning the fundamentals of Scratch and creative programming, students in the Scratch course solidify their understanding of key computer science concepts including sequences, loops, conditionals, abstraction and object-oriented programming by creating more advanced and even more fun interactive games and projects. In this course, students will also start to use broadcasts to trigger events, thus learning systematic programming.
课时: 27课时
了解 Scratch 中的广播概念,一种在多个组件间进行通信的方式
了解 Scratch 中的克隆及模式识别概念,创作更有效复杂的游戏
设计并编写交互式 Scratch 游戏
计划、测试、实施和测试 Scratch 项目
Key takeaways
Integrate parallelism in single and multiplayer games, to allow for multiple things to happen at the same time
Introduction to broadcasting in Scratch, which allows communication between various components in Scratch
Introduction to clones and pattern recognition in Scratch, for the creation of more efficient and complex games
Compose and program interactive Scratch games
Plan, design, implement and test games with Scratch projects
Scratch III:多媒体游戏
Multimedia Games
三阶课程,专为有抱负的未来程序员设计。本课程的小小创客们将通过设计创造高级多媒体游戏,扩展对计算机编程概念的理解,包括过程、列表、抽象及面向对象编程。同学们还将把 Scratch 项目和麦克风、网络摄像头等硬件项目相整合,创造一个全新的 Scratch 游戏,甚至能通过肢体动作和语音输入来控制游戏!
Designed for aspiring young programmers, continues to build key programming concepts delivered extensive course. Students in the AT103 course expand their understanding of key computer science concepts including procedures, lists, abstraction and object-oriented programming by creating advanced and even more fun multimedia games and projects. In this course, students will also start to integrate Scratch projects with hardware devices such as microphones and webcams, creating a whole new horizon of Scratch games that can be controlled by body movements and voice inputs!
设计及编写使用高级控制语句的 Scratch 项目
在 Scratch 中整合麦克风和摄像头的输入
设计并编写 Scratch 游戏,并加入现实世界的肢体动作及语音输入元素
Key takeaways
Deep dive into structural computer science concepts with procedures and data lists
Design and program Scratch projects involving advanced control flow systems
Introduction to inputs and outputs in a computer system
Integrate and program microphone and webcam inputs in Scratch
Design and program Scratch games that read real world body movements and voice inputs
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