
Moses Christopher@Kiremico Sessions Paris

There is a start for everything and our Kiremico Media Trip in Europe has officially started — Oh yeah!

The excitement is in the air. Lots of musicians to listen to. Cool spots to film, logistics to take care of. Meals to finish fast on the go.

All this checklist in your mind just feels like a good amount of space odyssey techno trance music speed in your heart right when you need exactly the opposite.

Like the one that one opened the waters and took a group to a new land, the amazing Moses Christopher dropped his chilled funky chords and opened the Euro Trip Spirit.

“Terrible Love”, Moses Christopher, at Kiremico Sessions.

This is how did it:

So there I was. Friday late night in front of my computer doing some borderline spamming activity: Group Repostings on Facebook.

I may not have understood marketing correctly, but repostings always work for interacting in many communities, even though the message is the same, and the crowds diverse, musicians are a fun bunch to talk with.

Going a bit down through one of those street musicians I see a guy that calls my attention.

Played one of his videos there and loved what I heard. I decide to go to his page and YouTube channel just to find more amazing songs and come across “Terrible Terribly”, a song that was released while playing in the beach and had all the coolness that you need when the temperature is high and you are scrolling down Facebook groups during a summertime in Paris.

A sunny afternoon was in front of us. Nôtre Dame, Pont Neuf, Louvre Museum. Abunch of places that bring inspiration, as much as Moses Music.

At Kiremico, We help artists share their music to the world through beautifuldigital content.

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