2018年7月16日彭博新闻报道,CFA将会在2019年的考试中加入新的考点Fintech in Investment Management,教材将于8月份推出,在2019年一级和二级考试进行考查。这标志着加密货币和区块链已稳稳的进驻华尔街,成为金融投资不可或缺的一部分。此外人工智能、机器学习、大数据分析和自动化交易也将成为新的考查内容。
再次引用债券指望Bill Cross的名言:
All truth passes through three stages:
First, it is ridiculed;
Second, it is violently opposed;
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.
CFA added the topics, part of a newreading called Fintech in Investment Management, after industry participants showed surging interest in surveys and focus groups. The worlds of finance and crypto have become increasingly intertwined after last year’s Bitcoin boom,with regulated futures now trading in Chicago, blue-chip firms like GoldmanSachs Group Inc. dabbling in digital assets, and scores of Wall Streetersjoining crypto-related startups.
While digital coins have tumbled in 2018 and the real-world impact of blockchain ventures has thus far been limited, some observers say the technology could ultimately transform swathes of the global financial system.
The CFA material on crypto and blockchain will appear alongside other fintech subjects including artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and automated trading. More cryptotopics, such as the intersection of virtual currencies and economics, may eventually be added to the curriculum, Horan said.
The new topics will also make anappearance in the CFA readings on professional ethics, an area that some say is lacking in the crypto world. Many virtual currency projects operate in a legal gray zone, while digital-asset trading venues and initial coin offerings arerife with examples of fraud, market manipulation, money laundering and theft.
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