


Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious pr boastful or arroga nt or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or re sentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

13:4 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,

13:5 不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,

13:6 不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;

13:7 凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;

13:8 爱是永不止息。先知讲道之能,终必归于无有;说方言之能,终必停止;知识也终必归于无有。

13:9 我们现在所知道的有限,先知所讲的也有限,

13:10 等那完全的来到,这有限的必归于无有了。

13:13 如今常存的有信,有望,有爱;这三样,其中最大的是爱。And now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.






新书《Dawn of the New Everything: Encounters with Reality and Virtual Reality》,可译为《一切新事物的曙光:现实与虚拟现实进化简史》,或《信望爱:如梦幻泡影》。

科技思想家、批判者、最早普及Virtual Reality(虚拟现实)一词、被誉为“VR之父”的杰伦·拉尼尔(Jaron Lanier),2017年出版了新书《Dawn of the New Everything》,对VR做出了52个(重新)定义。




endless definition and redefinition– 52 in total:

“VR is one of the scientific, philosophical, and technological frontiers of our era … a means for creating comprehensive illusions that you’re in a different place, perhaps a fantastical, alien environment, perhaps with a body that is far from human”.

VR is (or could be) a means of “improvising reality”;

bringing about “shared lucid dreaming”;

“a cybernetic construction”;

“a person-centred, experiential formulation of digital technology”;

“a cross between cinema, jazz and programming”.




《你不是个玩意儿》(You Are Not a Gadget)指出,互联网正在制造出一批批“数字农奴”——用户放弃了自己的数据和隐私,却没有换来回报或发言权。

在《谁拥有未来》(Who Owns the Future)中,他谴责了科技大公司的垄断势力。




Fourth VR Definition: The substitution of the interface between a person and the physical environment with an interface to a simulated environment.

Fifth VR Definition: A mirror image of a person’s sensory and motor organs, or if you like, an inversion of a person.

Sixth VR Definition: An ever growing set of gadgets that work together and match up with human sensory or motor organs. Goggles, gloves, floors that scroll, so you can feel like you’re walking far in the virtual world even though you remain in the same physical spot; the list will never end.

Seventh VR Definition: A coarser, simulated reality fosters appreciation of the depth of physical reality in comparison. As VR progresses in the future, human perception will be nurtured by it and will learn to find ever more depth in physical reality.

Eighth VR Definition: Technology that rallies the brain to fill in the blanks and cover over the mistakes of a simulator, in order to make a simulated reality seem better than it ought to.

Ninth VR Definition: The investigation of the sensorimotor loop that connects people with their world and the ways it can be tweaked through engineering. The investigation has no end, since people change under investigation.

Tenth VR Definition: Reality, from a cognitive point of view, is the brain’s expectation of the next moment. In virtual reality, the brain has been persuaded to expect virtual stuff instead of real stuff for a while.

Eleventh VR Definition: VR is the most centrally situated discipline.

Twelfth VR Definition: VR is the technology of noticing experience itself.


As technology changes everything, we here have a chance to discover that by pushing tech as far as possible we can rediscover something in our- selves that transcends technology.

VR is the most humanistic approach to information. It suggests an inner-centered conception of life, and of computing, that is almost the opposite of what has become familiar to most people, and that inversion has vast implications.

VR researchers have to acknowledge the reality of inner life, for with- out it virtual reality would be an absurd idea. A person’s Facebook page can continue after death, but not the person’s VR experience. Who is the VR experience for, if not for you?

VR lets you feel your consciousness in its pure form. There you are, the fixed point in a system where everything else can change.

From inside VR you can experience flying with friends, all of you transformed into glittering angels soaring above an alien planet encrusted with animate gold spires. Consider who is there, exactly, while you float above those golden spires.

Most technology reinforces the feeling that reality is just a sea of gadgets; your brain and your phone and the cloud computing service all merging into one superbrain. You talk to Siri or Cortana as if they were people.

VR is the technology that instead highlights the existence of your subjective experience. It proves you are real.



WIRED: You thread the book with more than 50 definitions of virtual reality: “magic tricks, as applied to digital devices,” “a training simulator for Information Age warfare.” Which is your favorite?

Lanier: It’s this notion—and this is very hard to express in words and I don’t claim that I’ve ever succeeded in capturing it—that virtual reality is a future trajectory where people get better and better at communicating more and more things in more fantastic and aesthetic ways that becomes this infinite adventure without end that’s more interesting than seeking power and destroying everything. [Laughs.]

WIRED:One of the more puzzling to me but also interesting definitions was you simply call virtual reality "the inverse of AI"—which makes it sound like it’s kind of inconvertibly human.

Lanier:AI is a fake thing. You take in a bunch of data from people and then you replay that data in various forms of interpolation later on. Whereas in VR, the people are there but they’re being transformed in space into—so it’s a space versus time thing. It didn’t even occur to me that anybody would think AI is a real thing.

WIRED:What’s a definition of virtual reality that you hope we ultimately end up with?

Lanier:[Long pause] A cross between music and perception.




虚拟现实(VR)是什么?技术先锋杰伦·拉尼尔(Jaron Lanier)在新书《Dawn of the New Everything: Encounters with Reality and Virtual Reality》的21个章节、三个附录中给出了52个定义。





拉尼尔是硅谷的一位大人物。1984年,他成立了售卖早期头显和配件的首家虚拟现实公司VPL Research,人们普遍认为是他普及了“虚拟现实”一词。他目睹了科技行业如何从众多由反主流文化的理想主义者经营的创业公司发展成为一家家全球企业。他现在在微软工作。

拉尼尔也是科技行业的批评者。他在2010年出版的首部著作《你不是个玩意儿》(You Are Not a Gadget)中指出,互联网正在制造出一批批“数字农奴”——用户白白放弃了自己的数据和隐私,却没有换来金钱报偿或发言权。在2013年出版的《谁拥有未来》(Who Owns the Future)一书中,他谴责了大科技公司的垄断势力。

《Dawn of the New Everything》是一本关于虚拟现实的回忆录,同时也记述了硅谷不切实际的想法如何引发了混乱和割裂。对虚拟现实领域的观察者来说,这是本必读书,凡是有兴趣了解社会如何发展成如今的模样、未来又将如何变化的人也应该看看这本书。

“嬉皮士加技术控”的文化塑造了硅谷,许多讲述硅谷早期时光的著作也对此大书特书,不过没有谁比满头脏辫的拉尼尔做出了更好的阐述。他在德克萨斯州的艾尔帕索(El Paso)长大,在墨西哥的华雷斯城(Ciudad Juárez)读书。母亲去世后,他和父亲移居新墨西哥州,二人在帐篷里住了两年后搬进了一个自己设计建造的网格穹顶装置里。拉尼尔高中快读完时跳级进入大学,不过未能毕业。在几乎穷困潦倒的状况下,他漂泊数年,尝试了多种职业,最后在硅谷找到了自我。













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