


每个大类下又有一些细分的知识点,对于这些知识点来说,跨考的同学们不必做到“全面精研”,只要能通过查阅资料、阅读文章等方式扫清知识盲区即可,也就是做到OK, I know something about it, and can give a general description of this matter即可。当然,英专的同学别自我感觉良好,也都来看看自己是不是还存在知识盲点哦!


1. 古代西方史 History of the West (Ancient)

古希腊三杰 the Big Three of Greece (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle)

雅典的城邦制度 city states of Greece

伯罗奔尼撒战争与修昔底德陷阱 the Peloponnesian War and the Thucydides’ Trap

亚历山大大帝、马其顿与希腊化 Alexander the Great, Macedonia and Hellenization

罗马帝国的扩张与分裂 the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

罗马的法律体系 the Roman law system

英伦三岛的征服者们conquerors: the Celtics, the Anglo-Saxons, the German and the French

路易十四与封建王权 Luis IVX

我的附庸的附庸不是我的附庸 the feudal system of ancient Europe

2. 近现代西方史History of the West (from the 15th century)

哈布斯堡王朝的覆灭 the fall of Hapsburg

马丁路德与加尔文的宗教改革 the Religious Reformation

文艺复兴三杰 Renaissance: da Vinci, Raffle and Michelangelo

新航路的开辟与世界格局的形成 Geographical Discovery, Christopher Columbus and the start of colonization

启蒙运动Enlightenment: Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu

奥斯曼土耳其帝国的覆灭 the fall of the Ottoman Empire

威斯特伐利亚体系的建立 Westphalia and nation states

西方政治制度的形成:英国光荣革命,法国大革命与美国宪法体系 the Glorious Revolution 1688, the French Revolution 1789 and the US Constitution 1776.

沙皇革命与布尔什维克革命 Peter the Great and the Bolshevik Revolution 1917

明治维新 the Meiji Restoration

第一次世界大战、国际联盟与凡尔赛体系 WWI, the League of Nations and the Versailles System

第二次世界大战、联合国与雅尔塔体系 WWI, the United Nations and the Yalta System

3. 地理 Geographical Knowledge

美国的地缘政治优势 geopolitical advantages of the US

俄罗斯的地缘困境 Russia: a great yet trapped power

中国的周边局势 China’s neighbors and their attitude towards this rising power

世界贸易体系的重要枢纽 key hubs, cities, centers of world trade: Suez, Panama, Maraca, Gibraltar and the Bering Strait

重要的战略要塞 strategically important areas (for warfare)

主要区域性国家联盟 regional integration

欧洲四大半岛 the Scandinavian, the Balkans, the Apennine and the Iberia Peninsula


4. 全球治理 World Governance and International Affairs

联合国及下设机构 the UN and its subsidiary agencies

IMF/世界银行与其他经济体系 IMF, the World Bank and the global economy


八国集团与二十国集团 G8 and G20

2008年次贷危机与金融海啸 the 2008 US sub-prime mortgage crisis and the ensuing global recession

5. 近现代国际关系 International Relations in Recent History

集体安全与北大西洋公约组织 NATO and collective security

博弈论 game theory

美苏古巴导弹危机 Kerchief, Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis

雅尔塔体系的瓦解 the fall of the Yalta System

布雷顿森林体系的瓦解 the fall of the Bretton Woods System

世界治理的中国主张 China’s proposal for world governance

人类命运共同体 a common destiny for all human beings with shared future

硬实力、软实力与巧实力:约瑟夫奈 Joseph Nye, hard power, soft power and smart power

世界主要冲突的历史与文化根源 regional conflicts and the clash of civilizations

以美国为主导的西方治理体系与政治制度 China joining the existing world governance lead by the US

6. 中国的外交政策 China’s Foreign Policies

重大主场外交活动 major diplomatic events at home

中国的关键伙伴国家 key partners of China

中国目前的外交困境 China’s diplomatic challenges

一带一路倡议 the AIIB, the SRF and the Belt and Road Initiative

7. 英语与文学 English Literature

希腊罗马神话故事 Greek and Roman mythology

圣经故事 Bible stories

莎士比亚 William Shakespeare

浪漫主义湖畔诗人 Romanticism and Lake Poets

维多利亚时期的英国文学 Dickens, Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen

现代主义文学 Virginia Woolf, George Orwell and James Joyce

美国的超验主义文学 American Transcendentalism: Emerson, Whitman and Emily Dickinson

海明威、马克吐温与欧亨利 Hemmingway, Mark Twain and O Henry

女性主义文学 feminism and literature

8. 英语国家概况 English-Speaking Countries

英国皇室 the royal family of England

英国议会制度 the House of Lords and the House of Commons

英国大学 Cambridge, Oxford and other UK Universities

英国与欧盟 Brexit

英国的医疗体系 the National Health Service

美国宪法与独立宣言 the 1776 US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence

三权分立 separation of power & check-and-balance

联邦制 the federal system: governors vs. president

美国内战 Lincoln and the US Civil War

美国大选 the General Election and the Presidential Debate

9. 现代科学技术热点 Modern Technological Achievements

粮食安全 food security

5G与通信技术 5G and ICT

转基因 GM food

智慧医疗 smart medical service

大型基础设施建设 infrastructure

人工智能的机遇与挑战 AI: opportunities and challenges

新能源技术的开发与利用 new energy: nuclear, geothermal, solar, tidal, wind and others

全球变暖 global warming

区块链与物联网技术的发展 blockchain and IoT

10. 当下中国的社会问题China’s Headaches

人口结构的变化带来的各种影响 the changing structure of China’s population

社会公平与正义 equality and justice

媒体的功能与管理 media: function, impact, rumors and fake news

治理体系与治理能力的现代化,党的执政水平 modernization of China’s governance

经济金融的开放与稳定 China opening its economy and financial market to the world beyond

中等收入陷阱与发展的可持续性 the middle income trap and the sustainability of China’s development





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