精选文章·Selected Articles
Reflections on the Paradigm Shift in Travel Demand Models in the Big Data Era
【Abstract】Big data has brought revolutionary changes to the developing basis of travel demand models. Reflections on the paradigm shift is not only an adaptation to changes in data conditions in the new era but also a necessary requirement for improving the accuracy of travel demand models. This paper summarizes and contemplates four paradigm shifts in travel demand models based on changes in foundational data conditions. These shifts include: enhancing the explanatory power of models on travel behavior by transitioning from mathematical optimization to causal inference; clarifying the physical meaning of models by moving from proportional factors to probabilistic sampling; achieving inheritance and iterative evolution of current demand by transitioning from holistic reconstruction to incremental models; and improving the precision of travel demand models by moving from finite constraint convergence to prior empirical justification. This paper points out that for both practical application and scientific research in transportation governance, model accuracy is the sole and highest standard for evaluating model quality. Emphasizing paradigm shifts is not meant to negate previous technical approaches in travel demand models but to innovate and develop through inheritance, thus enhancing the capacity of models to simulate and predict the real world.
Requirements for Urban Transportation Development in Building a Strong Transportation Nation
【Abstract】In the new era of achieving modernization in China and building a strong modern nation, it is essential to base efforts on serving major national strategies, comprehensively analyze the vital role of urban transport in supporting a nation with strong transportation network and modern cities, and promote high-quality urban transport development. This paper analyzes the important supporting role of urban transport in enhancing urban competitiveness and national competitiveness, with the focus on fulfilling urban residents’ aspirations for a better life, impacting sustainable urban development, and driving the cultivation of modern metropolitan areas. Key issues for high-quality urban transport development are summarized, including innovating urban transport planning concepts and paradigms, adhering to the national urban development strategy that prioritizes urban public transit development, optimizing policies for vehicle ownership and usage control, creating a transportation system that drives the cultivation of modern metropolitan areas, and advancing the modernization of urban transport governance. To promote high-quality urban transport development, it is critical to center on meeting human needs, organizing efficient, safe, low-consumption, and sustainable urban operations, and implementing the requirements for building a strong transportation nation and modern cities, and achieving modernization of urban transport governance capabilities.
Continuity and Change: Evolution of Urban Transport Development Strategy in China
【Abstract】Urban transport development strategy is a long-term guideline for urban transport development, which includes both goals that need to be adhered to and continued, as well as contents and priorities that need to be adjusted. This paper summarizes the connotation and characteristics of urban transport development strategies in China and abroad and places urban transport development in the context of China’s urbanization, motorization, and modernization of governance. The paper systematically reviews the era characteristics, compilation process, content features, and action priorities of the Urban Transport Development Strategy in China issued in 1995 and the Towards 2035: China’s Urban Transport Development Strategy issued in 2024. Based on reviewing the role of China’s urban transport development strategies and the choice of urban transport development paths, the paper interprets the new positioning and requirements of urban transport as a fundamental public service in cities, compares the inheritance of development goals and evaluation criteria between the two versions of urban transport development strategies, and expands and adjusts the key actions and task requirements. Therefore, the paper further elaborates on the original intention and purpose of re-formulating China’s urban transport development strategy, hoping to gather more consensus and firm development direction for China’s urban transport in the second half of urbanization and motorization.
Urban Transportation Development in China: Current State and 2035 Prospect
【Abstract】An in-depth analysis of the foundational characteristics of urban transport in China, the accurate identification of existing issues, and the projection of future development trends are fundamental tasks for formulating urban transport development strategies. This paper summarizes the characteristics and evolution in urban transport demand over the past four decades in China, highlighting two prominent trends amid the ongoing urbanization process: the diversification of travel types and purposes, and the general increase in commuting distances. Reviewing the outstanding achievements in transportation infrastructure and informationization in road facilities, public transportation system, and transportation informationization, the paper highlights practical issues in China's urban transport system, such as its misalignment with the urban spatial development, declining operational efficiency, and need for enhanced governance capabilities. Looking towards 2035, urban transport development should return to the value orientation that prioritizes meeting people's needs and supporting efficient urban operations. Digital, information-based, and intelligent technologies should be leveraged to drive innovations in developing transportation supply-demand models, governance systems, and governance capabilities, to further promote a deep integration with urban space, economy, society, and ecology and advance towards a vision of high-quality, highly accessible, inclusive, and sustainable development.
《面向2035年 中国城市交通发展战略》成果解读
Discussion on the Accomplishments ofTowards 2035: China’s Urban Transport Development Strategy
【Abstract】Through the lens of economic and social development with the urban modernization progress, the collective body of theories and concerns related to urban mobility is denoted as urban transport issues. These issues reflect fundamental needs for the survival and development of urban residents, playing a vital role in the high-quality development of urban areas and strategies of new urbanization. Leveraging the achievements of the National Natural Science Foundation projects, the research team systematically investigated urban transport concerns and published the Towards 2035: China’s Urban Transport Development Strategy (hereafter referred to as the Strategy). The Strategy addresses the theory of urban mobility as an integral part of urban science, and categorizes urban transport issues as fundamental public services in cities, which are essentially to improve the level of fundamental urban public services. Subsequently, the Strategy identifies new objectives for urban transport development in terms of strategic direction, new requirements, governance mechanisms, and the requirements and standards of the fundamental urban public service system. Finally, the Strategy proposes ten actions to establish and enhance the fundamental public service system and operational mechanisms for urban transport, clarifying the direction of future urban transport development.
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