



Machines might one day replace human laborers in a number of professions, but surely they won't ever replace human artists. Right?


Think again. Not even our artists will be safe from the inevitable machine takeover, if a new development in artificial intelligence by a team of researchers from Rutgers University and Facebook’s A.I. lab offers information of what's to come.They have designed an A.I. capable of not only producing art, but actually inventing whole new aesthetic styles akin to movements like impressionism or abstract expressionism, reports New Scientist.

且三思——如果罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)和脸书(Facebook)下属人工智能实验室的研究人员再搞出些AI新花样来,透露出未来的发展趋势,那么甚至连艺术家也难以在这机器横扫千行千业的大势中自保。据《新科学家》报道,这些研究人员已经设计出了一款人工智能产品,它不但能够制作艺术品,还能创作与艺术运动(如印象主义或抽象表现主义)类似的美学风格

The idea, according to researcher Marian Mazzone, who worked on the system, was to make art that is “novel, but not too novel.” It's such an effective system that the art produced by it is already being given the thumbs-up by human critics when presented in public.

研究人员马里安·马佐尼(Marian Mazzone)表示,研究的指导理念是创作“新颖却不过分标新立异”的艺术。这一艺术创作系统成效显著,对外发布后,甚至对此持反对意见的人也对它所制作的艺术品啧啧称赞。

Thealgorithmat play is a modification of what's known as agenerative adversarial network (GAN), which essentially involves two neural nets that play off against each other to get better and better results.


The model used in this project involveda generator network, which produces the images, anda discriminator network, which "judges" whether it's art. The discriminator is programed with knowledge of 81,500 examples of human paintings that either count as art or don't, as well as knowledge of how to categorize art into known styles, and it uses thesebenchmarksto carry out the judging process.


This may seem overly simplistic, but there's a twist. Once the generator learns how to produce work that the distributor recognizes as art, it's given an additional directive: to produce art that doesn't match any known aesthetic styles.


You want to have something really creative and striking — but at the same time not go too far and make something that isn’t aesthetically pleasing,” explained team member Ahmed Elgammal.

我们想要制作出真正具有创造性、令人震撼的东西,但它同时又不能太过标新立异,这样会导致美感全无。”团队成员艾哈迈德·埃尔加马尔(Ahmed Elgammal)解释道。

The art that was generated by the system was then presented to human judges alongside human-produced art without revealing which was which.To the researchers' surprise, the machine-made art scored slightly higher overall than the human-produced art.


Of course, machines can't yet replace the meaning that's infused in works by human artists, but this project shows that artist skillsets certainly seem duplicatable by machines.


What will it take for machines to produce content that's infused with meaning? That might be the last A.I. frontier. Human artists can at least hang their hats on that domain ... for now.


“Imagine having people over for a dinner party and they ask, ‘Who is that by?’ And you say, ‘Well, it’s a machine actually’. That would be an interesting conversation starter,” said Kevin Walker, from the Royal College of Art in London.

“假设邀请人们来参加一场晚宴,他们问,‘宴会是谁举办的呢?’,然后你回答说,‘事实上,是一台机器’。这会是个有趣的话头儿,”来自伦敦皇家艺术学院的凯文·沃尔克(Kevin Walker)说。

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