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发布2022-10-31 14:57:13
发布2022-10-31 14:57:13

第31届信息和知识管理国际会议CIKM2022将于2022年10月17日-21日以混合会议的方式在美国亚特兰大举行。CIKM会议是数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索领域顶级国际会议,也是中国计算机学会规定的CCF B类会议。关于该会议在历年推荐系统论文收录情况请参考下文:






Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation

Chao Huang (University of Hong Kong), Lianghao Xia (University of Hong Kong), Xiang Wang (University of Science and Technology of China), Xiangnan He (University of Science and Technology of China) and Dawei Yin (Baidu)

Full Papers


A Multi-Interest Evolution Story: Applying Psychology in Query-based Recommendation for Inferring Customer Intention

Accurate Action Recommendation for Smart Home via Two-Level Encoders and Commonsense Knowledge

Adapting Triplet Importance of Implicit Feedback for Personalized Recommendation

AutoMARS: Searching to Compress Multi-Modality Recommendation Systems

Asymmetrical Context-aware Modulation for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation

Automatic Meta-Path Discovery for Effective Graph-Based Recommendation

Beyond Learning from Next Item: Sequential Recommendation via Personalized Interest Sustainability

CROLoss: Towards a Customizable Loss for Retrieval Models in Recommender Systems-CROLoss: 一种推荐系统中检索模型的可定制损失函数

ContrastVAE: Contrastive Variational AutoEncoder for Sequential Recommendation

Contrastive Cross-Domain Sequential Recommendation

Contrastive Learning with Bidirectional Transformers for Sequential Recommendation

Cross-domain Recommendation via Adversarial Adaptation

DeepVT: Deep View-Temporal Interaction Network for News Recommendation

Disentangling Past-Future Modeling in Sequential Recommendation via Dual Networks

Dual-Task Learning for Multi-Behavior Sequential Recommendation

Dually Enhanced Propensity Score Estimation in Sequential Recommendation

Evolutionary Preference Learning via Graph Nested GRU ODE for Session-based Recommendation

Explanation Guided Contrastive Learning for Sequential Recommendation

FedCDR: Federated Cross-Domain Recommendation for Privacy-Preserving Rating Prediction

GBERT: Pre-training User representations for Ephemeral Group Recommendation

GRP: A Gumbel-based Rating Prediction Framework for Imbalanced Recommendation

Generative Adversarial Zero-Shot Learning for Cold-Start News Recommendation

Gromov-Wasserstein Guided Representation Learning for Cross-Domain Recommendation

Hierarchical Item Inconsistency Signal learning for Sequence Denoising in Sequential Recommendation

HySAGE: A Hybrid Static and Adaptive Graph Embedding Network for Context-Drifting Recommendations

Improving Knowledge-aware Recommendation with Multi-level Interactive Contrastive Learning

KuaiRec: A Fully-observed Dataset and Insights for Evaluating Recommender Systems

Leveraging Multiple Types of Domain Knowledge for Safe and Effective Drug Recommendation

MARIO: Modality-Aware Attention and Modality-Preserving Decoders for Multimedia Recommendation

Memory Bank Augmented Long-tail Sequential Recommendation

Multi-Aggregator Time-Warping Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Personalized Micro-video Recommendation

Multi-level Contrastive Learning Framework for Sequential Recommendation

Quantifying and Mitigating Popularity Bias in Conversational Recommender Systems

Rank List Sensitivity of Recommender Systems to Interaction Perturbations

Representation Matters When Learning From Biased Feedback in Recommendation

Rethinking Conversational Recommendations: Is Decision Tree All You Need?

Review-Based Domain Disentanglement without Duplicate Users or Contexts for Cross-Domain Recommendation

SVD-GCN: A Simplified Graph Convolution Paradigm for Recommendation

Spatiotemporal-aware Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks

Storage-saving Transformer for Sequential Recommendations

Target Interest Distillation for Multi-Interest Recommendation

Task Publication Time Recommendation in Spatial Crowdsourcing

Temporal Contrastive Pre-Training for Sequential Recommendation

The Interaction Graph Auto-encoder Network Based on Topology-aware for Transferable Recommendation

Tiger: Transferable Interest Graph Embedding for Domain-Level Zero-Shot Recommendation

Time Lag Aware Sequential Recommendation

Towards Principled User-side Recommender Systems

Two-level Graph Path Reasoning for Conversational Recommendation with User Realistic Preference

User Recommendation in Social Metaverse with VR

Graph Based Long-Term And Short-Term Interest Model for Click-Through Rate Prediction

Hierarchically Fusing Long and Short-Term User Interests for Click-Through Rate Prediction in Product Search

OptEmbed: Learning Optimal Embedding Table for Click-through Rate Prediction

Towards Understanding the Overfitting Phenomenon of Deep Click-Through Rate Models

An Uncertainty-Aware Imputation Framework for Alleviating the Sparsity Problem in Collaborative Filtering

Dynamic Hypergraph Learning for Collaborative Filtering

ITSM-GCN: Informative Training Sample Mining for Graph Convolution Network-based Collaborative Filtering

MDGCF: Multi-Dependency Graph Collaborative Filtering with Neighborhood- and Homogeneous-level Dependencies

NEST: Simulating Pandemic-like Events for Collaborative Filtering by Modeling User Needs Evolution

Explainable Link Prediction in Knowledge Hypergraphs

Applied Papers


A Case Study in Educational Recommenders:Recommending Music Partitures at Tomplay

A Relevant and Diverse Retrieval-enhanced Data Augmentation Framework for Sequential Recommendation

Adaptive Domain Interest Network for Multi-domain Recommendation

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search under Neural Similarity Metric for Large-Scale Recommendation

Improving Text-based Similar Product Recommendation for Dynamic Product Advertising at Yahoo

Knowledge Enhanced Multi-Interest Network for the Generation of Recommendation Candidates

Knowledge Extraction and Plugging for Online Recommendation

MIC:Model-agnostic Integrated Cross-channel Recommender

Multi-Faceted Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning for Recommender Systems

Multimodal Meta-Learning for Cold-Start Sequential Recommendation

PROPN: Personalized Probabilistic Strategic Parameter Optimization in Recommendations

PlatoGL: Effective and Scalable Deep Graph Learning System for Graph-enhanced Real-Time Recommendation

Real-time Short Video Recommendation on Mobile Devices

SASNet: Stage-aware sequential matching for online travel recommendation

Scenario-Adaptive and Self-Supervised Model for Multi-Scenario Personalized Recommendation

UDM: A Unified Deep Matching Framework in Recommender Systems

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2022-09-22,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 机器学习与推荐算法 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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