package OthelloTesting;
public class OthelloGameHandler {
private int[][] gameBoard = new int[8][8];
public OthelloGameHandler() {
public void setBoard(int[][] newBoard) {
gameBoard = newBoard;
public int[][] getBoard() {
return gameBoard;
private final boolean inBounds(int row, int col) {
return row >= 0 && col >= 0 && row < gameBoard.length && col < gameBoard.length;
* Color is: 0 - Empty | 1 - White | 2 - Black Return Messages: 0 - Okay | 1
* - Piece in Spot | 2 - Not Valid Placement
public int move(int color, int row, int col) {
// Check if spot is full
int oppColor = (color == 1) ? 2 : 1;
int returnCode = 2;
if (gameBoard[row][col] != 0) {
returnCode = 1;
if (!inBounds(row, col)) {
returnCode = 2;
// Check if move is Valid...
// Check Right Horizontal
if (col < 6 && gameBoard[row][col + 1] != 0 &&
gameBoard[row][col + 1] == oppColor) {
for (int pos = col + 2; pos < 8; pos++) {
if (gameBoard[row][pos] == 0) {
if (gameBoard[row][pos] == color) {
fill(color, row, col, row, pos);
returnCode = 0;
// Check Left Horizontal
if (col > 1 && gameBoard[row][col - 1] != 0 &&
gameBoard[row][col - 1] == oppColor) {
for (int pos = col - 2; pos > -1; pos--) {
if (gameBoard[row][pos] == 0) {
if (gameBoard[row][pos] == color) {
fill(color, row, pos, row, col);
returnCode = 0;
// Check Bottom Vertical
if (row < 6 && gameBoard[row + 1][col] != 0 && gameBoard[row + 1][col] == oppColor) {
for (int pos = row + 2; pos < 8; pos++) {
if (gameBoard[pos][col] == 0) {
if (gameBoard[pos][col] == color) {
fill(color, row, col, pos, col);
returnCode = 0;
// Check Top Vertical
if (row > 1 && gameBoard[row - 1][col] != 0 && gameBoard[row - 1][col] == oppColor) {
for (int pos = row - 2; pos > -1; pos++) {
if (gameBoard[pos][col] == 0) {
if (gameBoard[pos][col] == color) {
fill(color, pos, col, row, col);
returnCode = 0;
// Check Upper Right Diagonal
// Check Upper Left Diagonal
// Check Lower Left Diagonal
// Check Lower Right Diagonal
return returnCode;
private void fill(int color, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) {
// Horizontal Filling
if (r1 == r2) {
for (int pos = c1; pos <= c2; pos++) {
gameBoard[r1][pos] = color;
if (c1 == c2) {
for (int pos = r1; pos <= r2; pos++) {
gameBoard[pos][c1] = color;
发布于 2017-03-31 08:34:53
// flips discs in one direction
uint64_t flip_dir(const uint64_t P, const uint64_t O, const uint8_t move, const int dX, const int dY)
uint64_t flips = 0;
int i = (move % 8) + dX; // Starting index in x direction
int j = (move / 8) + dY; // Starting index in y direction
while ((i >= 0) && (i < 8) && (j >= 0) && (j < 8)) // In between boundaries
const uint64_t bit = 1ULL << (j * 8 + i); // The bit to look at
if (O & bit) // The bit belongs to the opponent
flips |= bit; // Add to possible flips
else if (P & bit) // The bit belongs to the player
return flips; // All possible flips become real flips
else // The bit belongs to no player
return 0; // There are no possible flips
i += dX; // Advance in direction
j += dY; // Advance in direction
return 0;
uint64_t flip(const uint64_t P, const uint64_t O, const uint8_t move)
return move == 64 ? 0ULL :
flip_dir(P, O, move, -1, -1)
| flip_dir(P, O, move, -1, 0)
| flip_dir(P, O, move, -1, +1)
| flip_dir(P, O, move, 0, -1)
| flip_dir(P, O, move, 0, +1)
| flip_dir(P, O, move, +1, -1)
| flip_dir(P, O, move, +1, 0)
| flip_dir(P, O, move, +1, +1);