环境: Windows 7/ Access 2016 /专用局域网(无互联网)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub testparse()
Dim js As String, i As Long, jo As Object, item As Variant
Dim keys(), vals()
' fails on this string
js = "{ !Category!: !Famous Pets!," & _
"!code!: [!a!,!b!,!c!] }" ' string with multiple values
' with the following string, this works
js = "{ !Category!: !Famous Pets!," & _
" !code!: !singlecodevalue! }"
js = Replace(js, "!", Chr(34)) ' replace ! with quotes
Debug.Print " js = " & js
Set jo = JsonConverter.ParseJson(js) ' returns object with json elements
i = 0
ReDim keys(1 To jo.Count)
ReDim vals(1 To jo.Count)
Debug.Print " Number keys found at top level " & jo.Count
For Each item In jo
i = i + 1
keys(i) = item
vals(i) = jo(item)
Next item
For i = 1 To jo.Count
Debug.Print "key " & keys(i) & " = " & vals(i)
Next i
End Sub
发布于 2020-03-03 08:51:02
Dim json As Dictionary
Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(someJsonString)
Dim topLevelKey As String
For Each topLevelKey In json
Dim item As Variant
Debug.Print topLevelKey & " = " & item
Next topLevelKey
Select Case TypeName(item)
Case "Collection"
'--- loop through the item as a Collection
Case "Dictionary"
'--- loop through the item as a Dictionary
Case Else
'--- the item is a value of some type (String, Boolean, etc)
End Select
Option Explicit
Sub testparse()
Dim js As String, i As Long, jo As Object, item As Variant
Dim keys(), vals()
' fails on this string
js = "{ !Category!: !Famous Pets!," & _
"!code!: [!a!,!b!,!c!] }" ' string with multiple values
' with the following string, this works
' js = "{ !Category!: !Famous Pets!," & _
' " !code!: !singlecodevalue! }"
'--- compound example
' js = "{ !Category!: !Famous Pets!,!code!: [!a!,!b!,{!c! : { !c1! : !1!, !c2!:!2!}}] }"
js = Replace(js, "!", Chr(34)) ' replace ! with quotes
Debug.Print "----------------------"
Debug.Print "js = " & js
Set jo = JsonConverter.ParseJson(js) ' returns object with json elements
ParseDictionary 1, "root", jo
End Sub
Private Sub ParseCollection(ByVal level As Long, _
ByVal key As String, _
ByRef jsonCollection As Variant)
Dim item As Variant
For Each item In jsonCollection
ParseItem level, key, item
Next item
End Sub
Private Sub ParseDictionary(ByVal level As Long, _
ByVal key As String, _
ByRef jsonDictionary As Variant)
Dim dictKey As Variant
For Each dictKey In jsonDictionary
ParseItem level, dictKey, jsonDictionary(dictKey)
Next dictKey
End Sub
Private Sub ParseItem(ByVal level As Long, _
ByVal key As String, _
ByRef item As Variant)
Select Case TypeName(item)
Case "Collection"
Debug.Print Format(level + 1, "00 ") & key & " (collection)"
ParseCollection (level + 1), key, item
Case "Dictionary"
Debug.Print Format(level + 1, "00 ") & key & " (dictionary)"
ParseDictionary (level + 1), key, item
Case Else
Debug.Print Format(level, "00 ") & key & " = " & item
End Select
End Sub