
VINAMAC EXPO 2023-第18届越南国际工业产品、原材料及机械设备展览会

时间: 15 - 17/ 11/ 2023, 胡志明市展览中心 - SECC, 越南胡志明市七郡, 阮文灵路799号

Supported by Ministry of Industry & Trade, Ministry of Planning & Investment, Ho Chi Minh CityPeople's Committee, Vietnam Advertisement & Fair Exhibition JSC – VIETFAIR will organize the The International Exhibition on Industrial Machinery, Equipment, Technology and Products in Ho Chi Minh City - Vinamac Expo 2023

The show will attracts about 500 booths of 300 exhibitors from many countries and regions such as: Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Czech Republic, China, Thailand, India, Korea and Vietnam.

Scope of exhibits:

Construction: Techonlogies, machineries, equipment, buiding procducts  components of construction, concrete mixers and silos.

Energy: Technology, Machinery and solar equipment, generators, substation, transmission equipment, air conditioner etc...

Lighting equipment: illuminators, measuring equipment, test and lighting equipment manufacturers,  LED, OLED, solar lights ...

Mechanic manufacturing: Metal cutting equipment, rolling mill, casting machine, surface machining, automatic machinery ...

Agriculture: Machinery, tools for agricultural production, animal husbandy machinery, aquiculture etc...

Food processing, packaging and  printing: Food processing machinety and equipment, packing machinery anh equipnemt, printing machines, type-setting equipment, book blingding machinery...

Textile, garment and footwear:  Cotton anh silk procesing machinery, textile spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing anh finishing machinery...

Rubber and Plastic: Raw Materials, silos and discharge devices, driers for bulk materials, mixers, machinery and equipment for rubber and plastics, machinery for foam, reaction or reinforced resins, bending, folding and edge trimming machines, presses, cutting machines, mounds and dies, auxalarities, semi finished products, technical...

Wood working: Wood Materials and veneer production, solid wood processing machinery, papeer factory etc...

The Exhibition will bring the opportunities to enterprises in selecting and sourcing high quality products from many developed countries in the world. The exhibition is also an ideal place to promote their products, expand business networks in Vietnam, especially in the southern provinces.

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