
EU GMP问答-11 附录11 计算机化系统10问

EUGMP guide annexes: Supplementary requirements: Annex 11: Computerised systems

EU GMP指南附录:补充要求:附录11:计算机化系统

1.Appropriate controls for electronic documents such as templates should beimplemented. Are there any specific requirements for templates of spreadsheets?H+V February 2011

对于电子文件,例如模板要进行适当的控制。这里对于数据表是否有什么特定的要求?H+V 2011年2月

Templates ofspreadsheets help to avoid erroneous calculations from data remaining fromprevious calculations. They should be suitably checked for accuracy andreliability (annex 11 p7.1). They should be stored in a manner which ensuresappropriate version control (chapter 4 p4.1).


2. What typeof accuracy checks (annex 11 p 6) are expected for the use of spreadsheets? H+VFebruary 2011

使用数据表格时,要进行哪些准确度检查(附录11页5)?H+V 2011年1月

Data integrityshould be ensured by suitably implemented and risk-assessed controls. Thecalculations and the files should be secured in such a way that formulationsare not accidentally overwritten. Accidental input of an inappropriate datatype should be prevented or result in an error message (e.g. text in a numericfield or a decimal format into an integer field). So-called 'boundary checks'are encouraged.


3. Are thereany specific considerations for the validation of spreadsheets? H+V February2011

数据表的验证有哪些需要特殊考虑的?H+V 2011年2月

Validationaccording to paragraph 4 of annex 11 is required at least for spreadsheets thatcontain custom code (e.g. Visual Basic for applications). Formulas or othertypes of algorithm should be verified for correctness.

根据附录11第4段,对数据表格所需要进行的验证至少包括定制代码(例如visual Basic应用)。公式或其它计算输入应进行正确性核实。

4. Whatmeasures are required to ensure data security of databases? H+V February 2011

要采取什么措施来保证数据库的数据安全性?H+V 2011年2月

Data securityincludes integrity, reliability and availability of data. During validation ofa database-based or inclusive system, consideration should be given to:


·implementing procedures and mechanisms to ensure datasecurity and keeping the meaning and logical arrangement of data;


·load-testing, taking into account future growth ofthe database and tools to monitor the saturation of the database;


·precautions for necessary migration of data (annex 11p17) at the end of the life-cycle of the system.


5. At whichphases of the system life-cycle is risk management recommended? H+V February2011

推荐在系统的生命周期哪个阶段进行风险管理?H+V 2011年2月

Risk managementshould be applied throughout the whole life-cycle. A first risk assessmentshould be performed to determine the GMP criticality of the system, i.e. doesthe system have an impact on patient safety, product quality or data integrity?User-requirement specifications are usually developed with consideration ofpotential risks and form the basis for the first formal risk assessment.


Complex systemsshould be evaluated in further more detailed risk assessments to determinecritical functions. This will help ensure that validation activities cover allcritical functions.


Risk managementincludes the implementation of appropriate controls and their verification.


6. Are userrequirements needed as part of the retrospective validation of legacy systems?H+V February 2011

遗留系统的回顾性验证是否还需要用户需求手册?H+V 2011年2月

The way tocheck whether a computerised system is fit for its intended purpose is todefine user requirements and perform a gap analysis to determine the validationeffort for retrospective validation. These user requirements should beverified.


7. When do Ihave to revalidate computerised systems? H+V February 2011

我要在什么时候再验证计算机化系统?H+V 2011年2月

Computerisedsystems should be reviewed periodically to confirm that they remain in avalidated state. Periodic evaluation should include, where applicable, thecurrent range of functionality, deviation records, change records, upgradehistory, performance, reliability and security. The time period for revaluationand revalidation should be based on the criticality of the system.


8. What arethe requirements for storage time of electronic data and documents? H+VFebruary 2011

电子数据和文件的存贮时长要求是什么?H+V 2011年2月

Therequirements for storage of electronically data and documents do not differfrom paper documents. It should be ensured that electronic signatures appliedto electronic records are valid for the entire storage period for documents.


9. What arethe relevant validation efforts for small devices? H+V February 2011

小型装置的相关验证要求是怎么样的?H+V 2011年2月

Small devicesare usually off-the-shelf pieces of equipment that is widely used. In thesecases, the development life-cycle is mainly controlled by the vendor. Thepharmaceutical customer should therefore reasonably assess the vendor’scapability of developing software according to common standards of quality.


A vendorassessment needs to be performed and the application needs to be verifiedagainst the requirements for the intended use. From the perspective of theregulated industry, the implementation of such a device is driven by animplementation life-cycle. At minimum the following items need to be addressed:


lrequirement definition for the intended use includingprocess limitations. This should also include a statement indicating whetherdata are stored or transferred to another system. As per the definition of asmall device, data are not stored permanently but temporarily and are not to bemodified by a user. Therefore, limited user access handling is acceptable. Itneeds to be ensured that parameter data influencing the device's behaviour maynot be altered without suitable permission;


lrisk assessment, taking into consideration theintended use and the risk to patients for associated with the process supportedby the small device;


lvendor assessment;


llist of available documentation from the vendor,especially those describing the methodology used and the calculation algorithm,if applicable. A vendor certificate or equivalent detailing the testingperformed by the vendor may also be included;


lcalibration certificate, if applicable;


lvalidation plan according to the risk-assessmentresults;


lverification testing proving that the device fulfillsthe requirements for the intended use. It may be equivalent to a PQ-phase.


Smallmanufacturing devices are sometimes only equipped with microprocessors andfirmware and are not capable of high-level administration functions. Moreover,data is often transient in nature in these devices. Due to the latter there isno risk of inadvertently modifying data. An audit trail is therefore notnecessary and user access may be limited to those functions of parametercontrol.


10. Whatalternative controls are accepted in case a system is not capable to generateprintouts indicating if any of the data has been changed since the original entry?H+V February 2011

如果系统不能产生打印指示是否上次原始输入后有数据被更改,那可以什么样的替代控制是可以接受的?H+V 2011年2月

As long as thisfunctionality is not supported by the supplier, it may be acceptable todescribe in a procedure the fact that a print-out of the related audit trailreport must be generated and linked manually to the record supporting batchrelease.


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