








(资料来源: 中国金融新闻网)

English Digest

Technology + Operation: enhancing internal power for car Rental

Recently, Pingan International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Pingan Leasing") announced the results of the first half of 2019. Data shows that in the first half of 2019, Pingan Leasing achieved operating income of 9.852 billion yuan, an increase of 42.7 percent year on year, a net profit of 2.025 billion yuan-an increase of 42.4 percent year on year.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the continuous improvement of overall operating income and net profit, Pingan rental car business performed brightly in particular. According to the performance report, the car rental business of Pingan Leasing reached 10.4 billion yuan in the first half of 2019, following a full-year increase of more than 100 per cent in 2018.

Under the background that China's car market is full of uncertainty and the downward cycle of the automobile industry is obvious, Pingan rental car business has attracted the attention of the market as it can achieve high-speed and steady operation. In this regard, Pingan Leasing said that companies can build car business differentiation competitive advantage through the development of "scientific and technological empowerment + financial operation", which can become the key to break through the current car rental industry.

In fact, at present, China's auto finance industry is entering the key point of reform and upgrading. On the one hand, under the influence of the complex economic situation at home and abroad, the growth rate of new car production and sales in China has slowed down, and automobile financial leasing business has begun to rise as a new industry in automobile finance business. On the other hand, the automobile financial market has also formed a diversified competition pattern, and the financial leasing company has gradually grown into an important main body to participate in the automobile financial market.

It is expected that in the next three years, the automobile financial leasing industry will maintain a compound growth rate of about 20 percent, and the size of the automobile financial leasing market will reach 389.7 billion yuan by 2021. In fact, unlike large aircraft and ship leasing projects, car leasing is mainly aimed at C-end customers to carry out business, the need to sign lease contracts for individuals. Therefore, dealing with the problems of risk control and efficiency is the key to the smooth development of car rental business. In view of the characteristics of the car rental market, there are many companies in the current market put efforts in building scientific and technological capacity through the application of big data, cloud computing and other technologies and scientific and technological layout in the risk control port.

According to Pingan Leasing, the development of Pingan rental car business is inseparable from low-cost, efficient business development and risk prevention work. Behind these, it benefits from the internal construction of a set of "data + model + technology" intelligent risk control protection and service system. In terms of customer identification, Pingan Leasing grasps multi-dimensional car loan data through cooperation with Pingan Technology and Qianhai Credit, and forms a strong control over the condition of used cars with the help of the vehicle information resources of Pingan property Insurance in vehicle quality control. In the financial risk control, the anti-fraud model is developed, the automatic pre-examination and approval is realized, the intelligent risk control system is set up, and the risk prediction is carried out. In addition, equipment fingerprint, artificial intelligence, voice print recognition and other technologies have been used to improve the efficiency of examination and enhance the ability of fraud identification, so as to promote the steady growth of car rental business.

In order to further develop the auto finance post-service market, companies in the industry have begun to act one after another. For example, Lion Bridge Group, which has a market segment of commercial vehicles, has provided post-market operating capital services, freight order services and second-hand car trading services to the owners of bypass drivers in the later stage of operation and withdrawal from replacement, refining the operational capacity to create a full cycle of commercial vehicle service ecosystem.


审校:张 媛


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