

Work shortage is not a problem at the KSP HQ with the team continuing development on the upcoming 1.4.4 as we mentioned last week. One of the aspects that is being looked at is the particle system FX. After the release of 1.4, various players identified visual issues regarding the particle system, which seemed to have experienced a setback. We took notice and took on the task of making these system look and behave better. We looked into the code to determine the situation, and now that the assessment is done, we are implementing improvements to make ourSRBexhausts, smoke, spark, flame and aero/reentry effects, among others, look and behave better. As of today, the team finished work on the smoke effect to ensure that these particles look sparser and dissipate faster. The Splashdown effects have been also improved with the timing of the splash and positioning looking and behaving considerably better. Additionally, theSRBexhaust and sparks, which were using the force pattern for smoke, were tweaked to make them look better.


The particle system wasn’t the only thing in the agenda. We also updated the look of the maneuver nodes in MapView so that these fade slightly when positioned behind a celestial body. This small feature should help to manage and distinguish your nodes when performing elaborate maneuvers.


The team also continues to work on various enhancements for the expansion. For example, we are implementing key binding improvements for the Mission Builder. This will allow creators to use [ESC] key to quit or close all dialogs and Mission Builder scene, [TAB] key to move to the next field in the SAP, and [`] key to set the search field to have focus as in theVABandSPH. Our aim is to facilitate the process of creation with quality of life features that were missing.


In other news, the folks at BlitWorks have also been occupied with the development of the new patch for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition. This upcoming patch aims to solve many issues that this version was experiencing. In the latest build, they managed to solve a bug that displayed all the buildings as fully upgraded Tier 3 buildings when starting a new career game. This bug also prevented players to properly manage them since the buildings were shown as being fully upgraded. Another annoying bug that was squashed in this build displayed the available parts twice in the Research and Development building. Kudos, BlitWorks!


Don’t forget that you can also share and download missions on Curse, KerbalX, and the KSP Forum.

不要忘了你可以在Curse,KerbalX以及 KSP论坛上上传和下载任务哟!

That’s it for this week. Be sure to join us on our official forums, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Stay tuned for more exciting and upcoming news and development updates!


Happy launchings!



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