China is grooming its smartest teenagers to develop AI-powered weapons to help the superpower 'lead the game of modern wars'
Some of China's smartest high school graduates have been recruited to study the manufacturing of AI weaponry to keep Beijing ahead of the war game.
The Chinese teenagers are studying at Beijing Institute of Technology, a top university in the country specialising in engineering and national defence.
The class, unveiled last month, comprises 31 students who are selected based on their academic achievements and their level of patriotism, according the school.
Fresh sacks, London, United Kingdom
The allied master computer will enslave us all
Patrick Mara, Loserville, New Zealand
Will they be as good as those virtual dog robots that can climb stairs, do cartwheels and shoot you between the eyes with lasers? Fingers crossed!
trader 74747, Cracknel, United Kingdom
I am truly amazed that there are people who are unaware, that most if not all developed countries are researching AI based weapons
LostToddler, Bristol, United Kingdom
If you are studying AI weapons to take the humanity out of killing... You are an evil.
snozzberry, Phoenix, United States
US should do the same
JHouse678, Singapore
Don't will break after using it a few times
MadameAntoine, many properties, Canada, 2 weeks ago
On jobs- if companies had to "hire" robots in place of people and the ownership of the robot was linked to a person, they could get paid for the robots work? It would keep humans being paid atleast ?
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