

What did IBM Watsondo wrong in BusinessAI Strategy

Last month, IBM pared down its Waston drug discovery effort, about 10 months after it scaled back its Watson hospital business.


It is inevitable for some to ask the question, “is AI overhyped? is the long-touted next AI winter coming?” Well, predicting the future is really hard, especially regarding things undergoing heavy evolution. But the short answer is “no, no”.


Actually, IBM still has some of the best researchers and engineers, and it still works with some of the top academic institutions.


Where IBM failed, was what I call “lackluster business AI strategy at the executive level”. I’m not blaming IBM top executives for their shortcomings. Truth be told, IBM started its Watson health care 4 years before I preached the business AI strategy principal — “High value, low stake”. So, it’s not like that I knew the future better, and earlier than IBM.


It does not mean there is nothing we can learn from the Watson misfortune though  — especially in new Business Strategy in the AI era.


What caused Watson health’s trouble? It is actually great technology, AI was able to recognize pictures of cancer at a higher rate than doctors. But it’s great in the lab. The business executives had minimum reference and experience in introducing AI as a business, and mainly let engineers show them what can be accomplished, and went to market without fully integrated Business-AI strategy.


The problem of the health care industry is exactly what my Business AI strategy principal shuns — it is a High Stake topic. We are talking about people’s lives. While on paper (or more harshly speaking, in numbers) AI could have increased accuracy of diagnosis, mistakes, no matter how small the percentage is, could cost lives — and for those who suffer from those “unlikely” outcomes, that’s 100% for the individual and the family.


A doctor, while could make mistakes, is a trained physician who can react as soon as the error is found, who can continuously make judgments based on feedback, react to treatment (or the lack of), and correct the mistake. On the other hand, AI can’t, it gives its opinion based on “engineered” data as input and is unable to treat the patients, so whatever happens to the patients is disconnected from the AI’s opinion. While on paper, it reduced misdiagnosis, it does so in a single round comparison. By disconnecting diagnosis and treatment, it increases the risk of those who were misdiagnosed. Also, because human doctors hardly understand why AI makes certain recommendations, it makes it harder for human doctors to identify and correct those mistakes.


For drug research, it is similar, while AI can have a higher chance of finding a drug cocktail that might work, when it comes to the clinical trial, we are talking about human lives, and the lack of understanding (or agreement)of why the AI makes certain recommendations is not helping to convince me to take a trial drug.


So, what are “high value, low stake” business process? Generally, these are high volume (lots of repeats), and high fault tolerance processes. For example, highway toll road license plate recognition, it is a repeating job (boring), and if the AI misses charging a vehicle, that’s not the end of the world. (but if AI sent out a ticket automatically, it can become a high stake use case, so we would not recommend sending out ticket automatically).


Another example is a restaurant menu recommendation system — many people go to a restaurant do not know what they want to eat, asking the server for recommendations only goes that far, a voice-driven system can actually listen to the diner’s question, analyze their tone even accent and give a best-guess. If it’s a hit, great, if not, likely no harm was done “other than” increased customer engagement. (yeah, talking about Jeopardy win, right?)


How can businesses avoid what happened to IBM Watson?

企业应该如何避免发生在IBM Watson身上的事情呢?

It’s a tall order — IBM is one of the longest thriving tech company, being better than IBM is not something easy.


That being said, there is hope. Seeing IBM testing out some business strategies gives the rest of us more insights into what to avoid, what to embark on.


Number one, it’s a business strategy, not a technology strategy, unless you are a research institute. What does it mean is the business leaders need to understand what AI is good at, (and not so good at) for their own business. Executives need to learn enough about AI technology to make strategic decisions, they can’t delegate AI to techie people only, otherwise, they might very well end up with a “technically feasible” but financially not viable, or business-wise undesirable AI case.


Number two, AI does not simply replace human. (This one is really hard for executives who do not learn about AI, see #1 above). Lots of people managers are used to “motivate” people for doing things, and implicitly delegate decision making to their people. They use “soft rules” expecting human employees to fill the gaps between the lines. AI is different, leaders need to have a very clear vision of what are the rules of engagements, and what processes should entail. Fault tolerance needs to be designed into the process, instead of relying on the workforce’s common sense. Ambiguity with AI will be amplified and the result would be unpredictable, or uninterpretable.


Number three, AI can do things human could not (or very costly to do). For example, finding a face from thousands of faces, or monitor millions of occurrences of signal and identify abnormally. So designing a new business process that previously never existed could be the most valuable, yet most challenging responsibility for business leaders. For example, most people know NetFlix’s recommendation really helps us finding what we want to watch next. However, before Machine Learning, movie recommendations were not individualized — some “experts” wrote general critiques and we read then decide if we would risk a couple of hours of our lives to watch a title, AI allowed Netfix to know what I like to watch better than myself, it does not rely on critics articles, nor my willingness to read and trust them. This is a new business model Blockbuster did not realize and suffered the consequence.


So is there a surefire shortcut for AI business strategy? Sorry to bare the tough news, I have not run into one successful AI business that attributed their success to some surefire rules. But there are some key commonalities of those who are successful.


These businesses tend to have Data Scientists (or ML experts) within their core executive team. The knowledge and understanding of AI can’t be a “skill” hanging low on the totem pole. Cross-discipline skills covering “what AI can do for my business” is a common competitive advantage that separated them from the rest (see Number one above).


They also find a problem that has not yet been solved that is big enough — sometime the problem might not be screaming at you, and need to be uncovered. For example, StitchFix found that average John and Joe can use stylist as well, but if you do user group survey, most likely people won’t tell you this was a need — I never thought about using a personal stylist, cause that sounds cheesy and “just not my type of people’s” way of living. It turned out that was a problem, that I just kept avoiding it. And StitchFix uncovered it. Identifying the problem is half the solution, in case of AI, it is probably 2/3 of the solution.


Then there are the knowledge, tools, and ability to solve the problem. Remember no single AI algorithm can solve all big problems. To deliver functionality, AI is a (key) component of a connected system. There are thing Machine Learning achieves, but other tasks of the process chain are best suited for good old programming logic. There might be processes need to be changed so that AI can achieve the same goals (or better) as human used to do, but using different approaches. So a functioning decision-making unit that covers good old software development, integration, and process engineering, organizational change management on top of state-of-the-art AI understanding are needed.


Last but not least, AI evolves really really fast. So an AI business strategy needs to understand this is not a competition of highest accuracy number to the 4 digits after the decimal point. The AI business strategy needs to be shaped with the future in mind: what if your core algorithm is no longer the best of the class, is your architecture flexible enough to change some components without completely collapse, is there sufficient barrier of entry other than your AI algorithms, will newer AI capabilities undermine your initiative in a surprising way…


In short, looking at what is available on the market to buy is not a winning AI strategy for most businesses. The future will likely see more consolidation, and the few lucky early adopters might “take it all”. So the stakes are pretty high for most businesses.


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