
Self-driving cars to start pilot test in Guangzhou广州惊现无人驾驶出租车!


In the future, if you call a taxi on Guangzhou's International Bio Island, a pilotless vehicle may come to pick you up and bring you to your destination. Huangpu district and Guangzhou Development District (GDD) recently signed a cooperative investment agreement with JingChi Inc. (JingChi), a pilotless automobile company, making Guangzhou International Bio Island China's first pilot site for the commercialization of self-driving cars.

At the agreement signing ceremony, Han Xu, the chief technology officer, and Yang Qingxiong, vice president of technology from JingChi, took a self-driving car down a slope, made a turn, went around a central pool and came to a stop. This marked the first demonstration of self-driving cars in Guangzhou.

These cars were converted from a Lincoln MKZ, which sells for between 270,000 and 410,000 yuan. Would it be safe enough to take such cars? Let's look at some video clips of the road test.

1. Dodging bicycles going in the wrong direction

2. Avoiding pedestrians going across the road

3. Turning around

4. Overtaking at night

5. Recognizing roadblocks (as well as pedestrians) at night

The pilotless automobile company, according to the New Express Daily, has moved its core team from Silicon Valley to Huangpu district and GDD and established connections with multiple auto factories, suppliers, map companies and local authorities.

The company also plans to set up its global headquarters, including its research and development (R&D) division and operational and sales headquarters, in the district, in an effort to become the first company to commercialize self-driving cars on a large scale in China. About 500 to 1,000 self-driving cars are expected to be produced in 2018.

Pony.ai, another company dedicated to self-driving cars, will also test their products in Nansha district this year. Their self-driving cars, equipped with multiple kinds of sensors, are said to be able to detect — from 360 degrees — all obstacles within the three-dimensional space with no single blind angles.

Are you excited about the future of self-driving cars? Will you be willing to try one some day? Tell us by leaving your comments below.

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  • 原文链接http://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20180110G0NNC500?refer=cp_1026
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